Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by SummAh, Mar 26, 2004.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Hey guys.

    Just got back from the airport. Thought I'll revive an age old traditional that was somehow...mysteriously collectively forgotten by most ppl...


    From memory, I was the last person to type out such a report too...n that was my first type flying to sydney for here we go!!!!!

    Goes by two days per's if u have ADD, fuck off! don't tell me my post was too long etc etc etc...there are ppl who wants me to type it in detail! I please them! not u ADD peeps!

    Well, the event began with..some issues...typically, summah+events = issues. So in december 2003, I rang ther embassy and asked ; ' halo! need visa??'....they replied NO!

    In Jan/Feb, I did the same thing n got the same reply. come march 13th, two days b4 I fly off to Japan, I got a call that says ' hi! we need visa...BYE!'...

    Of coz, i promptly replied a big 'FUCK U FUCKIN U KILL U NEXT TIME!'. (Insider joke, Danny lol)

    So I wake up on the 14th, report to work as usual, decided that since the flight is 6am, I'mma not gonna I stuck around till 3am at home n headed off to the airport to meet Danny + Shun.
    So aye, we're at the airport aye, and...WE'RE LATE! fucking almost missed the flight!...and in midst of confusion, i misread the gate number n almost caused all of us to miss the flight...

    So we arrive in one piece aye...found hotel aye...n by then, I have not slept for 24 hrs...and we did the sane thing of coz...we wait straight to akihabara to beat up akihabara jerks.

    So we found club sega at akihabara...Basement 1 is just VF n Z Gundam..with a few reject games that are there with nothing more but ppl using the ashtrays on those rejected machines.

    Akihabara play style is exactly how shun dave described it....annoying ppl that should be shot. With the sole exception of the top players....the rest are! But, me n danny survived and had we're not overly annoyed by it...of coz, that was the last time we got pissed at lau's b+k+g. Oh btw, we met this 8th dan lau geezer...each time he loses to us, he would bang his gay.
    But Akihabara also has ultra strong players...don't get me wrong...just that the place is overwhelm with annoying styles.

    Day two

    Woke up and decided to head off to shinjuku nishisupo. ..wasn't too hard to find...I made it a point to remember what I can, so that when the yanks are bugging me...I can answer them n ditch them next to a phone booth or something KEKEKE...(obviously, I thought too cho highly of myself, but that's ok..we are all allowed to kiss our own ass).

    Standard in shinjuku rocks! Best place for VF...variety+seats+players = god's gift to mankind. Plus, no annoying gayness from Akihabara...too good.

    So after a couple of hrs of waiting for MOTO TETSUJIN (waiting for him eventually became a habit), he eventually showed to me...and I didn't know...coz I was playing this rather amusing lion guy...didn't get the lion player's name but he came over n had a laugh with me...

    So I saw kyasao finally n we just sat down n starting chatting n exchanging smokes...then came moonsuke n shinz...n we promptly introduced ourselves to each other.

    The rest of the day was simply..just playing VF alot...played against many good players...since I didn't go dan hunting like Danny, I jumped in with a kyu card
    n went straight on against tsuwamonos n above...

    So here's how it works..

    chu dan to 5th dan..
    standard ranges from 'hi, i am meishou player starting a new card..or I just lost my card...' those really low lvl players...

    5th dan to 7th dan...
    mid to really good players...can be abit disturbing to fight them...

    8th n above..
    Now, this gets interesting...many super star players can be seen losing their ranks...from say...berserker rank to 9th dan in one night! fighting 8th dan n above becomes challenging...problematic...esp when they are jeff users....boki akira comes to mind immediately...prolly those most intimidating jeff player at shinjuku..even shinz approaches boki cautiously.

    Btw, the point about shinz being an alien...has that been emphasised enough?...I don't think so.

    And also..despite what the rest of the world would like to believe...%+rank is not so overly emphasised by the Japanese players...

    Sure it's good to have special ranks...but on the flip side..they don't really give a shit if they got ranked down. Neither do they use ranks to boasts...look down on shit..etc etc etc.

