
Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chibiaya, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    I was gonna make this grand thread but then i thought against it. I also didnt know where to post it because it will have several things not xbl related but this seemed the best place to put it.

    As many of you know, I am very sick. What you may not know is that i am only getting worse and playing fighting games is becoming more and more of a hardship for me. My reactions are getting slower and my focus is nearly non existent these days. Playing 5 games is kind of an accomplishment to me, going beyond that pushes me harder than it ever has. I used to be able to play for hours and hours but since being sick. its just become a hardship to me. Because of that I will soon will no longer be able to play fighting games and will probably focus on other things hopefully as long as i am physically able to do so.

    With that said... I want to say that its been great being here in the VF community and that I really am glad that ive become friends with alot of you guys here. Others, I could careless for but we share a common thing, We love VF and thats what matters to me. Over the course of the next week, probably until next saturday. I wanna try to get in as many games as i possibly can with the people of this website. I have played alot of you but not all of you and i want to be able to play everyone at least once. Doesnt matter where you live, I want to at least try unless it is completely unplayable. I know I wont be my best or even close to that. But I want to try anyway.

    For those who I have played alot such as tricky, joho, Motor city jacky, etc. Its been GREAT being able to fight against you guys and having a small part in you guys's evolution as a player in this crazy game. Its been alot of fun and i hope to get a good set in with you guys before I stop playing. Others of whom I have helped along the way such as sozos, evenpit, other countless people. I am happy I had the chance to play with you guys and help you get better at this game. Keep playing it until you cant anymore. Improvement comes from passion, Not from wishing to be good. The one guy I havent been able to play since FS came out still eludes me in LA akira. I know he doesn't really play online but I hope during the course of this week he can make a little time to play against me just once.

    I kinda ran away with this post so I apologize for it being so long. Just had alot to say i guess. I do wanna give a few shoutouts though to several people though:

    Northwest VF crew: You guys are awesome! I love watching you guys when you stream and I have to give credit to AJS specifically. Though we have played only a few sets, Ive noticed some of my tactics in his gameplay lol. Its quite awesome to see and It was awesome watching him continue to grow as a player. Even though I wont be playing anymore, I will always be watching. Chanchai has been invaluable to this community in nearly every aspect and I probably have more respect for him than anyone else on this site save LA akira

    NY VF crew: Cruz, Tricky, SDS, yada yada. You guys are cool as hell man. I wish I could have finished my trip to NY so that i could play with you guys but shit happened and i had to go back home. Maybe again in the future if i can get the money together I will try again. But Watching you guys every week improve just makes me want to improve even more whether i can or not. You guys are an inspiration to the VF community and people should learn from the examples you set for them,

    Tricky: This one specifically goes to you man. You by far are probably the coolest dude ive met in the VF community. Thanks for all the games an most importantly, all the information you put out there for everyone. More people should learn from you dude.

    Johoseph aka "lau of america": I love that you use the name that I gave you lol. Fucking awesome shit man! You have been a great rival since we started playing FS. Youre always fun to play against and always leveling up. As i get worse, Its been apparent for a good while that you are really close to achieving that goal of yours. Keep going man, Youre RIGHT there! Ill be watching ;). You even gave me your joystick which you didnt have to do after i offered to pay you for it. Good man you are dude...Thanks alot once again.

    Motorcityjacky: You know, I used to clown you alot on my streams lol. But the fact is, if it werent for you, Back in vanilla, I would NEVER have looked beyond the way i played jacky. I played denkai alot back then and that didnt make too much of a difference. But then i played you and watched how you used jacky. It was oddball as hell but it opened my eyes as to how to play beyond how I thought i should play. Even though in FS ive been pretty strong as a jacky player. It wouldnt have happened had you not shown me things back in Vanilla. You might not know this but you inspired me to stay a jacky player. Thanks dude.

    L_A: The things you do for this community is nothing short of incredible man. I wish i had the energy to do the things you do for the community. I want to go to sega cup to meet you in person but i simply just dont have the money to do that anymore due to being sick. I REALLY hope to meet you one day and to play you in VF one final time. You taught me how to play VF. Took alot of time out of your day long ago to teach me the basics of this game when you surely didnt have to. I wont forget that and while we dont talk too often nowadays. I remember and use everything you taught me back then. Thank you very much man. Keep doing what you do for the community man, Know that at least one person in me appreciates ALL of your efforts.

    I know this was long but i could go on for days...but i think ill just stop here....
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I don't think it matters where you posted this. No-one's going to say anything about it's location.

    You and I don't know each other in person, and we've only really interacted on here, and I'm not good with words to reassure you about things in a situation like this, but I will be online to play you this weekend. Give me a time and I'll be there for you on the dot.
    Feck likes this.
  3. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    I appreciate everything you've done for VF , from your podcasts to your streams. I hope things turn around and you recover . God bless.
  4. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping things somehow manage to turn around.

    I was glad I got to see some of your morning strings. Learned a good bit about how to deal with Jacky from that.
    Feck likes this.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I think you were the first person I followed when I joined this site. I had already saw your streams b4 I even played this game, and I want to thank you for helping me out along the way. You could have just kicked my ass and kept it movin, but no you took time outta your day to help me improve my game and give me tips. I haven't even been here for a year & I am proud to say that I got to play just about every top player there is on several occasions from SDS, STL, Flash,Tricky, GT etc., and now I get to say that I was able to play Chibiaya. The dedication u put in your Jacky makes you fitting of your nickname and I'm sure if you were to make it to any of the offline upcoming events you'd pretty much clean house. If we ever do get to play each-other again 1 last time ima bring it like never b4 (yeah I know i say that every-time but still). Just remember you'll always be an Immortal here...
    Signing out for now peace man keep easy.
    Feck likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I just wanted to stop by and drop a message.

