
Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Lord_Roke, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Lord_Roke

    Lord_Roke New Member

    I'm still waiting for my PS3 to be delivered but have VF5 and can't wait to get into this game. I used to be a tekken man and before that SF2 - anyway my question - I've searched and cannot see where this has been asked before - is it worth (as a beginner) investing in an arcade stick from the outset or is the SIXAXIS good enough to get me started.

  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    What kind of controler did you use while playing Tekken and/or SF2? Keep with it

    Basicly - at beginners level it is not important. At medium level it is easier zto stay with pad if you start with it, but with stick you will have some slight advantages (differs character by character). At high level you simply need stick; pad will make your gameplay level to be lower. But on any level, you CAN use gamepad. AFAIK one of the best US TTT players use pad and plays dashers...
  3. Lord_Roke

    Lord_Roke New Member

    Many thanks for your quick reply - i'll save my money and see how it goes with the PS pad - I always played Tekken and SF2 with the pad so I'm more comfortable with this.
    thanks again

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