    It's more of a personal achievement...

    In fact, despite how low lvl u might be in comparisons to other players, they still highly encourage you to use your card.

    A)they like knowing who they played against

    B)they like to know who is playing...which makes their lives alot easier

    C)they believe using card is fun! Dan plus item matches etc etc etc. I got into this situation where the one shun that I streaked took out his card to continue fighting me...Kyasao was annoyed by the fact that the shun player did just that...n worse of all, he was at berserker rank...not using a card against me, a miserable 4th kyu at that stage haha ^^.

    So it's rather obvious...use a card when you are in japan! Don't be ashamed of low % etc etc etc. Seriously, no one gives a shit! I saw this 10th dan goh with 1000 odd wins n 3000 odd losses...

    These are all the things that I observed during the 2nd day...

    The day ended with me asking shinz out for dinner n he was like ' thank lord someone finally suggested dinner!!!!'. The two brothers were extremely hungry becos they didn't eat the anything for the whole of yesterday. Reason being, waiting for MOTO TETSUJIN!. So as you can see, waiting for kyasao eventually became a norm...believe it or not, he is extremely buzy with work! Serious! From then on, I made it a point to bring them out for food everynight... wasn't the end of day two. Kyasao's got good taste for food...this I already knew...what I didn't think was.....he would bring me to restuarant n say ' bye bye! i see u at nishisupo!' hahaha. Our sargeant is coolness! Left me alone to handle the koreans...thank god they both speak engrish!!!!!!

    But the hiccup came during ordering...the lady asked me ' do u know japanese?' to which I replied...' NO!'
    'what language do u speak?' to which I replied 'English!' to which she shooked her head n asked ' SO HOW COME U CAN ANSWER ME WHEN U SAID U DO NOT NOT JAPANESE!' to which my face went from /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif to >.< ;.

    That has got to be the most bane thing abt languages...can listen but cannot speak...WTF! FUCK TO THE FUTURE KARIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAMBATE! (Insider joke...pablo muahahaha!)

    So we were asked to use international language....'point at what we want' beautifully.

    So I then spoke a bit of chinese to Danny...which the waitress overhead n came over ' OMG U CHINESE!' >.<;....

    After dinner, I told Sargeant what happened n he also went ' OMG U CHINESE!' n danny were left clueless as to why he went all out loud...but hey...I'm chinese..right kazu kun??!!!!

    Kazu is half chinese too! His chinese skill is limited to two sentences.

    I LOVE U!

    Works ok on chinese girls in New york me thinks ^^

    So where were we? Oh yeah...dinner was way yummy..n way cheap. Next time u guys go to nishisupo n wanna know where it is, PM me n I will give u a map of how to get there...way easy.

    End of day two.
    (by the end of the day, I already played around 50 games...with 50% win rate against 9th dan n above...looks good huh? well...NOOOOOOOOOO! the elites are waaaaaaaaaaay stronger! But it's so fun to play the elites! by the end of my trip, my % dropped to 38%...hovered around 40ish for days but last night in japan...major wup ass by sargeant + my bro hanabi proved to be..uhmm...well my arse hurts ..but I like it ^___^)
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Day 3

    Well, this almighty fine day began...right after I got back to hotel from nishisupo!...

    For reasons that I cannot (lol)...tell, I was kept awake the whole night. So once again, I embarked on a sleepless journey...onwards to Shibuya! And this time, I have Jerky as company! Jerky walked into my hotel at 7.30 am...I saw him, didn't recognized him with his beanie I decided ' ah, don't know his gaijin...IGNORE!' thing u know, I hear this very same gaijin asking for me n I immediately replied without thinking...' ANDREW!'...It was so good to be finally able to meet him at long last!...

    From our hotel to Shijuku is pretty close. But from hotel to far..yet not that far...don't quite know how to explain. Suppose I was just rather pumped up to find Shibuya high tech land.

