Stick for ps3 or xbox360

Discussion in 'General' started by Tricky, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    so I've been looking into finally getting a next gen stick. The problem is that I don't know if I should get the xbox360 stick or get the uber vshg. I know the vshg is hella good from what I've herd but it's pretty expensive. If I'm dropping cash like that I want to know it's going to pay off you know? But with the ver. c. coming out for the 360 is it really worth it to spend the cash on it? They both use the usb port to connect the controler but I don't know if there is some kinda hardware lock preventing the vshg to work on the 360. I'm probably going to get a 360 when vf5 comes out for it, though are we going to start running tournies on the 360 right when it comes out or are we going to wait a little bit?

    please help my cheap ass!!!!!! eileen has expensive tastes
  2. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    As of right now, the VSHG does NOT work with X360. The only stick currently compatible is the stick from HORI, which is little more than a Fighting Stick 3 with VF custom art. Virtually identical to the DOA4 stick released alongside DOA4.

    There's the option of getting a VSHG modded for X360 use, but that can get pricey ON TOP of the price for the stick itself.

    There's still reason to believe that after the release of VF5 on X360, Sega/AM2 will release a Ver. C patch for PS3. Take that for what it's worth.
  3. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    People on Shoryuken are modding sticks, but I think they are charging 50 dollars labor, plus you have to pay for the VSHG, the 360 controller they will use to replace the VSHG pcb, and for the shipping back to yourself. Which like gameover said... is pricey... that is unless you are me, who is getting a VSHG modded for free. All I have to pay for is for the VSHG and the controller (30 bucks), and I'm getting free shipping from this one guy who only requested that he keep the VSHG pcb (he was looking for one for a while). Go me!!! Bring on the best stick, and the best version of the game!
  4. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    Its hard to not believe by the time we are playing the 360 version japan will be getting the major update ver of VF5 .. We are always behind in this stuff.. I really dont see why selling a ps3 and geting the 360 ver will matter when USA will always be out of date.. Thats just my 2 cents.. Plus PS3 has the better fighting stick to play vf the way it was ment to be
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    the link please?
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    ah thanks for the input guys. I guess I'll just get the hori stick then. I have Tekken5 avinv. stick right now for my ps2 and I enjoy it for vf.
  7. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    You can ask there about a dual mod, or go to their tech marketplace and see if someone will just do a gut for you.
  8. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Errr, yes it IS hard to believe considering Ver. C hasn't even been out 6 months yet. Also, what does it matter? The 360 is made so that you can patch ANY game. No special code has to be added like for the PS3 version. ANY update to 360 is easy, so what IS hard to believe is that if version D comes out, it won't be an auto-patch. Sorry, but there is no justifying your PS3 purchase for VF5 now (except for the time you've played on it). You've tried this before and got shot down. Let's not repeat this.

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