Singaporeans playing Style (VF4)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LAU Abuser, Jan 19, 2002.

  1. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Anyone here haf actually played with the Japs or Americans? It would be great if you could share your experience in your fights with any of them...
  2. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    LAU Abuser,

    Back when VF3 was just released and was the hot game, everyone would go up to Rocky's and play. At the time, myself and a couple friends "thought" we were pretty good. One day this guy comes in and he tore the place apart. He was from Taiwan and his name was Eric. He was a foreign exchange student or something. But, he brought with him a completely different game than the one we play. He was doing moves/combos like nothing at all. We played him as often as we could. I only managed to beat him twice. He played the most disgusting Lau I had ever seen. He totally knew how to make use of the rush-starter(f+p,b,f+P). He mentioned something to the fact that he was ranked like 15th in the world. Whether or not this was true, I have no idea. But, he said he owned his own machine, so that would help. But, I have no been beaten so effortlessly in my life. He was very good.
    Actually, I would really enjoy a rematch just for the hallibut!!
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Lau Abuser, Ice-9 is your man. He's going to university here in America and according to his recent posts has traveled back to his home in Singapore and made a side trip to Japan over the holidays. Ice was also able to play many of the New York City regulars before leaving for Asia, too. Search for posts from Ice-9 from mid-December to the present, and you'll find the comparison between America, Singapore and Japan that you're looking for. Most of the relevent stuff is in the Jamboree forum, but there's also a thread in the Virtua Fighter forum that preludes to Ice's "tiering the characters for fun" thread.

    I'd also like to see Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada in a comparison too...

    Another foreign exchange student from Taiwan was the person that really put the gas on the fire that was the VF2 scene in Toronto... He was one of the reasons why I used to road trip up to Toronto almost every weekend to play VF2. AFAIK, he's still living in Toronto and playing VF4 now. If I get a chance to play him again next weekend when I'm up in Toronto for the virtuaproject tournament, I'll report back here on what he's currently up to. But I would consider him part of the Toronto scene now, as he's been there thru all of VF3 and now VF4.
  4. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Dear Akira 2001,
    In Singapore 5 years back, there was one guy 'Colin' who managed to pull off a 40-50 winning streak in VF2... I really want to have comments from that guy on how he plays his Lau (VF4). I believe that he's still as good in VF4 as in VF2. Now, i'm concentrating on making my Lau as fierce as possible. I utilize f+P (stumble), super knife (w/MC), P(G), upknife, superknife, superknife (if floater is high)... Damage is reallt good... Without counting f+P, the combo damage is abt 110 pts (more that half life bar). Ever tried this b4 (only on light and midweight)? b4 this combo was found by me, i did something like f+P (stumble), upknife, superknife, upknife, superknife... Its quite good actually but needs a lot of concentration and dexterity to keep doing d/f,d/f...

    As for my Akira, my charging forward and backwards with sgpm.... My pursue of TR recovered is mostly based on Shrm combo, SPoD and b,d/f+P+G... Would like to know how u pursue your TR recovered oppo?

  5. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Great to have such good players to visit S'pore... I got no money to buy Aeroplane (haha) i mean the tickets... Presently i'm working and this April i'll be visiting Japan Kobe for work visits... I'll make a point to step into Tokyo to be 'teached-a-lesson' by those Japanese VF4 freaks... Although Singaporeans haf being playing VF for a very long time, we can't match the level of expertise demonstrated by those Japs... Very sad... Really like to see their way of tackling LP and dodge techniques... Maybe after my Jap visit, i'll try to convince my dad to allow me to go Toronto... (,")
  6. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Here in Australia back in VF3 we had an official Tourney about 3-4 years ago. First there was the torney afterwards we played vs the Taka 10,000 victory champ along with 5 other Jap player(no names, though there was a excellent Jacky player among them)!

    Personally I wasn't able to compete cause I was working there at the time :( Hoewver afterwards I played a few games vs the Japs

    But anyway the eventual results was:

    1: Taiwan (dunno his name we call him the short Infinity brother, Kage Taiwan/aus style)
    2: Johnny (Kim's brother, Lau, HK/aus)
    3: Myke (kage, aus)
    4: Joe (jacky, hk/aus)
    5: Kim(hk, aus)

    Myke was the best player on the day despite the final standings. He lost to the eventual winner. the places 2,4.. were only because of the draw not a true indication of actual skill and results had the tourney been seeded.