    So without any hassles (thank u god..u r too kind to me), we found shibuya high tech land. It's a nice, comfy, clean, spacious arcade. Outrun2 at shibuya is only 100 yen per game! sooooo gooood!

    There's major problem with shibuya hightech land.

    If u're not a gamer...U MUST STAND AT ALL TIMES! U see, the seats there are for if u're not playing..u're standing. Not even Kyasao got to sit down! >.<

    At least in nishisupo, there's benches to rest me bum on or walls to lean on...not so in shibuya.

    On top of that, shibuya is dirt boring!!!! But dang, there's lotsa school girls with their awwwww sooooo short skirts...that part, I like /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    We were sighting seeing when we saw these two drop dead gorgeous n most definitely UNDERAGED girls with their 'dang have u got no shame!' short mini thing u know...we were walking down on the street behind them. Beats paying for them online, that's for sure XD. Plus, I was already so tired...then along came the girls n I felt instantly energized! Almost like ...magic potion from RPG. Girls = good. U're insane to reject them!

    One sad thing abt shibuya though..there was this park that had nothing but full of hopeless people sleeping in cardboard boxes n makeshift tents. Broke my heart....

    So anyway...we went back to high tech land..n waited more for moto tetsujin to appear...n he didn't! So we took another short walk...then I decided to call him...lord and behold...he was actually right next to me while we were on the phone n we didn't know lol. I must have really strained my eyes looking at those girls ^___^

    So we went back to hightech land,
    N then, the nightmare began.

    We saw Annii n the guy's not human. Mad skills. Very polite, humble, friendly.

    The sarge introduced me to him n said ' go fight him!'. I was like >.< ' U want me to die...ok..whatever the leader says'.

    And died I did. I believe if Ryan was there..he would have said ' dude that is TORTURE!'...n It was! No shame in admitting I was outgun by annii too easily. Even if I had a good night sleep the night b4, the results would still be exactly the same!

    I panicked and ended up being destoryed by Anni...with Kyasao next to me going ' hmmmm hmmmm..oh ,!'.

    Shun then dragged me to this arcade that he found...he said ' plenty of good Z gundam players!'..True enuff, there were plenty of them.

    But there was one lvl with nothing but ufo catchers n other games..but majority's just ufo catchers. UFO catchers = school girls!!!!

    I came to the conclusion that I LOVE this arcade!....Strangely enuff, I never went back after this day. Trust me, it's a pretty sight...but it's not for the weak hearted or ppl with zero self control ^0^

    After a feasting with mah eyes (it does get rather...tiring after a while), I went back to high tech land n saw a bunch of elites there. Some I do not know, Some I know...all too kick ass for me to touch.
    I looked at Kyasao with a >.< on mah faces n he pointed to Shinz saying ' haha! look his face!'...

    At this point in time, I brought up the age old question that is asked on a daily basis in any language around the world at all time ; ' WHO WANTS FOOD!'

    So me, danny, andrew + shinz to food land again. n boy, that resturant had the heater turned up ...waaaaaay up!

    Shinz n myself rushed through our dinner just so that we can quickly go outside into the cold again!

    Btw, did I mentioned that both Jerky n Shinz are ultra nice peeps? No I didn't. Well they are fucking nice ppl...n shame on you if u treat them with anything less!

    So after dinner..we do what gamers do...we head back to arcade...along the way back, we ran into heruru on the streets. Hmmm..Streets in many interesting things to look at!

    By now, yoro is at the arcade, yoro's gf (mean kage player) is at arcade, Hanabi (my new found bro) is there, wolfy is there...etc etc etc.

    So we took a back seat n let the guys pounce the hell outta each other.

    Special mention to Jerky for beating homestay in the one round with Jacky's hit throw. I immediately decided ' AHA! now's a good time to cause some mental stress on Andrew...hohoho!'

