Throw setups

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Qu4ilman, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Qu4ilman

    Qu4ilman New Member

    Hey guys. I'm having a really hard time throwing my friends. They don't tech roll and they don't think enough to block. They throw out a lotta random shit(My friend uses Lei Fei and drives me up the wall). I'd like to throw them, but it's proving to be rather difficult. The only time I can throw them is when I do uf+p+k after they do a get up kick and I throw them in the back(I would actually rather his df+g+p+k, but can never seem to do that.)
  2. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    if they don't let you throw them then don't throw them, just keep poking and getting counter hits. when they decide to stop attacking on disadvantage and block instead, then you'll have openings to throw.
  3. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    i'm just guessing on some of these since i'm a beginner but its worth exploring as basic options. i'm sure others can elaborate more on countering to throw of lei fei's specific moves.

    1. practice dashing in and out of the maximum throw range.

    2. practice the /offensive/ defensive move to get off their attacking axis.

    3. mixup fake rolls into throws instead of the uppercut.

    4. try 7+p+k at a further distance so you land right in front when you have advantage.

    5. try combos that can be cancelled to rocket discharge on hit/block.

    6. use moves that can crumple and dash in.

    7. use tornado spin to interrupt their combo and dssh in.

    8. learn your friend's attack pattern and just block till you have advantage.
  4. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    If they don't block, you don't need to worry about throwing them. You don't even need to worry about setting up throws. Just counter hit them, launch, juggle, relaunch for "massive damage" =P. Losing to you every match will make them think about working on their defense. Once they start playing defensively, then you can worry about throw setups.
  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I don't know what el Blaze's mid kick (usually 3k) looks like, but for a lot of characters it'll create a "stun" that novice players won't struggle out of. So just dash in and delay your throw a little.

    But yeah, if they're not blocking, you should be attacking :p
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I had this problem when I was still in Oceanside.

    The only "competition" I had was a friend who didn't even own a PS2, and played Jacky. His style of play was similar to his Kilik: "Do whatever attack looks cool and mash fast ones in between."

    What I did in VF was just forget about throws, taught my friend how to tech and had Oki practice with my Akira (Rinse repeat, 100-0).

    Tell them how to tech, and if they mash, rely on frame advantage of of El Blaze's P, 2P and 3P. You can practice hit checking this way. It'll be helpful in the long run. Also use them as a way to practice evades.

    Better than nothing...
  7. Qu4ilman

    Qu4ilman New Member

    Well I've been getting them with more throws lately. Usually after a d+1 ch(I don't know any VF lingo) They get scared and I can do whatever throw I want. Also that hop over thing when their on the ground. I've been getting a lotta back throws with that bad boy.
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I usually do a a couple of low jabs to calm some fools down, and them come with his rising knee. If they keep getting hit with low jabs a lot, they're going to start blocking. And remember, his /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/u.gif../forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif dodge is a good counter attack that leads to a rocket discharge that could be setup with his throw, or any type of attack. If there offensive, like you said: counter dodge, and trust me, there going to start blocking.

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