The Natioanl Tournament in Japan

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by AkiraKidWannaBe, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. AkiraKidWannaBe

    AkiraKidWannaBe Well-Known Member

    Check this site out~

    <a target="_blank" href=></a>

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Natioanl Competition in Japan

    Thanks for the link, that was sweet/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Wish I could download the movies to my HD... Real Media apparently. I'm assuming the fourth match (with a long introduction) was the upset defeat of Se-Girl that Mo mentioned? If so, I was wondering about him using Wolf's missed pounce as a setup, that looked pretty sweet (he got a good knee out of it).

  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Natioanl Competition in Japan

    Thanks for the link!

    Unfortunately, I have a longstanding dislike for RealMedia (intrusive spyware) and besides, you can't download the clips, so I doubt I'll be watching the clips or mirroring them... =(
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Natioanl Competition in Japan

    Chris..just watch it...
    u're missing out~!

    Put ur dislike aside for like..5 mins....
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    RM format is...

    able to be saved!
    There's an app floating around that allows it. I'm gonna try saving all of these, but whether or not I plan on installing real software to watch any of them... hrm ... not sure. But they'll be around if ppl wanna download. Assuming no fuckups.
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Natioanl Competition in Japan

    Maybe I'll watch it from a friend's laptop. Real player is NOT going to be installed on my laptop, my home PC, or any of the servers that I operate. =P
  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: RM format is...

    Yes, a fellow Real Player hater!!! =)
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: RM format is...

    hehe, you almost sound like some Puff Daddy follower with that line (just change it to "a fella real playa hata!!! =)" )

    Anyways, there are many RM haters out there, and I understand. You already hinted at it directly, among the many other reasons. Guess I just don't care about much of the privacy on my system/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

  9. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Nice vids all around, I'm suprised to see saygall looking like such a little girl, I'd also like to know what he said to make the crowd react like that on the last fight. Nice vids though. Thanx.
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    avi's are almost ready...

    I made some AVI's of the RealVideo flicks seen on the site AKWannabe mentioned. These AVI's combine great VF play with horrible video encoding to create an offbeat experience.

    ------Synching the sound on these things is impossible. One of the side effects of conversion from .rm format is that the stuff you see on the screen is happening at somewhat irregular speeds. So sound never even comes close to matching the action. The movies are still worth a look, and I made the original .rm files available for those with RealPlayer installed (shudder). Note that there are has all of these flicks. Look for VF4_01.rm through VF4_04.rm

    ... also look for vf4_1.avi - vf4_4.avi - let me know if there's any trouble playing these, aside from the obvious sound issues. The final match is available in a large format (comically large! 85 megs for five minutes of trashy quality. Damn you, RealMedia) and a smaller version at 22 megs (brace yourself, it's choppy, about 10 fps. But you can see what's going on).
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Well...I couldn't hear very clearly what the wolf player was saying...which is weird cause u can hear the comentator quite well...maybe it's because he screams all the time...

    Anyway...questions goes along the lines of

    Girl: so are u confident u'll win?
    Segall: well of coz/yes/yeap...take it anyway u want, arrogant n schmucky full of himself

    In fact, the crowd was supporting him as well. I know how his actions comes across as 'full of himself' to some of us...but to me, it's like..fucking hell...he's confident...he's got the goods...why not flaunt it!

    This is not to say I find his behavior acceptable..I still think it's great he LOST!...

    Anyway..right before the match started..both contestants were asked " so, who do u think is the better player?"

    Naopolean---I didn't catch him saying anything...
    Segall: " U'll know after this match"
    Once again, displaying superior confidence or arrogance if u prefer to see it that way.

    Of was great to hear the chick scream

    Would have loved to seen the expression on Segall's face! hehehe

    Even better...whenever he sees the cool looking Jacket he won...he'll remember he was defeated by Jacky! HAHA!~
  12. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    dunno....all the remarks sounded pretty clear to me.