    I ran up to Jerky, gave him a good pat on the shoulder n said ' u rock!'...Everyone saw it n started laffing..except for homestay..who decided to ream jerky in the final homestay did it, I'll leave the details up to Jerky. ^0^

    I got introduced to Yoro. He is such a nice guy. Very friendly and polite. Yoro thought I was Japanese...Kyasao proceeded to correct him n describe me as ' guy with expression on face when playing..think heruru'

    The day ended with us going back to the hotel...and me starting to knock on the florida players' was abt 2am..but I didn't give a shit...I am just plain rude hahahahah!

    Ghostdog opened the door....well..more like he had enuff space just to allow him to peek thru the gap n see who was at the door. I was like ' Rich, u can unhook the chain now!'....Rich's reaction was like ' what the , how he know my name..OMG FREDDIE!' (Hey man, I am famous too haha! But not for too good reasons...damn >.<)

    It was prolly the best thing to happen during the whole day. New to the board peeps do not know much abt ghostdog..but to us old timers, he's a total gem. After so many yrs..we finally met....

    n by zonks! He is soo tall. My impression of him was totally...well.WRONG!

    Next, I decided to disturb Stompy as well..did the same, knocked on his door...made damn sure I woke him up just so I can introduced myself...finally we meet each other aye Stephen? ^_____^

    So after enuff disturbing..I went back to hotel..thinking...'tomorrow's gonna be a BIG DAY!!!!!'

    Nothing could have prepared me for tomorrow.

    Btw, I feel a need to open a can of worms here. Only because I feel so arritated by some particular peeps.

    Still think Sarah is weak? Go play Annii.
    Think Brad is weak? go play shinz's brad or this other mad brad player or hanabi's brad.

    Think Aoi's weak? Do urself a a ticket just so u arrive on Friday, get to nishisupo n make sure u bring ur brain along with u..*cough i work for namco*.


    Day 4, coming soon!
  3. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for the awesome nice report. Much enjoyed.

    I hope that all gathering goers keep the tradition alive, report writing. Because, it will increase the interest about going to gatherings among people who haven't gone to before. As a result, we will have chance to have more players at future gatherings.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Summah said:
    We were sighting seeing when we saw these two drop dead gorgeous n most definitely UNDERAGED girls with their 'dang have u got no shame!' short mini thing u know...we were walking down on the street behind them. Beats paying for them online, that's for sure XD. Plus, I was already so tired...then along came the girls n I felt instantly energized! Almost like ...magic potion from RPG. Girls = good. U're insane to reject them!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Summah said:

    Btw, the point about shinz being an alien...has that been emphasised enough?...I don't think so.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tell me more about Shinz!

    Keep it coming, Summah! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks for the post SummAh! Very interesting read...

  5. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    My impression of Summah: Exactly how he is on irc. Very sarcastic, talkative and nosy as hell! hahaha. But cool to hang out with. At times, it seems that all the people speaking japanese got even me and summah all feeling like we were out of place. So me, him, and Shun would start speaking mandarine and we felt back to normal! Woo wee! I got to play Summah once his Akira versus my shun. I beat him and I think his side's buttons were screwed up. Oh well. I wanted to play him more but I didnt' get a chance to. Time flew by so quickly. The first night I met Freddie, I was about to pass out when he knocked on my hotel room. I woke up in a heartbeat and opened the door and this dude was just as tall as the freaking hotel doors at new koyo hotel. hahahhaha It was funny. Jerky first said what's up, than it was Freddie, and then some other guy. I was so gone I forgot who that person was till the next day I found out it was Danny13. Jerky finally got his pillow back from when he left it at my house at fsb. I lugged it from florida to nyc and he didn't show up and lugged it to Japan and he finally gets it back.
  6. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Kick ass repport Summah!
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    It was not the buttons at was the sticks.

    They are the same sticks as the ones in Singapore..which I cannot use >.<

    For everyone else's info...there are stick differences n some of us simply cannot adapt...

    Aka. Kyasao admitted that shibuya sticks gives him problems...Hanabi says the same ofr shibuya..he has the same problems as the extend that we cannot even perform backdash!!!

    Hanabi mentioned that he also does not like the akihabara sticks..