    Just wanna say thanks for your presence, man. You've made a real difference in the VF community. Listening to the podcast with Kamaage gave me nuggets of advice that still helps me even now, and the streams introduced VF to alot of new players.

    And personally, you have been a big inspiration to me, just in life in general. But you know this, I've told you before. But I'm dead serious when I say I mean it. Between game development, working with Japanese players on projects, your real life martial arts knowledge and ability, to just the beat downs and subsequent knowledge you gave me in not just VF, but even in Persona, Marvel or watching you in JoJos or GG, you've shown me what a how a top player really becomes one, and also shown me how a person who truly wants to be an achiever truly is. In FS, the only player I play with that has shown me more about how to improve is only my own sensei, STL Tim. Now, as far as games go, you often make me rage, and I seem to do the same to you, and sometimes you blurt things makes me wanna punch a box full of glass shards, but at the end of the day, my sheer respect for you is cemented.

    Not to mention, I've had real good times just chillin in stream chat with you and Senkou and other guys, and just listening to you guys going on about all kinds of stuff

    Sounds corny, but I can really say that you simply being around has made a positive difference in my own life. I still hope that I can play against you offline sometime, and like I told you before, I'm gonna keep you in my prayers.
    BlueLink, phanatik and Feck like this.
  7. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Chibiaya, my man. You are one of the reasons that i keep playing the game. Your knowledge helped me a lot to improve my gaming. And for me you know to live far away and without offline opportunity its really hard to be a good player, but guys like you keep me to continue and playing this game. Your streams,your knowledge,your passion and your kindness to help the others it was the inspiration for me and thanks so much. Im sure most of people here feel the same as me. I hope you get better soon as possible. VFDC needs more Chibiaya. :)
    Feck likes this.
  8. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    I don't think we played against each other and I don't post much on here.... but I often checked your videos against various players on streaming and youtube. I like your play style and I learnt many things about this awesome game thanks to them. Besides that I know you helped a lot this website and community.... so, thank you!!!!
    Feck likes this.
  9. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Would've been a huge regret if I did not speak up and get those early-morning sessions with you. This may be a pretty shitty sign of gratitude, but I'll attempt to being less socially-awkward and just play the game.

    My best wishes to you.
    Feck likes this.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    To hell with all this Vf shit lol!! You are in my prayers to recover and return stronger faster and focused.. I wish you the best of luck Lil Bro. I have nothing but the utmost respect for your desire and determination. Just focus on Getting well. We Need you.
    BlueLink, VFnumbers, Cozby and 4 others like this.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I've been trying to think of something to say and SDS just went and took the words out of my mouth, we haven't always seen eye to eye chibiaya but I have nothing but respect for the effort you have put in here and for the game.
    Pai~Chun, SDS_Overfiend1 and Sozos like this.
  12. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    When I first saw your name on VFDC you seemed like one of the most laid back and amicable guys on this site. It was fun playing you the few sets we had last year. I hope you get well ,Chibiaya. Just remember to stay positive and to have a merry heart:) and you will recover fast.
  13. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Yo Aya! Man my whole experience with FS this far wouldn't have been the same without you. I've had an absolute blast being your rival, or training partner, whichever sounds best :D

    I watched your streams religiously and learned so much shit from you. You were like the Research & Development Department to my VF game. Not only that, every time I play you, you FORCE me to FOCUS UP. If I don't play focused VS you I see EXCELLENT left and right because of your relentless offense.

    And a big shoutout for coming up with my GT :)

    Really pulling for you man! We gotta hang out again sometime.
  14. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Hey Chibi, i ll be glad to play with yo... Anytime =)
    ANd like say SDS "To hell with all this Vf shit lol!! You are in my prayers to recover and return stronger faster and focused.. "
  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    I could sit here and quote everyone but i wont lol. Ill just say that i appreciate the words that have been thrown my way. It does sadden me that i will have to stop playing though. Yesterday while i was playing joho on his stream made it painfully obvious to me. I can still go but not at the expense of feeling well. There is only so far i can push myself before it gets to a point where i cannot do anything at all. The last few days Ive been playing some pretty long and arduous sets for me,. though before it didnt used to be so hard. I could have played for hours no problem but these days. One hour is far too long and i feel terrible afterwards. I will keep my word and play through the rest of the week.

    Ash: anytime you want to play shoot me a PM. Ill be around at random times during the week.
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Chibi man you have helped me grow as a player man. I still remember us playing vanillia online for hours and then posting about the fights. You've been one of the cooler people I've met here too and I for damn sure want to fight you in a set this week!

    I still hope you beat this sickness but I know also shit gets hard man. I don't know if you heard but I got into my three top choices for doctoral programs this past week. I'm now spending a ton of time figuring out which one I'll go to and junk. If you wanna set up a time to play in the mornings let do it man! Cuz I won't be online all that much this next week either. Lets get our hour set in!
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Chibi, i always watched with pleasure your streaming and your tutorial videos. I just can't stand the fact i can't play with you more due to the distance. We only played once and you said to me "you know your stuff" and that for me was great. you'r a nice guy and i hope to play with you soon somehow
  18. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Aya you put me in my place when this game came out, which only made me want to get better. I've listened to your podcasts and I've watched you youtube tutorials. I admire that you've put so much work into something that means a lot to you, and I wanna say thanks for helping me out. Best of luck to you going forward, man.
  19. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    I'm not on XBox Live unfortunately, but I'd like to wish you the best, Chibiaya.

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