Strategies Utilizing LeiFei Moves after Sideturn Counter Hit.

Discussion in 'Lei' started by VFnumbers, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    * NOTE that if any of the moves hits the opponent on normal hit none of this will work or connect.

    (Side Turn Counter Hit)
    4K---> Side Crumple ----> various combos
    2p+k+g2k (bokutai k)---> Side Crumple ----> various combos
    8p+k+gp (doku p)---> Side Crumple ----> various combos
    466p+k---> Side Crumple ----> various combos

    6p+kp+k+g( goes to hai stance) +10 ST CH (From Hai stance) pp 49 dmg, leaves leifei at +9 with opponent still side turned.
    6p+kp+k+g( goes to hai stance) +10 ST CH (From Hai stance) pp+k leaves leifei at +12 with opponent still side turned. cannot be blocked or evaded.

    P (ST CH) +10---> Side throw 60 dmg (opp can escape with proper throw escape cmd)
    3k(ST CH) +10---> Side throw 75 dmg (opp can escape with proper throw escape cmd)

    3pp+k+g (ST CH) +15---> (from kyo stance)---> ppp(goes to hai stance ) 66 dmg
    3pp+k+g (ST CH) +15---> (from kyo stance)--->kk 57 dmg

    43p (ST CH) +10 ---> (from hai stance) pp 56 dmg , leaves leifei at +9 with opp still side turned.

    6k (ST CH) +20 ---> (from koko stance) 2kpp 96 dmg

    kyo stance k+g (ST CH) +16 ---> (from hai stance) k ---> various combos

    6pp+k+g (ST CH) +14---->(from kyo stance)---> ppp(goes to hai stance ) 66 dmg

    Hai stance pp+k(second part ST CH) +24 ----> 1P+K ----> various combos
    Hai stance pp+k(second part ST CH) +24 ----> 4p+kp 74 dmg
    Hai stance pp+k
    (second part ST CH) +24 ----> 66 k 64 dmg
    Hai stance pp+k
    (second part ST CH) +24 ---->8k 55 dmg, lei is at +1, enters koko stance, while opp is still side turned
  2. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    To continue regarding ST crumples...

    The universal combo to use after the foregoing is: [4][P][+][K]->[1][P][+][K]->[K][+][G][P]

    On the lighter weight characters (Eileen, Aoi, Sara, Vanessa, and for some reason Jean use the following max damage combo: [4][P][+][K]->[3][P]->[G][+][P][+][K]->[6][P]->[4][P][P]

    Check the combo section for even more damage against Eileen, Aoi, and Vanessa (maybe Sara, too).
  3. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    466p+k > side crumple even if it's not in ch (and that's great =P )

    and I saw that after 43p from side, opponent cannot guard/dm haishiki P, he can just press 2 to avoid it
    I usually use on side: [6][P] [P][+][K][+][G] (on hit from side), [P][+][K] (side guard break), [4][3][P], [P] [P][+][K], [4][3][P][+][K]
    try to set the cpu with this and hold guard after the first hit

    last hit ([4][3][P][+][K]) can hit just if the opponent press [G]. o_O

    I've tried this thing against Lei and some other char with same weight, it's not "combo" but haishiki P and 43p+k are unguardable from side even if the advantage it's not enough, why? :/
    phanatik likes this.
  4. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    I've just uploaded a video to show this, here you go :)

    phanatik likes this.
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    If leifei kyo p+k 20 frame exe guard break connects on opponent while they are side turn guarding. leifei is +15. The opponent can still duck without holding guard or evade the guard break after the 6pp+k+g.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Lei gets [9][K][+][G]!

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