    Here is what I could make out from the clip.

    Lady: So what's your thoughts on the final?
    Se-Girl: I will win. I will most definitely win.

    Lady: Do you intend to use particular move to win the match?
    Se-Girl: I don't have any moves in particular in my mind. But beucase of him (Napoleon), Chibita had to lose. I do not acknowledge Napoleon Jacky's playing style.

    Guy: Who is going to be a winner in this final match? (quite a dumb question...)
    Se-Girl: Shinjuku low-punch-cut (d+P+K) Se-Girl will.

    As expected, his comment caused quite an uproar, both positive and negative, among Japanese VF community. I personally liked his comment. It would surely take some guts to say such things in front of all those crowds. Napoleon's response, on the other hand, was of a typical Japanese, safe, conservative, avoiding any possible conflict.

    And thank you AkiraKidWannabe for the link. It took me by quite surprise to see online footage up so quickly, but I surely enjoyed watching them.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hahahahaa!! That's I was watching the clip, I was thinking...Seygall looks confident, boy does Jacky do a lot of LPs, whoa Seygall is attempting a lot of LP cuts, and finally, shiat I would hate to play this boring Jacky in any tourney.
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Hey shota...thanks for clearing it up...I dunno what is wrong with my media player...choopy rates..sound out of weird..gah, the only person here that knows how crappy movies are on this pc is Myke....

    But one last question...
    I've seen many different spellings for his nickname..
    so exactly which is the correct one?

    Just trying to get his name right~

    Oh wait, I just remembered another question..Hopefully u can answer it too.

    Regarding Napolean's playing u know if that's his usual playing style? Or is it because it was the last match in the tournament? (yes, I'll admit it any's so ugly to watch)

  15. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Hey shota...thanks for clearing it up...I dunno what is wrong with my media player...choopy rates..sound out of synch....'s RealMedia. So who knows what's causing your computer problem.

    But one last question...
    I've seen many different spellings for his nickname..
    so exactly which is the correct one?

    Japanese pronounciation wise, "segall" sounds to be the closest. However, old VF3 MaxBattle tape spelled his name "Se-Girl". That's why I use that spelling over the others.

    Regarding Napolean's playing u know if that's his usual playing style? Or is it because it was the last match in the tournament? (yes, I'll admit it any's so ugly to watch)

    As far as I could tell from peoples' responses, Napoleon's play style remained the same for the whole tournament. Whether he plays like that on a daily basis, I do not know. Napoleon also used to play very consistent Jacky in VF3 days (under the name "Tokuyama Jacky"), so my my guess would be yes.

    Se-Girl later commented on his message board that he didn't mean to deny one's playing style outright. He admits that he would resort to anything to win the match. He just was a bit frustrated that all Tokyo players except him were elimited before the semi-finals.
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: avi's are almost ready...

    Nobody cares! Shut up!

    Sorry, had to announce that the monster filesizes and gray haze on these videos have been fixed. The filenames are the same, but now vf4_1 - vf4_4 are decent and worth getting (still slightly desynched sound). The eighty megger and small version of it has been replaced with a high quality 20 megger. 20 megs for 5 minutes of top level tournament VF4, worth a look..
  17. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    """'s RealMedia. So who knows what's causing your computer problem."""

    Aye...Henry managed to get me the url so I can DL it directly n watch it with Media player...

    Even watching it with RM gives me problems as well..

    Time for a PC overhaul hehe
  18. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    i think it's actually "Segahru" isn't it? i don't know, i saw a video with this name on it once...
  19. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    it's pronouced as segall...just as shota said (I've had my Japanese friends confirmed this on more than one occassion)

    It's the spelling..that's all~
  20. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    IGN has some videos of the event as well, but I think it is only open for Insider members right now.

    I saw some videos, and they video-taped some of the earlier matches, like the one where you see a VF1 Akira.

    They said that the estimate number of people attending was 2-3 thousands!!

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