Tekken 5: DR got online, for PS3.

Discussion in 'General' started by ShinFuYux, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. ShinFuYux

    ShinFuYux Well-Known Member


    So, this could online mean three things

    -This will hurt the VF5 sales
    -Lag wont be much of an issue. Because mostly all PS3 online games have been without any lag at the moment. Also, the PSP version of Wifi mode was passable when it came to lag.
    -This shows that Namco is also working on a online mode for Tekken 6.

    Sega better fuckin step up to the ring and also add up some sort of online. Because, right now, they are letting all of their competitors take the spot light.
  2. ironzen

    ironzen Well-Known Member

    the online addition won't cause tekken to hurt VF5 sales more than it already has. tekken is just generally more popular in the US. unfortunately, VF never set that same fire amongst US gamers; that's the way it is and always has been.

    personally, i'm glad VF5 never has and should never hit online play. i agree with sega in the idea of keeping the game strictly defined and playing exactly how it should be played.

    also, i think it's been mentioned many times on VFDC, but...
    sega hates us. japan alone is enough to keep the VF series alive. the US never supported VF in the same sense.
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Wow, I didn't know the PS3 could magically cure the Internet from lag. Those japanese engineers are fantastic, I tell you.

    Anyway, this doesn't *confirm* that there will be online in Tekken 6, but it's probably Namco's way of testing the waters.
  4. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    I've heard this countless times before in other online fighters and it also makes you look bad since your assumption will back fire on you.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Who cares.

    The same people that bitch that VF has no online play are the same people that would bitch if VF had online play with lag.

    Deal with it
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Lag or not, it'd be nice to play a fighting game against people who actually do something other than button-mash unlike in piece of shit Oceanside California (fuck this place).
  7. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Sebo -

    I'm in Point Loma (about 15 mins south of Oceanside). I'm playing tonight, Friday, and Saturday (day time) -- I have a couple sticks.

    Let me know if you want to play while you're in SoCal. We can have some Jeff v Jeff match ups (warning: I'm still a scrub).

  8. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    There's no emotion to any great degree, you're potentially the largest market, just that you've financially rejected every game in a series that is up to number 5 so it's being logical not to piss on your core business in order to gamble on a long shot.

    The positive of the situation which many people seem unable to find in any situation is that a major player in the fighting game market is testing online functionality in a flagship series, which means if it's successfull Sega will have to learn from and react to.

    Or you could logon to http://www.whining_clique.com
  9. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter to me that the game will be online. It's an old habit of mine to correct people and it wasn't out of hostility. For the people who are glad about it, have fun.
  10. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    Dude whatever PS3 games your playing online lag free were not FIGHTING games. The genre as a whole is just TOO FAST for online play. It has nothing to do with system power or the graphics of the game (just to get that out of the way). The INTERNET is just too damn slow to do it right.

    So Tekken 5 DR on PS3 will lag. It will likely lag badly because of the loose online structure the PS3 has. Even something as regulated as XBL has lots of lag. Will it be worth the extra $10 for the add on? Probably. Laggy online (depending on how laggy that is, DOA4 laggy is about the most one can stand) is better than none at all.

    This is more or less an open beta for Namco's online component that looks sure to be part of Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur IV.

  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    After playing Bleach DS online quite a bit last year... I wouldn't mind if the online approach was for the game to slow down with the speed of the connection. Can get annoying, but you could still act and react on things properly, somewhat. Still connect everything. And if it was VF, you could do Option Selects you couldn't do before... :p

    Though personally, I don't really support online in VF5. It would help its popularity though, I know that...

    With T5DR though, we'll get to see what happens to that community as well as how the game plays. I don't mind DR being the guinea pig. For sure, it'll increase sales though. At least among the hardcore.

  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    The game will slow down for online, it's the only way for it to be even playable.

