Some Arcade Stick Questions

Discussion in 'Console' started by Raioumaru, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. Raioumaru

    Raioumaru New Member

    Hey again,
    A while back i bought an SC2 Hori. I have a couple questions. Im pretty new to using sticks, as ive been a pad player for a long time and i am attempting to adjust. I find it very hard to input correct diagonals. Sometimes when i move the joystick into the down position it registers as a diagonal. Forward and Backwards directions are easy but im having trouble adjusting. Is it the specific stick? Do i just need to be patient and adjust? Will practice merit easier directional movement? Is this normal or do i have a disfunctional stick. :p

    Thanks so much
  2. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Alot of American players in particular have problems when it comes to adjusting to a square gated stick. Practice normally resolves this kind of issue, but others have issues with square gated sticks in general. If practice doesn't resolve your stick issue, try getting a SVC stick (Octagonal gate) or an American stick (some players I know prefer American sticks anyhow, alot of them are perfectly round). I'd say practice hard with it first and see if you can adjust.
  3. Raioumaru

    Raioumaru New Member

    Cool that sounds good...

    Also about the square gated part....When i move the joystick around it doesnt feel square, i can move it in almost a perfect circle. I know that hori uses square gates so are it just the directional buttons thare are affected by this, or is it the entire feel?

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