The Italian Matches

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Mister, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    So guys here we go, i already posted this once but since i'm starting to uploading videos myself with some of you maybe here is the link to my italian crew on youtube:

    Also i would like any feedback about this video in particular:

    That video is recorded by me and i would like if the quality is acceptable otherwise i have to adjust a little bit the ratio and/or wait my new video card for the computer.
    Shag, Unicorn, Daydream and 1 other person like this.
  2. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Great Video Mister. I really enjoying your videos.. I have great and entertaintment matches with italians :)
  3. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Some room matches with eurokage as foreign guest in our room :D

    edit: sorry eurokage starts playing in the part 2 (uploading today)
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    This time i saved 2 replays from the euro rooms some days ago.

    here's Kingo vs Settra:

    and here's me vs kingo:

  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ok guys my buddies needs your help to improve with their character (but not only). So i'll invite every eileen player to watch this clip and tell here what's wrong with whatever you think:

    The same here plus Jean player to tell the other new guy what he's missing:

    here only jean players:

  7. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Only thing I can say is after you manage to stagger with her 2[P][K][G][+][P] try following it up with 236 catch throw, it's almost impossible for anyone to escape,(at least no one i've played ever got away from it), but you gotta get the timing right.
    Oh and the Video quality is perfectly fine btw.
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Watching the first video, here's what I'd offer for Eileen.

    Firstly, you need to be throw-escaping, especially against Wolf. You eat a lot of damage from throws and they can be mitigated (unless you happened just to guess wrongly every time).

    Secondly, those naked [2][K][P][G] are getting you hit a lot. It's too slow of a start-up just to throw out at random because you want access to the attacks from it - you have to work it in as a cancel from her strings.

    With Eileen, there's not really much of a 'correct' approach. She's kinda like Kage: you have to match your offensive strategy to what you observe of their defensive strategies - you poke and prod to feel out how they play, then you capitalise on reading them.

    For example, with this Wolf player, I notice he mostly crouching guards (possibly fuzzy?) or low punches whenever you apply a string, and it's working for him because you're mostly using [6][P][P], then either using the high full-circular punch to cancel the string, or you're finishing with the [2][K], both of which are beaten by crouching guard. What you should do here is observe this and punish him for it, and you have a few options. You can cancel into Zenk and get the catch throw if he's fuzzying, or land and use the mid/low mix-up (the low sweeps will beat fuzzy, and if you notice he's staying down, use [3][K] for the stagger and then follow up). Alternatively, you could cancel the [6][P][P] into [2][3][6][P], which will beat low punch, crouching guard, and even leaves you at advantage-on-guard - this would force him to evade, meaning you can use your full-circular high again. Another option would be to let the string end naturally, then use your [9][P]. This will beat low punch and crouch, and give you a combo. This would then invite your opponent to attack with a high punch or a launching attack, at which point you're able to finish your string and score the counter hit. Lastly, you're always welcome just to end the string and take defensive actions from being at the frame disadvantage, which will give your opponent more confidence in attacking you when he sees you reaching a certain point in your string, which, in turn, leaves him open to counter-hits by continuing.

    The point is, you want to take notice of your opponent's reactions to your offence, and then use your option to beat that. This will make him change his reaction to beat your new offence, at which point you switch to beat that. After a while, you'll each be using a variety of options, and it'll be down to the skill of the players as to who is better at conditioning and reading their opponent. Just using the same one or two cancel options is going to leave gaps in your offence and reduces the pressure that Eileen can build by continually attacking with a large mix-up of moves that all beat various defensive options and, if you play it well, leave your opponent feeling like they have no outs (which they do, it's just a case of knowing what to do and when to do it).

    Also, you need to work on punishing the opponent more. There are too many guarded shoulder-rams going through without any form of follow-up, and you're landing launchers without capitalising on their damage. That's just wasted potential and can easily be tidied up by working combos in dojo and reading up on Wolf's frames.

    EDIT: If you look at the round at 16:35, you can see you play at lot more aggressively, using Zenk cancels and leading back into the same string, then applying the full-circular when the opponent switches up their defensive choices, and breaking into the stagger-on-guard when you scored the counter-hit and noticed your opponent feel overwhelmed and just held guard, and even followed through with the pressure from staggering by landing the throw. Play like that more.

    MORE EDIT: Also, you have a nasty habit of throwing out [9][K] at range. All that's happening is it's whiffing/getting guarded and you're eating punishment. You should look at [4][6][P]. It's got more range, evades highs, and is totally safe on guard. This move is especially good against Wolf because he's attacks are all either slow or have shitty properties - standing jab is the only saving grace he has, so if you take that away from him by using the evasive properties and get yourself a nice combo from it, it'll slow him down even more and allow you to berserk him with attacks even harder. It's a nice abare tool to use too, because it combos on any hit, naturally beats throws, evades highs, and has tons of range. It's a nice way to dissuade Wolf from throwing or poking with with jab when he has the frame advantage, and forces him to use his slower, more counterable moves instead (just be careful, he can half-bar you if he gets a read on your abare and spanks you with a launcher, so use it wisely). If you watch Kage players, they use his slap thing a lot from range - it's totally safe of guard, evades highs, combos on any hit, and has lots of range. It's a nice tool to use as a gap-closer, as well as any time you anticipate a high attack. Mix that up with her side-kick from range (has loads of reach) to prevent them from crouching all the time, or throw out [6][6][K] (mid, launches on any hit, safe on guard (-8), tons of range) or DO the monkey run into the flying kicks, just to keep things fresh - it'll help you close the gap a lot easier than just tossing out your launcher in the hopes it'll land, especially when you're facing someone so adept at punishing as Wolf.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    for the Eileen player. 1st thing that's huge is after your monkey split into guardbreak you need to use 236KKK or at least 236P or 214PP>214K+G or 214K+G. You hit Jean with it a few times and I saw nooothhing. Overal I would say try to learn some jean combos that do some more damage. He's actually pretty light considering where he is on the weight graph. He gets hit with more damaging combos from eileen than characters who are lighter than him, so capitalize on that.

