This is what happens once you...

Discussion in 'General' started by DecimalPoint, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. DecimalPoint

    DecimalPoint Member

    Stop playing Virtua Fighter 5 for a week, these are the results:

    From 362 wins and 90 losses - I go to 367 wins and 110 losses.

    I lost 20 times, and the majority of the losses were to 2nd and 4th dans. With that being said, I'm going to stop playing this game competitively. I don't have the time nor patience to dedicate 4+ hours a day to this game just so that I won't lose my touch. The same thing applies to most other games in fact, for example: Gears of War, Dead or Alive 4, Halo 3, etc.

    That's what turned me off to the entire concept of ranked matches. It's not very convenient when you're in an environment that easily distracts you from a game that otherwise requires concentration. People just can't constantly display the same level of skill week in and week out, and I've always been aware of that -- but I never thought that my skills would have degraded this much.
  2. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    I don't even dedicate that many hrs a DAY to VF and I am still able to beat the majority of the people I face ( and I am 5th Dan)
  3. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I don't see on-line VF5 equivalent to being competitive in the game. I would say going to tournaments is being competitive in the game.
  4. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Then enjoy whatever game you play next. Cheers!
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    oh darn, another Lei Fei masher is gone.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Honestly, how long have you played this game?

    Did it not occur to you that players in the past week have gotten better? What have you done it the past week to improve? If you did nothing what do you expect?

    Everyone goes through dry spells, learn from your losses and adapt.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Whiny cause your cheap, unskilled tactics don't work anymore...

    You know this is from the guy who does the same move over and over trying to be cheap just to win his "ranked match"... People got better after the first week and figured out how to stop his cheap button mashing and he's pissed. I don't care about my win/loss record, I just like playing the game. Winning is nice but when a game is this deep and complex, I honestly think just playing it is the fun part. There's so much room for improvement that whether you win or lose you get better. Button mashers and people who play cheap think winning is everything. So much so that they'll do the same three moves for literally 600 games just to win... That sounds so god damn boring it's unbelievable. In the case of this game: winning really isn't everything.

    I played a Vanessa who just did low kick, low kick, sweep side kick over and over... Three moves and the guy had played over 600 games. That is just LAME!!!
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    if you are losing to a guy spamming low kick then try a dashing elbow next time. Even if you dont block the low kick, you are either at advantage or even frame-wise. This means if they try to low kick again or do anything slower than a jab, block or evade, a dashing elbow or super dashing elbow will hit 100%. Sitting there in the guys face trying to reverse what you think hes gonna do next is not a smart strategy for akira imo.
  9. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    Exactly. VF5 easily has the best network infrastructure compared to ALL other XBL fighters, but i just can't take online play too serious, and i think it'll help others if they have the same mentality.
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It's just sad too because what do you have to lose except the match? It's not like you have 50 cents on the line cause you're in the arcade and you play cheap so you don't get knocked off the machine. But if you're sitting at you house playing xbox online, why would winning be so important to you that you give up on using any skill and just spam moves in a vain attempt to win. I couldn't care less about my W/L record, I just like playing. And if I beat some one using true skill and hard moves that's when I feel good. Not when I spam low punch and kick. I wouldn' even waste my time practicing being cheap because it's not fun, it's just boring and a waste of time. People take their "rank" waaaaay too seriously, just have fun with it, losing here and there or everywhere isn't gonna kill you or your wallet. You're basically playing for free so who cares if you win or lose, especially by being cheap!
  11. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Its like that with any game though. Tekken, sf, you name it. Instead of getting upset, just try to get even. If you take a little time, you can most likely learn how to beat it and then rack up free wins against those guys since they cant do anything else.
  12. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I had an instance yesterday, where a guy was talking mega trash in the middle of the match because he won the first 2 rounds. I got in my groove and picked him apart the next 3 like I should have. The guy cursed and whined and I just moved on. I ran into him again a few minutes later and he says, "Oh, not you again. Blah blah blah" and proceeded to talk more trash. I beat him again and decided to tell him that he cries too much, then I moved on. I ran into again a few minutes later and I couldn't understand what he was saying in between all the cursing. He ranted for the few seconds you get before the match starts and then disconnected. <--That's taking things a little too seriously. Afterwards, I sent him about 6 friends requests that he quickly declined and sent him a message that "I like you too."
  13. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Sometimes you have to ask yourself how bad do you want it.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I played a Brad who tried to unplug his xbox and disconnect just as he was about to lose but he did it one second too late so I got the win. Now that's taking it way to far. Thats even worse than being cheap. Who cares about your W/L record if when you play you suck? If you unplug your modem when your about to lose everytime so you're a 100 and 0 but you still suck, who are you fooling? Not me...
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter.

    Just play the random ranked or player matches to find people that know how to play the game and then just play only those people in private matches.

    After that move to offline when you can.

    Caring about your w/l record is probably why you lose anyway
  16. POKUS

    POKUS Member

    Unfortunately, the game doesn't require maturity to play...
    I've often been disconnected from games from people just about to lose who just didn't want to play me again...

    And playing against losers who can only repeat the same moves over and over again, although EXTREMELY frustrating at times, has become a challenge to me. Although I've played Shun Di from VF3 to VF5 thoroughly and know and use most of his moves/combos, I still hesitate when I confront these players... It's good practice for me... Once I can beat these types, then I can truly say I have mastered the game, until then, I am still learning big time...
  17. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I've learned more from two days of online play, then I would have in two years of playing the CPU. Since I don't have the option of tournaments (though I'm going to start trying, even if I have to do it myself) this is the best option.

    The one thing I really notice is scrubs and good players, I have to have two different mindsets. I have to actually forget the good shit I use when playing someone like Slide and just stick to basics. That said, when the easy shit stops working, I can play regularly now. That's what I've gotten from playing someone good a few dozen times.
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Our Original Poster did not see his skills degrade or even people adapt to his predictable tactics... He is looking to make excuses. What, did he forget how to block? Was he suddenly unable to remember any combos? That is silly. I think that what happened is that the scrubs that he fattened his record on and who were playing the game when it was brand new have stopped playing. Now a higher % of people online are somewhat competent, mechanics-wise, and DecimalPoint experiences something akin to Noob Pwnage.

    I think that Lei Fei is not a good character to start with because he is so different from other characters that learning to play him may not make you learn the things that you need to know to understand what is going on in the game. I am not saying LF is weak (quite the opposite - I think LF is over powered), just that he might stunt the growth of some players with his unorthodox style.

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