Teirou Kanpo : how to use

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Akire, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Akire

    Akire Member

    I try to find ways to use efficiently Teirou Kanpo stance. I've got some ideas and I would like to share, and don't hesitate to contribute !

    Going to Teirou Kanpo :16P+G P+K+G , 214P+G P+K+G, 66P+K P+G (on hit).
    The first two are the same. The last transition give more advantages if you do nothing (Thk SHowking).

    From that point, everybody know the mix up, P or K. The problem is that P do so much damage, and ring out so far that people just block in stand position. Total dmg for 34P+G P+K+G ~ K is 46 and I think all of you will prefere 46P+G or 6P+G if there is wall.

    However, with good mix up,this stance can win you a round almost lost.I've tested those patterns on good players.

    What is possible to do after TK~K

    From that point, you have to see if you opponent try to do something or not. if he does something, 46P+K or 46P+K+G . If not, you can do a offensive move, and try 6P+K+G. The last one is my favorite and saved me a lot of times.

    For example,those are the mind games I've done against a Jean player in the same matches (close stance) :

    16P+G TK~K, offensive move (on the back), 6P+K+G (on guard), combo 33P 214P, [hold]6P, 43P, [hold]26PP (work in close stance on side).
    Dmg = 45 + 92

    16P+G TK~K, offensive move, 46P+K+G (on hit because we wanted to move), 6P+K+G (on guard), 33P, 6KP, DLC
    Dmg = 45 + 24 + 83

    Those patterns are examples and it is not unbeatable. The important thing is to show to the opponent that you have many possibility of damage if you hit with the kick and force him to crouch.

    Delay or nothing

    It is possible to apply a credible delay on the TK stance. It permit mix up between TK~something or nothing.

    For example, this is what I've done against a Kage player :
    16P+G TK~nothing, 6P+K+G on guard and combo 46P and Ring Out. Later on the match, in the same situation, I made a big delay. My opponent sees that and wanted to counter me with a launcher. he got hit by TK~P in counter. If you wonder why I use TK~nothing 6P+K+G to ring out and not TK~K and something, it's because it was easier for me to predict one choice. If I had done TK~K, I wouldn't have known what he would have done after.

    Some people know also that the kick is slower than the mid and try to crouch after a small timing etc. Delay is good for that.

    I really like this stance and use it often in a lot of situation. it saved me a lot of times. More than that, it's another good way for RO or wall carry and people will be afraid when there back will be at 3m of the wall or RO.

    What do you think ? Other possibilities ?

    Sorry for the approximative english :/ !

    blk_brotha, btrm, Maxou and 1 other person like this.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    I should be able to help here because i do use this.The delay is good but it isnt always what you need. You could attempt to Guard break your opponent after using this. You can also throw them if they are expecting the guard break and decide to attempt to side step. If your opponent likes to duck after it then you can use the punch extension of TK IIf they are standing blocking to avoid getting hit by the mid option then you can do the low option.

    TK leads to alot of mindgames, The problem with it is that there are too few situations in which you can actually go into the stance. The most common being 66 P+K. Since your opponent cannot do much of anything when you enter the stance. Take the opportunity to see how they respond to the move. This allows Akira to do what he is best at, completely destroy someones defenses.
  3. Akire

    Akire Member

    I like to use throw to go into the stance even if it's not good for guaranteed dmg. I think it's not so hard to guess what will do opponent after seeing some stuff like if he know Akira or not, if he take risk, if he like to duck etc ... That is why I use the stance often.
  4. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    The stance is good, just limited in the amount of ways to get into it
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Subject changed from "who" to "how".

    BTW, TK [K] is supposedly +16f advantage on hit, but is it really? Does it require specific timing to land a guaranteed follow-up? I've had [4][6][P], which is 14f(!), guarded so many times I've been left confused.
  6. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    That is a good question, I think its kinda like Jeans 66p when it hits? idk
  7. Akire

    Akire Member

    There is same thing in SoulCalibur. In fact, there is nothing guaranted after TK~K . However, you can't move during 16 frames. You can crouch guard, or stand guard but not move !
  8. Qeruberosu

    Qeruberosu Member

    Great post Akire, Ive just started to mess around more with this stance and realized how beastly it can be when you start delaying the moves or not doing them altogether to transition into a variety of mixups. I haven't really done much after TK~K hits other than mixing up throws and mids, this gave me some great ideas.