    But everyone agress...Shinjuku is the best! Except for a few machines....I remember andrew got up once n screamed ' STICKS!~'
  8. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Summah.. how the fuck do I know which sticks work well or not in which arcade. I am a pad player you know? hahahah /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    So all the sticks worked well for me. They worked fine if I won, and they sucked ass if I didn't. hahahha
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Day 4...

    Started with me+shun+Danny snoring the living daylights outta each other...then the phone my dazy state..I was someone from new koyo asking us to join em for breakfast...

    BTW, Andon breakfast kicks ass...

    The funny part came when Shun answered the call n said in a not so friendly manner ' JUST RELAX..I WILL WAKE FREDDIE UP'...I was like...'dude, u could have said..coming down now...that would have been fine.'

    Just relax.

    So I went down ..greeted the rest of the gang in my oh so wonderful spectacular Eddie Goro bombish hairstyle...First person I said Hi to was Pablo aka Akebono...

    The conversation went around like...' Hi u must be Jedi..I am Freddie...U got smokes? Let's go..they are ALL MINEEEEEEE!'....See, us smokers...instant male was sureal hahahaha.

    Then came the picture taking moments as usual...I am not sure if the pics were posted...but dang, am I ugly or what? Wait...the world knows it!

    So we then went to Mcdonalds for breakfast...isn't it the best? Bunch of gaijins going to Mcdonalds for breakfast..awwww...

    Oh btw, u can smoke in Mcdonalds in's the coolness...

    There was the one poster in Mcdonalds that gave Andrew warm memories whenever he sees it...I'm loving it...loving it loving it loving it...I swear, we should have asked for one of the poster just for memory sake.

    At Mcdonalds, I was told of the story of how Rich once gave everyone the impression that he went off to rob a bank...the story goes along something like....bunch of florida peeps walked past a said ' I need to go to the bank..I'll BE RIGHT BACK'...He turns around..puts on his beanie (incidentally, I thought it looked more like a hood!) thing u know..he cames running outta the bank going ' HURRY HURRY LET'S GO GO GO!!'..

    Doesn't seem so funny in print..but man, hearing it in person...and seeing it acted out, I fell off my chair.

    See, this is the reason why I would throw away my money n fly 7 hrs to meet VF anyday.

    So after breakfast, we took em to Akihabara for 'shopping'..

    We took em into this store....well..lvl 1 had nothing but games + dvds..

    lvl2 = porn
    basement =porn PC games.

    Our conclusion = the rest of the world needs to follow Japan....^0^

    We're talking abt porn porn porn n nothing but porn..the lifts have chicks with explosive titties...the stairways have posters upon poster of school girls in seductive posters...n the 'awwww pls...gentle' was highly.......STIMULATING!!!!!!!!


    So of the group..(he shall remain nameless)...said ' OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE IT...SCHOOL GAL PORN SO PRICY!!!!'

    Sounds pervertive? Well, get used to's the norm in JAPAN. Soon...whenever we walk into 7/11 or a convience became a norm...some would look for food..some look at drinks..but collectively, we haunt the porn mag's very one think any lesser of u. ^0^



    So next up, we brought them to show them westsportland....and these guys jumped into it immediately...

    no sooner than that..came ryan...segaru, mask, ohsu, our beloved sarge...was late as usual..^^, inotchi, hideo, boki, etc etc etc..

    So for the whole week..fuck DLing n shifting around folder...LIVE ROCKS!

    Palbo worked up enuff courage to go challenged segaru..n managed to KS segaru...we were like ' OMG U KS HIM..U ARE NOW CHAMPION' THAT IS BLATANT was funny..coz Segaru himself at this point figured out it was just a bunch of gaijins having some he started laughing as well...

    Oh btw, Segaru gives the impression of cold, unfriendly etc etc etc...but inreality..he is not like that...only in tourney mode he goes cold aka robotnik...sounds like someone I know from the UK ^0^ (sup yo!!! ^__^)

    By this time..chibita, homestay n co were having death matches...homestay was helping yoro to rank up his Akira it was intense matches..

