Strongest Throw?

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Fergalot, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Fergalot

    Fergalot New Member

    Hey there, I am so glad to have finally found a good site for virtua fighter information
    I have a question that's been driving me nuts for a little while.
    What character has the strongest throw in the game?
    I was thinking it was Vanessa's move, Heaven's gate (The three-fourths circle where she snaps your neck)
    And by grapple I mean once you put in the command and if the opponent doesn't break out, the damage is done.
    I know Akira's grab where he shoulder buts you in the air can do a lot of damage..
  2. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Wolf's giant swing( [4] [1] [2] [3] [6] [P] [+] [G] ) will do 80 damage if you input the command fast enough, but will do 20 more if you dont tech roll. Wolf also has the Dragon Suplex (back [2] [P] [+] [G]) and German Suplex (back,opponent crouch [P] [+] [K] [+] [G]) which both do 80 damage.

    And um, welcome to VFDC. [​IMG]
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Wolfs PGS aka Perfect Giant Swing (fastest command [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]) is the most damaging single throw in the game. It takes exactly half lifebar (100 points) if its not techrolled. Expect players to tech it though.
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    If you throw them into the wall with PGS, that's worth the 20 points as well and can't be teched.

    Wolf's F-5 (270[4]) and and KS (270[6]) throws also do 80 points.
  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    For PGS, you can actually do 426 P+G fast enough.

    If you still have trouble, go 6641236 P+G. Just add 66 to dash and make yourself a little bit comfortable for rest of the commends.
  6. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    His giant swing will definitely take away half of your opponent's health if it's in the fastest input. Kind of odd for Sega to make from 100 to 80 in the later games.[/size]
  7. Zass

    Zass Well-Known Member

    any tips on doing the PGS? I've tried in dojo mode as fast as I can but I only get very infrequently. Any execution tips on how to get it consistently? I see Itazan and Flash get it every single time.
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Try doing only the [4][2][6][P]+[G] input.
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    try holding forward first... like this ---> [6] [4] [1] [2] [3] [6] [G] [+] [P]
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    this will never work... if I'm not mistaken you need to hit all directions for at least 1 frame. You are omitting 2 of them I just don't see how you will get a PGS out of that... that's why I said start at holding forward first so the frames you will waste starts there and then it's just a spin as quickly as you can to cover all directions within 1 frame for that perfect PGS.

    but then again I'm no Wolf expert so maybe Chief Flash is the best person to seek advice from.
  11. Zass

    Zass Well-Known Member

    Yeah I think Rodnutz is right. I just did [4] [1] [2] [6] [P] [+] [G] in 9 frames (skipping [3]) and it didn't work.

    I find looking at my inputs is that the problem is I usually end up doing something like this:

    2 [4]
    3 [1]
    1 [2]
    1 [3]
    1 [6]
    5 [6] [P] [+] [G]

    (notice the extra [6]) What that means is that I'm not hitting [P] [+] [G] on the exact same frame as [6] .

    Does that not work for PGS? Does the extra [6] screw it up?

    Ugh, I finally got
    3 [4]
    2 [1]
    2 [2]
    2 [3]
    2 [6] [P] [+] [G]

    But that still didn't do a PGS. 11 frames total, has to be 10 or less, right?
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You have to input it within 6 or 7 frames, can't remember exactly.
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    No you cannot. I tried this with programmable inputs on my PS2 emulator for VF4:EVO and it did not work. I don't know where you got this idea from.
    I would not recommend either of those approaches.

    You want to get comfortable using fastest giant swing in situations where you would normally use it. Like after a major counter high or low jab.

    If you practice dashing into PGS, or holding forward, and then doing the execution for perfect giant swing...guess what's going to happen when you try to do a PGS during a match? You can practice all you want in Dojo with PGS but once you get in a match you won't be mentally prepared at all.

    Set the CPU to counter hit, then hit them with a high punch or low punch, and then try the fast giant swing execution. If you want to use PGS in VS or Quest Mode then get used to doing the PGS in situations at advantage where you would normally being using it.

    Also set the CPU to throw out a slow mid, guard it, then try the PGS from advantage. Or set the CPU to jab, evade the jab, and try the PGS after a successful evade.

    If you're going to practice a move you might as well practice it in situations where you would use it as opposed to giving yourself tons of breathing room and time for mental preparation each time you try to execute in training mode.

    Don't bother adding motions like dashes or holding forward before the input. What you want is QCF as fast as possible. Practice from the 1P and 2P sides until you get the hang of it in training mode. Then set the CPU to do different things and see how consistent you can get the PGS.

    Personally don't even bother with training mode. If I'm learning a new character or combo or whatever I take it directly to Quest Mode or Online because I don't want to be mentally used to training mode where I don't have to worry about an opponent.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yes it does. I just did it and command display confirms it. I can make a video if needed. Although I didnt particularly try to do it, I just did the HCF fast enough as I usually do for PGS and lo: [4][2][6][P]+[G]

    command display looked like this on success:
    4 [4]
    1 [2]
    2 [6]
    3 [6][P]+[G]

    I can keep testing but my hands a bit hurting right now (unrelated to playing)

    My advice on PGS: just concentrate on start and end (so you dont overshoot to upper diagonals when youre in a hurry, and just do the roll in between as fast as you can. Most people mess up the input when they are trying to be fast. If you got a good stick, you should try to keep the movement compact, a 'snap'. You dont have to hit the stick all the way bottom usually, the down direction happens pretty easy if you just nod a bit in that direction.

    EDIT PS. I did some more tries. <10 frames= success, 12 frames=fail. It appears that for PGS the total amount of frames for [4] [2] [6][P]+[G] inputs (diagonals included in frame count but not necessary for success) has to be 10 frames or less. Could be less than 10 frames because I seem to do it in 9 but I think its 10.
  15. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Can you actually use VF5 to test. The input leniency may have changed in VF5 Empnova. Hasn't Noodalls or KOD already tested this?
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  17. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    there really is no secret to max input giant swing fellas. just input it as fast as possible. inputting a forward dash or crouch dash, [6] [6] or [3] [3], does make it a little easier though.

    heres my tip: the moment you think of inputting PGS, get really hungry for it. [​IMG]
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    You know? That's good advice for getting good at any aspect of VF. It even applies to things you want in life outside of VF.
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    This is the ideal way for PGS since VF4evo, I don't know why u failed with program inputs.....

    Waht Rod said is exactly the same way as mine, add more inputs to make u comfortable to do the rest of the commends. If u still have trouble, that means u r not ready for PGS. Plus, the little dash can get close to ur opponent, spacing is also important for PGS~

    There is no exactly way to do PGS, as long as u can do the fastest inputs, that's it.
  20. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    The dash does work when going for the Giant Swing, although I prefer a snap/spasm motion that covers 4 to 6 and barely touches 1, 2 or 3. I find it easier to get a fastest input on the head crumple throws offline. Online, I'm somewhat inconsistent.

    Then again, everything's inconsistent for me as I rarely play.

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