Some Stylish Combos for you Sarah Players

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Pai_Garu, Aug 8, 2002.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Here are a bunch of combos I found by messing around in practice for all you Sarah players out there. Sarah is becoming a strong player in my arsenal and I'm starting to really like the way she plays. I didn't bother putting some of the more obvious combos since I feel that they are not impressive to look at. These combos I'm listing are all for non heavy weights and don't require a counter hit. They all begin with the Dragon Cannon, but I am pretty sure you can substitute the DC with the knee. I'm going to ommit putting the DC command in the list cause they all begin with it.
    I'm going to use the following convention in the list

    combo string
    damage close, open, or both stances bounce combo if true
    notes if any

    Here goes.

    58 close
    Note: delay the punch a little bit
    55 both
    58 both
    66 both
    61 both bounce combo
    67 close bounce combo
    62 both bounce combo
    65 both
    62 both bounce combo
    66 both
    59 both bounce
    63 close
    70~75 both
    65 both bounce combo
    67 both bounce combo
    67 both bounce combo
    68 close
    70 both
    Note: I'm sure you all use this one /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    61 both
    61 both
    64 close bounce combo
    Note: You must buffer the [3]+[K] during the [2]+[K] animation of Sarah will do a ground kick. This combo is really cool looking and alot of times the opponent don't tech roll it.
    64 close bounce combo
    Note: Buffer the [3]+[K] right after you hit [G] after the second [P]
    65 both

    That's all for now. If anyone have any other float combos that is cool looking please feel free to reply and share with others. Or let me know how do these combos work with heavy weights. I want to hear what you guys think about these, so drop me a line. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  2. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Hey man thanks for sharing your efforts with us. We do appreciate when guys share info. I don't play Sarah that much, but with those combos I have a good reason to try her more.
  3. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    just to put in my 2 cents of stylish combos; i realize you may not be concentrating on damage here.

    DC([1]+[K]) of course being 1st hit, then

    -> [3]+[P],[K] -> wall hit [3]+[P],[K] -> [8]+[K]
    (this one's from Robyrt's Sarah FAQ)
    -> [6_]+[P][G] -> [3],[3],[4]+[K] -> wall hit ->[1]+[K]
    (MC against LW maybe?)
    -> [3]+[P],[K] -> [K],[K],[K] -> wall hit ->[8]+[K]
    (this one from CreeD; dunno the restrictions)

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