Soul Calibur Pie

Discussion in 'General' started by ONISTOMPA, Mar 4, 2004.


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    American Pie producer Warren Zide will bring Namco's fighting game to the big screen.

    What do American Pie's Stifler and Soul Calibur's Sophitia have in common? Two words: Warren Zide. According to The Hollywood reporter, the Pie and Final Destination producer has purchased the film rights to Namco's fighting game series.

    While no date has been set, the project will be Zide's first under his new Sony-based production banner, Anthem Pictures. Matthew Rhodes, Noel Vega, and Jesse Warshal will co-produce.

    While no details were given on the Soul Calibur movie's plot, it is likely it will take elements from the original Dreamcast and arcade game as well as Soul Calibur II, its arcade, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube sequel. Both games concern a cast of mighty warriors, lots of brutal hand-to-hand combat, and the all-powerful Soul Edge.

    GameSpot will have more details on the Soul Calibur movie as its preproduction nears.


    Can't wait to see who'll be staring in this one.
  2. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    American Pie producer Warren Zide will bring Namco's fighting game to the big screen.

    What do American Pie's Stifler and Soul Calibur's Sophitia have in common? Two words: Warren Zide. According to The Hollywood reporter, the Pie and Final Destination producer has purchased the film rights to Namco's fighting game series.

    While no date has been set, the project will be Zide's first under his new Sony-based production banner, Anthem Pictures. Matthew Rhodes, Noel Vega, and Jesse Warshal will co-produce.

    While no details were given on the Soul Calibur movie's plot, it is likely it will take elements from the original Dreamcast and arcade game as well as Soul Calibur II, its arcade, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube sequel. Both games concern a cast of mighty warriors, lots of brutal hand-to-hand combat, and the all-powerful Soul Edge.

    GameSpot will have more details on the Soul Calibur movie as its preproduction nears.


    Can't wait to see who'll be staring in this one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    cool. they should make a VF movie. but what would they call it? no one would take a movie called Virtua Fighter searious. the title would also be missleading don't you think?
  3. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    wow.. I'm gonna cry...

    I can't wait till they cast Hillary Duff as Sophitia and train her to kick nice and high so we can enjoy the panty shot.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    That actually wouldn't be far fetched, this is the guy who produced American Pie afterall. The fight scenes better be the shit though.
  5. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Making a movie based on a game is the best way to get the general public not to take the game seriously...

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I don't think the general public take games seriously in the first place unless of course they're extremely violent or contraversial in some other form. The amount of people who take SC seriously is very slim compared to those who play it for fun.
  7. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    from final destination and american pie to a action martial arts movie....riiiiight. He better watch some martial arts movies from the past and china seriously to get a good idea on how fights are like cos damn... They also better get a good cast who CAN do some sorta martial arts that needs brushing up on. Can't stand actors who HAD to take lessons before movie shooting, they look so bad. Pray also they get the characters and story line right, cos heaven forbid I'll go nutz if they made Nightmare friends with Taki or something wrong like that. They also need a few...not one fight choreagrapher thats experienced in weapons (obviously).

    Come to think about it, I hope it gets cancelled. Games to Movies are crap most the time. I.E Mario Bros the movie. Now that was a true let down.
  8. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    I can almost guarantee that the movie will be crap, most of the movies based on video games suck, look at Mortal Kombat, House of the Dead, Street Fighter, and house of the dead just to name a few. Hopefulley they wont' screw the story up and make the actors accurate, it would be good if they replaced the japanese actors by americans(sice the ones in the game don't look Jap) or somebody that looks like the characters in the movie.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I found the MK movies to be watchable. The SF movie, though - urg ... that has to be the worst movie I've seen.
  10. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:

    wow.. I'm gonna cry...

    I can't wait till they cast Hillary Duff as Sophitia and train her to kick nice and high so we can enjoy the panty shot.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL I dont think that's even legal yet...

    Maybe this new SC movie's gonna be a mere spoof of all fighting games in general. That'd be more interesting than a serious movie, coz lets face it, unless it's by a fellow gamer/nerd, there's NO WAY some random guy from Hollywood can possibly get it right.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Well, even Japan can't really get it right. Sure, there's some game-based anime that's at least watchable and fairly entertaining, but most is mediocre to horrendously awful. Tekken, Kirby, FF Unlimited, SF Alpha... utter crap.

    (As a side note, this is the single greatest review of the Tekken anime EVER.)

    I just don't think games can ever truly translate well to film. The limitations of the media take away the whole experience of gaming.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Zero-chan, Zero-chan, Zero-chan *smiles* You just couldn't resist the urge. Bring anime into the conversation to take a little jab at Tekken (and indirectly > yours truly). Tell you the truth I probably would've been way more harsh than Mr. Mike Toole. Everyone and their moms knows that movie was garbage, really old news. But anyways, there's also a Tekken movie in the making so you'll get plenty more chances to indirectly get at me, oh and a Nina game too so be patient.

    I just don't think games can ever truly translate well to film. The limitations of the media take away the whole experience of gaming.

    I think it all depends on who's making the movie and who's writing the script... Special effects definitly wouldn't be a problem if that's what you mean. If it was Spielberg producing most videogame movies I think that the majority of them would come out OK. Speaking of Spielberg I think he's working on Fatal Frame, or atleast his version of it.
  13. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    Well, even Japan can't really get it right. Sure, there's some game-based anime that's at least watchable and fairly entertaining, but most is mediocre to horrendously awful. Tekken, Kirby, FF Unlimited, SF Alpha... utter crap.