    Maybe after this event, people will stop whining about online fighting games.
  13. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Over at TZ, they are happy as pigs in shit. Do they not realize that this will 1) Be shitty laggy play, and 2) Destroy the competitive scene, as most casual players will have no reason to travel, and finally 3) keep average players average as online play will be wholly different than regular tournament play.
  14. MarkMan

    MarkMan Well-Known Member

    I don't think it will affect the scene, especially here in my area.

    The scene is huge, we will just welcome more ways to enjoy Tekken...

    Besides, everyone will still know that big tournaments(such as EVO2K series) will be the ones to prove your worth... I'm sure we'll still see 64+ entrants at major tournies and 100+ at EVO.
  15. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    No, online play won't hurt the scene at all, that's where a lot of people are wrong. Even if online kids brag about their abilities, they'll still stay at home while the real competitive players go to Evo or to any other tournies. If anything, this will make the Tekken community better. More players will have the chance to play against live competition and thus they'll eventually get better. Whether or not they want to walk the walk and go to Evo or EC is their choice, but the level of competition should get noticeably better because of this.

    And no, people won't stop bitching about fighting games online. How many games have had online play already? 3rd Strike, DOAU/4, MK, etc. etc... people bitch about lag, but the alternative for some people is having no competition at all.
  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    this is not directed to anyone in particular. Just my opinion.. but I played Killer Instinct on the snes xband modem. I also played mortal kombat 1/2 on the sega genesis xband modem. Both had lag and slowdown, but I learned tons and tons of combos, and setups I would have never learned even with travel to gatherings. So I think the ones that stay at home will always stay at home like Reno mentioned. Than the others will take some of the techniques learned from online play and apply it in full speed at gatherings.
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I'm with Reno. There will be some people pissed off by online play, but they will be FAR outnumbered by the people who value it, even online play that is laggy.
  18. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    I've been playing a fair bit of Tekken because I like the characters and I want to like the game but I just don't get it.

    Before the flames start I appreciate that I'm talking out of ignorance but my perspective is that the learning curve is kind of backwards, In VF you start off playing the game stunted and without any fluid movement and as you become better you start to move more naturally, but with Tekken you seem to start off fluid with the canned combos and good looking strings/animations and after watching high level videos these all seem to go out the window so you're left with a safe low frame poking back and forth that apart from the spacing and positional play doesn't look as good as a match where a novice is using all the strings, so you kind of end up stunted.
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    No flames here.

    One major issue I still have, even with DR, is that some characters feel... incomplete (still). I guess it is an inherent problem in a game with such a large cast.

    On top of that, my VF-biased self can't find the game as intuitive as Tekken players say. It is as if my yomi completely changes (or dies) as Throws aren't too common, but I can't escape them ever (unlike VF, woot for 2/3TEs!).

    I like Tekken a lot, it just doesn't compare to VF in anyway, except that VF has a Bryan Fury and Lee Choalan deficit.

    But fuck Mishimas and Steve Fox (still)!
  20. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Vf2 was online on the PC. VF5 of course is a whole different animal. Vf5 would lose the frame based strategy if it were online. BOY , I would really miss the "Im at disadvantage, Id better TE/crouch punch/back crouch dash" predictabilty of most matches.

    Whatever your stance on online Vs is. One thing's for sure, whatever NAMCO does, SEGA COPIES, and vice versa. The missed throw and missed reversal animations, and hit sparks came from TEkken. Just to name a couple things. And Quest mode originated in Soul Calibur. So it may follow suit that VF 5 MIGHT make an online versus update.

    They already experimented with it behind closed doors at Sega, they could make a few bucks if they optimized at sold that update code in the PS3 store. Sega like to stick it to the competion, Like when they sold NFL 2k6 for only $19.99 to piss off EA.
    It would be good for us, and flip off Namco, If Sega released an online Versus update on PS3 store for free.

    On thing though it looks like on SEGA.com that VF5 for the 360 wont be released until "late FAll"

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