    Chibita convincingly beat homestray.

    Let me give u a short example....of how maniacs these guys are.

    We're talking abt homestay here, arguably..the best akira in japan...repeatedly baited into making the same mistakes by chibita n eventually got ranked down by chibita.

    Not that the match was easy for chibita...but he streaked homestay. n It's not the first time I've seen it happen...So guys...even if u lose among ur core group of's OK. Keep playing! Losing among ur core group doesn't = weak/suck./scrub or anything. I've seen some ppl in my gamer life that simply gave up just because they taught that losing the most among the core group = weak!'s just a person vs person thing...there are certan type of ppl that u simply cannot beat or have trouble against them for reasons unknown to mankind...

    So..plz continue to train n play the game.!! ^___^

    So was getting WAY WAY WAY crowded in the extend of...'ewwww...get ur sweat of my shoes thanks' extent. Smokers left right up down..the air was filth...being a smoker myself..even I felt the 'ugh'...yet at the same time..the place was strangely....soothing.

    Well a few couldn't take it n ran upstairs for cover.

    It was then they saw this maniac chick beasting ikaruga...I didn't see the whole thing..but I can imagine their mouths would be like blondeone when playing ^0^

    So tetsujin was I dragged shinz n moonsuke to dinner...

    Let me just give a brief description abt those two.

    Moonsuke : elder bro of the 2. He has such a badass's like the way stomp described him in the other thread. He looks menacing..he is handsome..he looks cold...has a ' piss off u twit' face at times.

    in reality..he is ultra cool..has a beautiful smile and quite funny! Speaks English n Japanese as well...Plays a mean akira..aka powerstyle...every move is a combo opportunity. Ultra cool under, I sakabi his low p, n follwed up with a spod into wall...deep body check..failed to kill him, so I took a risk n pressed on with my attack....he would calmly stand up n knee me in return. >.< I had death matches with was us two exchanging spod, SDE follow ups, knee yoho combos...bam bam bam bam bam....pure adrenaline rush...nothing about ownage..just a couple of new friends fighting each other n enjoying a good time.

    shinz : Akira kid all grown up...he is the EXACT opposite of moonsuke. He has a very gentle look...both are extremely humble n friendly...I mean, christ, they bowed to me when I first met them...I was like ' NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!'

    Shinz is an alien. U have to see how he uses brad, akira, jacky, lau, Goh, etc etc etc etc's amazing.
    IMO, he is still the best player in the world! Amazing stepping plus fuzzy plus yomi plus rock solid defence plus exciting attacks = Japanese scream alot when they play him. Flower lau of nine states was at one stage scream ' OI KOREAN!!!!!!' lol I saw Mukki got schooled by Shinz! >.<

    His Brad is so fast, even ohsu got pumped n started imitating Brad in real life. Both bros are highly skilled in multiple characters.

    It was pure pleasure to watch them n getting to know them in real life.

    So anyway...I asked moonsuke 'where to go for food'...both replied ' go where chinese waitress is!' lol
    No issues ordering there!

    So we got to know each other better over dinner etc etc etc...

    These are the moments that make me cherish VF more than ever.

    The ppl u meet, the situations we go through together as a group...the excitement of the game..all huddle together n screaming n issues abt race, politics, history, differences etc etc etc.

    All these emotions would eventually collectively explode at the beat tribe cup on the Sunday.

    Non of us predicted it would end that way....
  10. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SummAh said:
    I can imagine their mouths would be like blondeone when playing ^0^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    *My impression of shinz and moonsuk. Both of them freaking don't smile and looked so serious and badass when they were either playing or waiting for their turns. I remember when Kyasao introduced me to them and I told both of them that Cappo, imf, and blondeone said hi. They both smiled and nodded thier head quickly than all of a sudden, stopped smiling and went back to the badass mode. I got to play Moonsuk's Akira and I got to play Shinz's Pai and Akira.