    I just don't think games can ever truly translate well to film. The limitations of the media take away the whole experience of gaming.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think Street Fighter the Animated Movie and the Street Fighter Alpha movie were two well done peices of work . I really enjoyed them (though I'm not much of a SF fan anymore) Also the first mortal combat movie was ok in my opinion.

    I think its wrong to say there will never be a good game to movie/series translation. Look at the examples pointed above. If somone compitent (who actually plays and understands the game they're making a movie about) made a movie based on a game there is always a chance to make a good game movie. Just because a good portion of game movies sucked to date doesn;'t mean you should give up hope.

    I heard about that fatal frame movie and the second Resident Evil movie is looking pretty good so far. I can't wait to see them.
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    I posted that review as it's one of my all-time favorite reviews of anything, ever (on a site I frequent often), and relevant to what I was discussing. It's also an example of why I like Toole's reviewing so much as use it as a role model - it's informative, funny, thoughtful, and best of all enjoyable to read.

    Posting bad anime review of game someone likes = AN ATTACK ON PERSONAL INTEGRITY. I love messageboard logic.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    No not at all, I don't consider that to be an attack and if it was well it pretty much failed since I totally agree : that anime was complete crap. And I don't exactly see what my integrity has to do with anything but oh well, shit like that coming from you doesn't really surprise me anymore. As for me jumping to conclusions....... I don't know maybe it's because it's you I guess. But I apologize if infact I did get carried away.
  16. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:
    I think Street Fighter the Animated Movie and the Street Fighter Alpha movie were two well done peices of work . I really enjoyed them (though I'm not much of a SF fan anymore) Also the first mortal combat movie was ok in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif...I absolutely hated the SFAlpha movie. I guess it all comes down to preference, but when SF involves an evil scientist, energy absorbing androids, and frog $hit for fight sequences, I say they've stooped pretty low (the whole anime seemed like DBZ meets SF to me). But like I said, I guess it's all about preference. I'm not ragging on you, but me and my friend, as SF fans, were really disappointed in that one.

    Now SF:AM, that was brilliant to me. That alone stands as proof that fighting games can be made into tight movies/anime. Too bad nobody else is following their lead. And I actually liked the first MK. I think it was the best they could do, and it was pretty good.

    Plague: I actually enjoyed watching The SF Movie with my friends to point out how crappy it was. It was the worst move in history; so bad that we watch it to make fun of it. What's really awful are the lies on the back of the box. Something like "action-packed fight sequences" and "the best special effects"...all lies. And the good reviews on the back HAD to be fake.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    My favorite line from that movie (being serious here)...

    "Or did you have trouble seeing that?"
  18. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed Street Fighter: Alpha a lot more than the movie, in the movie they tried to make funny comments and what they did was scre everything up, look at Zanghief, they messed that guy up, and the Ryo from the Movies didn't look anithing like the one from SF. I hope they don't screw up Silent Hill, im really looking forward to that movie.
  19. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    afroconnexion said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:
    I think Street Fighter the Animated Movie and the Street Fighter Alpha movie were two well done peices of work . I really enjoyed them (though I'm not much of a SF fan anymore) Also the first mortal combat movie was ok in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif...I absolutely hated the SFAlpha movie. I guess it all comes down to preference, but when SF involves an evil scientist, energy absorbing androids, and frog $hit for fight sequences, I say they've stooped pretty low (the whole anime seemed like DBZ meets SF to me). But like I said, I guess it's all about preference.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can definitely see how somone would hate the alpha movie (just as i would hope somone could see how much I hate the alpha series of games). Maybe a little bit off subject but I enjoy dragonball (from a - z - gt /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) I watched the whole series in japanese before it was popular in the US. But as with all anime that comes to the US and gets syndicated (with the exception of Cowboy Bebop) it is now trashed on every message board...


    Some video game to movie transitions may suck and actually be funny in their suckyness. Point in case, Mario Bros. Damn.... I mean damn... that movie was funny as hell! Not funny in a 'Gosh that was a well placed joke' way but more in a 'this disgust me so much that is funny' kinda way. I mean look at yoshi in the movie... wasn't he suppose to be green and loveable?

    I hope soul calibur doesn't fall into that category, but hey, us gamers have to take our movies where and when we can get them... until we can start making our own... *points to FF: Advent Children*
  20. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I can definitely understand the Alpha series feelings. Though I personally loved them. They were on a steady decline though. Imo, 3 was the worst one, but it was pretty good.

    And on the DBZ note; don't get me wrong, I'm not a DBZ hater. I've just grown tired of the series. My current friends who are DBZ fanatics label me as a hater, even though I used to religiously watch the original Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball Z (before cartoon network got it). Somewhere along the line, I just got tired of it. I can understand why people watch it (I used to), but it's just that now when I see it, I want to vomit.

    Plague: Man, I can't remember that one. Now I have to go and watch it all over again /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif. My personal favorite part was just watching the guy who played T. Hawk. They would've been better off leaving Hawk out, llike they did Fei Long. My friends couldn't believe that was him, even after I pointed out when he was called by name. The best characters were Vega and Sagat. They were actually close to accurate. Sure, Sagat was short, but where are you going to find a 7 foot guy who looks like him?

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