    Try mixing up 6p with 6PP if you notice that when you do 6P (on block fuzzy- you shoudl fuzzy if it blocked) that they do ANYTHING other than 2P you. If they 2P you or P you every time then use 4P+K+G sabaki that ass and go into the 46K+G combos as they're guaranteed. Also try your best NOT to abare from -2 (i.e. after P+K blocked) I know it's hard to stop, but try to fuzzy there instead of throwing out moves from disadvantage hoping they'll hit them.
    Genzen likes this.
  10. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    I watched the whole wolf set and here's what I have to say from it.

    Mister is NEVER throwing after block (even when he is at positive). I saw one at about 12:30, and never again. He's either setting himself up with attack fakes or dashing in to get these throws, and 95% of his standing throws were giant swings. This is something you can pick up on (tech in the direction of giant swing). Wolf's throws are scary, but play to the player. If he's not throwing there, go ahead and evade! I noticed that Eileen's evades were 95% successful when they were used. However, they seemed to only last 1 set at around 5:00 before not being used anymore. Evades put you at great advantage. If you can read them, use em. Eileen's follow-up to evade seemed instinctual as well, throw every time. Wolf eventually picked up on this and did side throw techs, nullifying a lot of the side throws after evade.

    Try out the tick throw. Jab-grab is a good place to start because of frame advantage, but obviously it's the most common and people will expect it. Eileen has the advantage of these exotic looking monkey move that your opponent might not even recognize for awhile. You can still tick throw out of negative if your opponent is expecting more strings. One of my favourite tick throws is 9P+K+GP > throw. Everyone is scared of that extremely fast 9P+K+GPP, they know they can get a decent punish on it if they block, and they know it hurts if they get hit by it. Despite 9P+K+GP being negative, people wait to block the second P (a mid, so they can't duck it) and will get grabbed.

    As a related point, try to frame trap your opponent with your positive frame attacks. Jab stop...jab. 236P...Elbow. Many non-Eileen players don't know the moves that have positive frames and will think they are playing morale when they are actually striking at a disadvantage. Your + moves are jab, 236P, Zenk flip K.

    As the other Eileen players have mentioned, spend some time in the Dojo to learn your punishes and combos, but also spend some time learning your tricks. I noticed a lot of your meaty setups failed and got you launched or grabbed by Wolf instead. This is just a sign of not knowing what the timing for the setup is or getting rusty after not having used it for awhile. Great okizeme turns a small knockdown into an EXCELLENT round.

    As for other tricks, you have worked a decent amount of mixup into your strings. That's pretty cool. For what it's worth, I much prefer monkey stance (6P+K+G) to splits (2P+K+G), though you may have your own opinion. You can move in monkey stance, you can hold it for an unlimited duration, it dodges the same attacks, you have a safe attack option out of it (P), you have a very fast low that gets you KD (K+G just frame), and you can get up into guard more quickly than from splits. Splits has a higher damage potential with the guard break and the K launcher, but isn't as tricky I find.
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I don't advise using this as a strategy in your gameplay. All you're doing is abusing your opponent's lack of knowledge, and once they educate themselves, or you come against someone who knows the frames, you're just gonna have a bad habit of trying something that doesn't work. With adv-on-guard moves, the risk isn't too bad (since, even when your opponent knows they're at the disadvantage, they still actually have to deal with it), but if you develop a habitual flowchart, they'll just scout your pattern and evade you or strike you before your attack comes out. I think most strings out of which you can interrupt with 236P, if the string is guarded, the 236P can be beaten by a jab, and since you might be in the air, you could be offering yourself up to a free juggle from a simple jab - or they can just evade and launch you with anything that has range.

    236P is a good tool to use against people who 2P or guard/crouch when you apply your strings - in all three situations, you win, but once the opponent catches on, they're gonna switch up what they're doing, so don't overuse it to the point of abuse.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Thanks everybody for the feedback. Seems like we have more Eileen Players than Jean players. I'll adress the tips to the guys and let them know what the community thinks about their playstyle and hopefully get them better.
  13. zaelock__gr

    zaelock__gr Well-Known Member

    Nice matches Mister i made a threat at so more people can see you. It would be nice if you came and say a few words.
  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    hey thanks for the spot. Actually the channel isn't really active for some issure with my computer (it isn't powerfull enough to do some video editing) but after may i should be able to get something new on it.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Post those in the Cannes thread!!
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

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