    *It was pretty cool seeing players stalk the arcade machines. Like Shinz, moonsuk and other top players would come in and hang out, and walk around and talk to their friends. Then they would look at some of the machines and decide who they want to play. For instance, Ryan walked around and watched for a good 25 minutes before he found someone he wanted to play. Someone from the same ranking and he played against this akira versus his kage. It was easy to spot Ryan first because he was tall as hell and black in japan, and second, his card name says R.H. UK and some japanese symbols after it. This was probably the only time someone played someone for more than a match without getting up and no one really caring. Even in West Shinjuku sportsland where it was crowded as hell.

    *during west shinjuku sportsland, the first of the recognized players that I knew was from the ninestates team. There were like 3 or 4 of them just sitting on machines owning people left and right. One of the Lau players had like a 15 game win streak doing four moves. Individually Segaru was the first one to show up that I think most north americans identified. He played immediately and had that focused look on his face. The other players that followed that I saw was Homestay, Chibita, Shu, Magnum Jeff, Oshu, Mukki akira, Napoleon, Haijin, and than the place just got flooded. It was like a reunion of some sort. Chibita shows up and it was really funny. He storms in and puts his stuff on top of a tv which doesn't get touched till he leaves. He turns to Dave (aka M_shun from vfdc, I forgot his full vfdc name) and says in Japanese, "I just woke up, I guess it's time to play". Dave translates that to me. We both laughed.

    *after three hours, there was so much smoke in that arcade, I had to leave several times for fresh air. It was worse than some clubs I had gone to around the world. It was cool to see the attendants not get in the way but still empty ashtrays and keep things so clean. I remember when I was in the bathroom of Shibuya Hightech land, after I took a piss, the arcade attendant was in the bathroom washing his hands. As I turned to walk out, he stopped me and asked me to wash my hands. He left the water running. I thought I couldn't just walk away. So I washed my hands. He thanked me.
  12. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    stompoutloud said:
    As I turned to walk out, he stopped me and asked me to wash my hands. He left the water running. I thought I couldn't just walk away. So I washed my hands. He thanked me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    holy crap that dude totally owned you
  13. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Great report guys! I can't wait to hear the rest.
  14. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    summah, your entry has inspired me even more to go to japan /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, not to play VF, but just to check out the place in general. Too bad this summer break, me & family are going to canada /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif i guess it won't be so bad.
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    His Brad is so fast, even ohsu got pumped n started imitating Brad in real life. Both bros are highly skilled in multiple characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fuck I'd want to see Shinz play Brad now (only thing I've seen is his combo movie and that is hella old).

  16. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fuck I'd want to see Shinz play Brad now

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NO YOU DONT....

    /me ass hurts /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    The first signs of VF: Final Tuned ads are in Japan arcades. Nothing major. Just a small magazine print ad which the arcades cut out and laminated and put them on the bulliten boards of two arcades I saw. The akihabara and shibuya High tech land. It's got a typical black cover with just a summer/2004 and a picture of akira on it. Nothing major. But it's the first sign that I saw.
  18. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    GO GO TELL A TALE *grabs a pillow*

    Since I reckon your "No you don't!" reply to watching Shinz play comes from you watched him play (and being owned first hand) well how does he play?
    More safe / stagger games / steps like he's in a musical? (Yes I'm grasping for straws).
    Can anyone give a general trend or what not amongst Brad players at the arcades pretty please? (since we've heard updates of some kind amongst other chars).

  19. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: GO GO TELL A TALE *grabs a pillow*

    Bottom line about Brad players:

    They using slipping very well. This is why I don't see Brad as being weak since I've had the chance to see how he's meant to be played. Also about Shinz's Brad in particular:

    FAST /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Any character Shinz plays moves at the speed of light. Even his Goh.
  20. RedQueen

    RedQueen Well-Known Member

    Re: GO GO TELL A TALE *grabs a pillow*

    OI summah when's the next chapter gonna be posted? and u left out the part where moonsuk and shinz brought soooooo much kimchi and peas on their 1st day there. hohoho

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