Storyline for each Character

Discussion in 'General' started by KILLBILLFREAK, Apr 16, 2007.



    Post your own story for the characters of the VF series
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    They all go to fight in a tournament. The end.

    ----Fighting Games don't need a story----

    Want a story? Play Fallout or Myth. Good writing is found there.


    the point is to make up one jus for the hell of it
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    There where times - and it is not so long ago - where everyone believes that FPS games don't need story. Look at FPS now...

    Good story is good for ANY king of game. Fightng game too. Think about it like this: Do you prefeare to watch kung-fu movie with
    a) great fights and no (od stupid) story
    b) great fightes and great story
    Decision is just up to you...
  5. gizmoduk

    gizmoduk New Member

    the best fighting movies have no story, or a very basic story...not too much depth
    ...fist of legend, once upon in china (series), jackie chan movies...


    kill bill

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Agreed.....On both ends.

    The way I see it, fighting games don't depend very much on a story as much as say, RPGs and adventure titles, mainly because most of the time, the people who play (and/or develop) fighters are too busy doing just that to pay attention to anything else.

    And sometimes, a very basic story can be really good depending on how well it's executed.

    As one of my favorite developers once said..

    "If you think that story has no place in games, you're crazy. If you think story is everything in games, you're just as crazy. It's all about balance."

    For more from Warren Spector, check this link since we're on this subject....

    In the end, a good story never hurts, but just that alone won't be enough.
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    When did this happen? I've been gaming for a long time and do not recall this.

    Besides, FPS should be annihilated. I can't think of any FPS after 2003 worth playing, or doing anything new after 2001.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Good story is good for ANY king of game. Fightng game too. Think about it like this: Do you prefeare to watch kung-fu movie with
    a) great fights and no (od stupid) story
    b) great fightes and great story
    Decision is just up to you... </div></div>

    Those are the choices? So far all I've seen is shitty-to-awesome fights, shitty story. Which is the same as every fighting game made.

    "Hey lets justify people beating the shit out of each other with generic background stories."

    Fuck that. I don't play FGs to be emotionally moved, I play for the strategy and to make friends.

    I mean people cite SCIII as a good step forward? WTF are you smoking?! Did anyone actually play through the story mode and enjoy that?

    Synopsis of every character:

    Look! I'm in a clock tower, OMG giant gear! Now I'm in a cathedral... now I'm fighting a shitty character with insane blocking abilities. Now for a ending I can't skip. OVER.

    Fighting Games should be about one thing: Beating the shit out of people.

    Besides... Japanese games with decent storylines? (I'm picky, I hated 300)

    (omg, chrono trigger fans attacking)

    ----On topic----

    Akira- He lost again. He wants to fight. He does.
    Aoi- She lost. After being struck in the head her jab speed was affected. She fights again.
    Brad- He lost. He fights again.
    Eileen- Blah
  9. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    All the VF stories I make up end with Sarah involved in some form of lesbianism.
  10. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Maybe in VF4 Sarah was getting some action going with Tranny-Vanny, she had to use the "serpent cannon" for something lmao.

    As for VF5, she takes it from everyone, no joke. Bad porno.

    As for the topic at hand

    Akira- beating off in the mountains

    Pai- selling herself to the chinese movie industry

    Brad- pimpin

    Wolf- eating wild animals in deepest darkest canada.... and low punch cut

    Kage- being a fruit cake and saving his mommy

    Jacky- not sucking

    everyone else I don't remember or don't care about. We should just make up our own story, we'd probably make it way better and alot more fun.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Maybe fun... but better (as in it makes sense)? Maybe with some sort of ambiguity...


    Aoi and Asuka Kazama are totally going at it as the phone rings.
    "Don't you dare (insert Kansaiben)!" says Asuka
    "Oh, but I must... hello."

    "Is this Umenokouji san?"
    "*Aoi responds in the most gracious and long way Japanese can permit*"
    "Well, I need to fill you in on some inform..."

    Asuka sits up in bed and looks at the now worried Aoi.
    *Aoi says a very long and polite manner something to the effect of "Yes, I'll be there without fail. Good evening to you, have a pleasant evening and may Amaterasu smile upon your travels."*

    "You need to leave? Does it have anything to do with the up coming tournament?"
    "You should join the one I go to. It is..."
    "No, fuck you. I hate animals."

    Aoi leaves.

    No answers, just questions (I prefer that [<snob]). The game would get more publicity as it'd piss off reactionary religious groups...

    Image the number of players we'd get if Virtua Fighter was on the major networks for a week?!

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