Some random thoughts on VF and VF5US

Discussion in 'General' started by Tha_FeauchA, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Never made a video like this before. But with the DLC that just came out and VF in general, it made me want to make one since typing it a would just be a huge read. I didn't even realize it was this long. I'm lucky my phone recorded everything because it split the video in two by itself. I would have blabbed on for even longer if my nephews didn't show up, lol. I heard them come in and just ended it there.

    Since it'll probably be asked. I'm wearing a mask to hide my mug. And that's the one that let me talk pretty freely and even chew my gum. I also don't know why my shirt sticks out like that, making it look like I got that egg shaped upper body, lol. I'm mad skinny. But, whatever.

    Also want to mention (what should have been in the video) how good I think that League session feature for rooms is for making big rooms playable almost constantly.

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
    masterpo and akai like this.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    There is an arcade version of VF5US that was released within a week of the console I think.

    It was unfortunate the matchmaking connection bar on rank and room was bugged on launch day, when the maximum number of people would try the game out.

    The simple fix to the connection bar during rank alleviated much of the issue of horrible matches with lag before. Later on, a couple months into VF5US, I got fiber optics connection and it was an eye opener for me on the potential of playing this game online. I am located in the midwest, but playing people in Canada, Mexico, East Coast, and the West Coast that I assumed also have Fiber Optics is really fun.

    There are enough examples of people with bad experience with the netcode (even with fiber optics I get less than optimal connection to some local players), so whatever can be done that can get more people to play the game as it was intended would be great.

    Wishful thinking on my part, I would like Sega to treat VF5US is still in beta and once they get most of the kinks worked out with the current game, make a second "grand launch" on the game with some incentives for people to try the online game again.
    masterpo and Tha_FeauchA like this.
  3. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    That's awesome that it's out in arcades, too. That's news to me. Crazy that both came out so close within eachother.

    My overall online experience since the connection bar fix has definitely been good. I get green connections with a lot of people. However, it does seem to be unstable. Some matches will be great, some others not so much. Sometimes it seems to take a couple of matches or so to smooth out. It can fluctuate. I do want to look into fiber optics in my area as well, so thanks for mentioning that. Also looking into even upgrading my ethernet cables.

    And yeah, I definitely also want to believe that this game is testing grounds for online modes and fine tuning it's features for the next VF game.
    Shinobi, masterpo and akai like this.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Tha_FeauchA you're random thoughts are much appreciated and you make some real good points. We all really want the game to do well. We just hope that Sega has a legitimate long term support plan. Will we ever have to worry about Sega taking the servers down:oops: I wish they would give us the development road map for Virtua Fighter. I would gladly financially support the game with a significant amount of money if they could give us a bona-fide road map.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    @masterpo Ay, thanks for taking the time to listen, man (And also anyone else). Means a lot.

    I agree that it would be awesome to have a road map. Maybe they don't move forward with something like that because they don't want to make promises they might not be able to keep, or because their schedule may fluctuate too much to give solid timelines. Who knows. But it would be cool. But it also wouldn't be cool if they gave a road map and didn't deliver after receiving support because of it.

    Also, after listening to myself, I misspoke a time or two. Or three, lol. Main one was in the second video around the 14 minute mark when I was talking about lag inputs and escaping throws in the dojo vs online. I meant to say you have to enter the throw escape before you get thrown in the older game ONLINE. Not just the older game in general. I gotta figure out how to add those 'pop up' on screen words for the YouTube video to correct that.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea, if RGG made promises that they did not keep, or could not keep that would be bad.:( I wouldn't want them to that. But maybe they could give us their wis llist, or conditional goals. For example:

    "We would like to add rollback to online" if we can get the budget to do it"
    "We will add a replay option, if there is a large enough demand"

    That would at least let the fans know what RGG team's conditional goals are. So even if these things were never added to the game, the fans would see whats on the wish list if/when things work out.:unsure:

    I think players would understand that things were being stated conditionally.:oops:
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    True. With the rollback example you used, that may be a possibility since in that survey they threw out there for us asked us of we wanted it or what we thought about it. Something along those lines. I can't remember all the questions, but there was a lot they asked us about what we would like in a VF game. So it's possible they may be making their 'wish list' thing among the top things they found in that survey.

    I think those two examples you used were highly requested things. Rollback and replay saves with fame data. For all we know, they may be working on that right now. It's anyone's guess on if or why they're keeping quiet on what they're doing. But, with all these updates and tweaks they've been doing, I almost feel like it's safe to assume they're working on SOMETHING. Some minor features or tweaks. Heck, in this last patch I think they fixed something kind of major with those tournaments by having people not lose their position and points in the tournament if they happen to get frozen in the room. Something like that. I haven't joined the tournaments yet, so I didn't look too close on what they fixed. But I know it was something pretty good that I saw people in random chats talking about that was happening to them and them losing their spots or something.

    But yeah. Even though we have no road map, I feel there is one for them that we as players don't see. And I definitely can understand if they they threw out there "We're working on making a robust single player experience along with online for the next VF entry" would be enough for a player like yourself to be excited
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Perhaps Japanese companies are different when it comes to engaging with the player communities on fighting game road maps. If you look at other companies and their in progress fighting games like NetherRealm (Ed Boon) with Mortal Kombat XII


    SteelCityInteractive ESBC:

    Or Sloclap SIFU

    They all have plenty of interaction with the player community and they all give tentative road maps or at the very least goals. These are not large highly financed developed studios. But they manage to let the players know what they at least want to do and where they would like to take their fighting games. And they release plenty of tech demos or interviews showing where they are at the moment. They appear to have a different relationship with the players and fans than Sega does.:unsure:

    And as far as Single Player options in VF5US I am no longer looking for or expecting any more Single Player options. Especially after the latest Update 1.31. If the VF Single Player community was in anyway a priority or important to Sega/RGG they would have thrown us a small bone by now. I'm on VF5, VF5FS, VF4EVO, and VF4 for my VF fix. I occasionally jump on VF5US to play family and friends that are remote but thats about it.:cool:
    beanboy and Tha_FeauchA like this.

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