SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 2pm PST

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by feixaq, Nov 12, 2001.

  1. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    It's been awhile since we held an ad hoc 3v3 VF4 tournament at SVGL... it's time for individual competition this time!

    - Every player will play every other player once in order to determine seeding for playoffs
    - If there are between 4-7 participants, a 4-man single elimination (3 rounds) playoff system will be used
    - If >=8 participants, an 8-man double elimination playoff system will be used
    - Please see the <a target="_blank" href=>Tournament Scoresheet</a> for a better understanding of the competition format.

    - League play will begin at 11am PST
    - Lunch break will be between league play and playoffs
    - Playoffs will start at approximately 1pm PST

    - Players can assure themselves of tournament participation by RSVPing to this thread with (1) full name (2) initials.
    - If you cannot make the 11am time, please suggest an alternative time.
    - Alternatively, participants can register on the day itself, but no later than 15 minutes prior to commencement of the tournament (i.e. 10.45am PST)

    None whatsoever this time round, apart from bragging rights /versus/images/icons/smile.gif. If this and future events are a success, we can discuss this in greater detail going forward.
  2. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I'll start the ball rolling.

    1. Chris Tan
    2. XAQ
  3. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    1.) tragic
    2.) BEN (hey! it's what I put in for records!)
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Hey Ben, good to see you around on the forums. Welcome! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  5. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    More rules stuff:

    Side picks
    - In any given LEAGUE PLAY matchup, side pick (1P/2P) will be decided by coin toss
    - In any given PLAYOFF matchup, the player that was seeded higher in league play will have first dibs at side selection.

    - Machine will be set to Best 3 of 5 per game
    - Time = 45 seconds (?) (Depends on how the SVGL machine is set up)
    - Tournament mode = on (so the game ends once the match is over, even for the winner.)

    John/Phizzco, can you kindly look into setting the tourney mode config for Saturday? A good argument for being able to configure the machine to tourney mode is that the arcade operator makes more money this way (but please remember to switch it back off after the tourney, of course!)

    Also, would really appreciate someone taking a look at the 1P joystick, which is a little loose and hard to find up/down directions.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Does SVGL set the machine to one credit per match in Tourney Mode? It's something we do in Portland.

    Basically.... to pay for the matches for a game that normally uses two tokens for a player to continue or start (meaning two players putting in 50 cents for the first match), the players instead only have to put in a half credit each (or one player pay one credit for the match).

  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Ah. Well, I don't know what SVGL has done in the past, so I have no idea...
  8. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I am in. 11:00PM is not a problem for me.

    I wish that we will have some new players this time.
    I will go to SVGL at tomorrow afternoon and ask the manage about the credit of tournament mode.
  9. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Er, 11:00AM. =)
  10. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    hmmmmm don't think my bro and i can make it..... oh yea today i just talked with the technician and he made the joystick on the first player side more stiffer....... i think it works better that way..

    anyway i talked with ben and he said he might be able to talk with some of the management and have it turn to free play for the tournament.....

    but if we do have a tournament then there should be an entering fee (that's if ben or whoever can talked management into having the machine on free play)..i think we would have to pay golfland for use of the machine on freeplay but im not sure.

    oh yea the time in each round is 45seconds by the way.
  11. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Hmm... you guys can't make 11am, or you can't make Saturday at all?

    A couple of us decided on 11am purely because there is the Saturday morning token special, so we might as well have the tourney in the late morning rather than in the evening (when everybody is too tired to play properly after staring at the VF4 machine for hours on end)... and then people can go hang out with their friends at night etc.

    Re: entry fee vs pay per play. I guess it depends on what is an equitable entry fee. Something in the region of $5 per player is worthwhile, based on the following calculations: Let's say there are 10 players. Then in league play, each player plays 9 games. The playoff finalists get to play 4 games. Total = 13 games x 2 tokens = $6.50 for the winners (slightly less for those who get knocked out earlier). With the Saturday morning token special, this drops to approximately $4.

    Of course, the good part about having an entry fee is that it makes the tournament (somewhat) more "official", and makes people committed to playing their best and trying to make the playoffs, rather than dropping out halfway. So again, a $5 entry fee is worthwhile for the day's event, something like $10 would not be.

    My $0.02...
  12. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    i dont think we'll make it at all in the morning or at all. i hope the tournament and everything goes well.
  13. Akira Taniguchi

    Akira Taniguchi Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Hey Chris I'm in and Don is in for Saturday Tourney but I don't agree on starting that early in the morning. I say it would be better off around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Anyways lets make a
    final decision based on the what the majority of the players say. By the way

    1.Akira Taniguchi

    1.Don Monzon
  14. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I realize it is a bit of a pain in the ass for you, but I much prefer mornings. I think going out especially for the morning makes it more of an event... hehe.

    Anyway, I'm in.

    Jason Cha
  15. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    But man, we gotta get that left joystick fixed. It sucked so bad, even JOHN could beat me.

  16. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I can't make 11 AM either, there's some stuff happening at the dojo I gotta attend. That's OK, I wouldn't win anyway. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  17. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I'll talk to Jason and see if he can set it on tournament mode, and put it on freeplay. Hey... even 1 out of 2 wouldn't be bad right? Maybe we can start holding regular weekly tournaments on Sat morning for VF (every other Sat evening is CVS2)... or at least every other Sat. Something is better than nothing =P.

  18. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Hey, why don't we meet up at 11:00 but have tournament at 2 or 3 like someone else suggested (forgot who's idea hehe).

    Better? Whachu guys think? Give you guys at least a good 3-4 hours of beating down my tragicsarah! WOW THE FUN! =P

  19. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST


    What time can you make it on Saturday, then? 2pm? If this turns out to be a better time for more people, I think we should go for it. I'm personally indifferent between 11am and 2pm. Whichever works better for most people. I just don't want to show up hours in advance, such that by the time the competition starts, I'm sick of staring at the screen already.
  20. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I believe that more people will appreciate showing up after 2:00PM. How about change the schedule?

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