    TK~K, gives "false frame advantage" on hit. Its pretty much a "low-version" of Jean's 66P but Akira does not have a quick low move to mix with the mid so he has to dash in and then do his mixups (tell me if im wrong lol)
  9. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    i was wondering the same thing when i first saw the frames. and the official sega video shows just that. but they put a delay on the K and get a counter hit from it. +17 or 18 frame advantage, which then should let you get [4][6][P]. seems like a rare occurrance, maybe i should try it out some more.

    some more fun with TK ~ nothing: if your opponent catches on that you like to throw or guard break after and ducks, serve him some fresh SPOD or knee on the next.
  10. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I tryed so hard to get a [4][6][P] after a that stance but seems like it's another guess just like teirou kanpou itself. You have to use a strong mid or a guard break i guess, I never connected a [4][6][P] altought the game says we are +16.
  11. Akire

    Akire Member

    Like I said, the +16 mean that your opponent cant move during 16 frames. He can block, but not move.

    It's like 2D game block stun.

    For example, when Dalshim do is Ultra in SF4 on your guard, you can crouch or stand block during the ultra hit your guard but not move. It's something like that for TK~[K].
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Gets nothing off TK [K], just mixups.

    How to beat TK. Hold [G], prepare to tap [2].
  13. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    you are correct feck. out of curiosity,i did some testing with TK [K] CH. i posted earlier that it was +17 or 18 on counter, but it's actually +20. regardless, there was nothing that would connect, whether the [K] was normal or counter hit. the only exception i found was [2][P]+[K]+[G], which gives you nothing in this situation (1 point of damage, or a long range +12 guard break).
  14. LAzYb0i_1988

    LAzYb0i_1988 New Member

    Here's all the info about Teirou Kanpo compiled into one.

    *NOTE* i tend to go deep into detail. So just a heads up.

    - WAY'S INTO TEIROU KANPO - (Although limited)
    1).66,P+K; P+G on hit,P+K+G ~
    2).214 P+G, P+K+G ~
    3).16P+G, P+K+G ~


    1). Mouko Kouhazan ([P] )
    - Can be delayed.
    - CANNOT be reversed nor sabaki'd unless delayed.
    - CANNOT be evaded in any way unless delayed.
    - CANNOT be interrupted in any way possible unless delayed.
    - Leave's Akira at -3 if blocked.
    - The guaranteed combo on hit (P) works on ALL characters.

    2). Hyousatai ([K] )
    - Can be delayed
    - Can be side-stepped and jumped over but not back dashed.
    - Punishable by -15 on block and can be punished by moves up to 20 frames after SS.
    - Can be reversed/sabaki'd with or without delaying the attack.
    - Leave's Akira at +16 on HIT. Although it's considered fake advantage and nothing is guaranteed afterwards except for mix-ups.
    - On HIT it locks the opponent in place which means the opponent cannot evade.
    - On HIT it prevents any reversals/sabaki attempts during stun animation as long as the attack is 16f and under. Anything higher and it can be countered.
    - On HIT Akira is unable to use any throws during the opponents stun animation.


    - Basic mix-up options -
    -TK ~ P and K obviously or the delayed versions.

    -TK ~ P (on hit) follow up with 4P,P+K 214+P 3K+G,P,DLC

    -TK ~ K (on hit) You can try mixing up with the 3P+K+G string because it doesn't require you to dash in to do a 6+P+K+G. However the opponent can use reversals/sabaki,2P, crouch or side-step to avoid the attack because it's higher than 16 frames. Also you would be at severe risk of being LAUNCHED. Pretty much any attack that crushes highs will beat this attack which why this attack is slightly higher risk than rewarding. 70 dmg or being LAUNCHED for possibly greater damage?

    If you prefer using 3P+K or P mix-ups for the + frame's, then that's fine as well.
    Remember that any attack after K (on HIT) that is HIGHER than 16f can be reversed/sabaki or side-stepped whether you dash in or not.

    You can also mix-up with 2P+K+G to catch your opponent crouch guarding and it's 16 frames so that means the opponent CANNOT use reversals/sabaki or side-step to avoid the attack. You can also use this attack without having to dash in to connect.
    Then only downside is that when this attack hits an opponent who isn't guarding or interrupts your opponents attack, Akira will the be left at -10 which is throw punishable. So bare that in mind, because your opponent will.

    - VS opponents who like to stand and guard -
    -TK ~ 214 P+G to reset into another TK then continue to mix-up.
    -TK ~ 16P+G (same as 214 P+G mix-up)
    -TK ~ 6P+K+G or 2P+K+G then continue with the guaranteed follow-ups.

    If I've missed anything or if anyone has anything better to offer, then feel free to let me know.
    Asim Hussain and mfwebdude like this.
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Nice work with that compilation. Thank you.

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