First off i would like to say hi everyone, this is my first post on these forums. Though I have been reading these forums for over 2 years i ahve never actually posted here, just lazy i guess. Anyways, ive noticed alot of people try to compare pad use to stick use and argue that a stick is the only way to truley excell. My purpose here is to state that you can in fact be just as good using a pad. I have both a stick and a pad and get plenty of time using both, depending on my mood. In the begining i will admit the pad for this game was horrible. Mainly becasue i just didnt understand the level of ability and control that this game required to become a great player. I had to completely forget the old ways of the pad and develop a new way of using it. First off if you plan on using the pad in its traditional manner ( left thumb on d-pad and right thumb on buttons) then you will fail, horribly. You can argue all day that the top buttons are just as easy to use and effective, but unfortunatly you are wrong. The top buttons are not ever going to make you a great player, they are only a detour. I have played many VF vets that use this technique and they just outright suck. What it comes down to is that you have to understand that the Pad and the Stick are in fact one in the same. You have to learn to use two or three fingers on the dpad and alot of the time adapt from the thumb on the dpad to your fingers as well. essentially making your Pad a mini - arcade stick. Its here you can argue that the stick is better just becasue of the fact you have to adapt the Pad to the stick. But this is irrelevant, because once you fully develop the skills with the Pad, a person who effectivelly uses the Stick will not outplay you just due to your choice of control. All i want to show here is that the Pad is in no way worse or less effective the the Stick. like i said they are one in the same. LEARN IT!
which one is better is the question, and stick is by far better, simple as that (easier too!!) if pad was better, japanese top players would be using them....i dunno..
stick = easy pad = hard with a stick you dont have to spend as much time learning how to hit all the buttons fast and accurate because they're spread out and easy to reach. pads are smaller and cramped so they are alot harder to use.
I bought a hori fightingstick2 and I still can't pull off dragon lance combos (I suck /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif) oh wells. Yeah seriously I play the guilty gear machine at the near by arcade I can hit like sol FRC gun flame pretty consistent on that and do dloops like no ones business. Then I try to play it on my xbox and I crap out. Sticks rock.
In my opinion is a Pad the best hardware how to play vf 4 or other. Its a little bit different, but after 2 damaged Pads can I say that I can´t imagine to play with a Stick.
A stick is better to play VF with because: A. That is the true way to play the game. In Japan that is how VF is played and even if they buy the game for home version they buy a stick for it. B. Playing with pad is easier to perform struggles and throw escapes and enter commands. C. It's a pain in the ass to do Akira's knee on pad.
Re: Newbie vs. Dumb Ass Everyone just shut the fuck up. Please. This topic has been covered many times in the past. There is nothing new to add to the discussion. NOTHING NEW! EVER! Thread terminated.