South of Sweden?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ztaar, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Ztaar

    Ztaar Member

    Any players in the south of Sweden (Skane) interested getting something going? Me and KiwE have played some but It would be nice if more Swedish VF5 players would be interested in joining and getting some regular playing going.
  2. Ztaar

    Ztaar Member

    I am located in Malmö so Copenhagen player are of course welcome as well.
  3. Ztaar

    Ztaar Member

    Small update:
    We have now started to play regularly in Malmo (at least once a week, some weeks more) and we are always at least 3 players. We are still looking for more players so if you live nearby (or play VF and happen to be close by) send me a message or post in this thread.

    If you understand Swedish you can check out this thread as well:

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