    There was no seeding as our gang signed up together on the day we were placed in the same group and knocked each other early.

    Myke was featured in a Jap magazine we found out a few years later. (Myke if you're reading this have you seen Kaz's mag?)

    Well they gave a summary of the players and said basically the above.

    Brief summary of styles from my Point Of View:

    1st place:
    Taiwanese exchange/overseas student:
    Plays SF2,x... KOF, VF2/3/4
    Basic philosphy is to win no at whatever cost. So tactically that is his style, ie use Tier 1 or higher characters, scrub tactics are effective so he'll abuse, infinite combos will exploit. That simply is his style over like 8 years of fighting. Ken(shinshoryuken), Iori(P, command throw, P, command throw,...), Akira(freeze bug),

    Skillwise is very consistent and accurate on his moves and combos. Overall is an excellent player. Played mainly Kage stragegy is as follows:
    1: P, K, G
    2: Elbow(stagger, TFT)
    3: TFT(combo/RO)

    In VF4, he's a AKIRA user, similar style. Very accurate DLC, and SPoD. His brother is taller and plays exactly the same style so hence the Infinity Brothers!

    2nd Place: Johnny (Lau, Pai, Akira)
    Only got so far because he had a lucky draw. Tactically excellent in all fighting games. A 2D game genius.. just doesn't prac enough in VF. At the tourney he did big moves and managed to connect on his opponents?!?!

    3rd Place: Myke (Kage, and everyone else)
    Best player in Australia.

    4th Place: Joe (Jacky)
    Again lucky draw got him that far, relies heavily on b/d+K, throw.

    5th Place: Kim(Kage, Akira)
    Killed by GOD aka Myke in first round or something. Flashy style with strong pyshology based attack.

    So after this ramble the placements should be:
    1: Myke
    2: Infinity Brother
    3: Kim
    4: Myself
    5: Joe

    "junes" also worked at Segaworld but I hadn't converted him to VF yet.

    About the Japs
    There were 5 japs, the National Champ and 4 other no names. The Champs game was deep, just about everything the opponent did was a mistake (usually at 40-70%).

    Awesome defense and offense. Pinpoint timing and placement. Afterall he did beat 10,000 opppents with Taka.. nuff said!

    The move that sums it up was his execution of "df,df,b,f,p" to duck under the rising kick for 80% vs Infiinity Brother.

    Jacky player... was a competitor in the same comp as the champ but was knocked out. Came to Aus as winner of sweeptakes along with other japs. Flashy player and actually beat the champ in one action packed game. It wasn't pretty but he won. He used PPPK, U+p, guaranteed combo vs Taka in VF3 so it was a bit unfair. Constant Korean stepping with dodge/dash/cancels and back/turn/dodge/dash cancel galore. Joy to watch!

    Him and the Champ were way ahead of our league. I was happy cause I had 3 games and managed to connect 5/6 SPoD and usually took them 4/5/5 rounds.

    Level in Australia
    Myke would probably be the best person to comment. Heavily influenced by Jap/Korean movies and Gaming(Jap) mags commmented on the finer aspects of the game.
  7. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Colin doesn't play VF anymore, in fact, he didn't even play VF3 much.

    Although Singaporeans haf being playing VF for a very long time, we can't match the level of expertise demonstrated by those Japs... Very sad...

    You don't speak for all SG players, and a 40-50 winning streak is nothing.
  8. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Lau Abuser: Although Singaporeans haf being playing VF for a very long time, we can't match the level of expertise demonstrated by those Japs... Very sad...

    Alucard: You don't speak for all SG players, and a 40-50 winning streak is nothing.

    Then, can you pls name some SG players of VF4 that made big in the tournaments? Any 'rankings', official ones?
  9. oldtimer

    oldtimer Well-Known Member

    just me 2 cents...

    no one can safely say they speak for Singaporean VF players unless there is a

    1. an official VF local body or organisation
    2. been nominated by that local body/organisation


    Anyhow, there won't be a local body or oganisation coz we're all too caught with other things in life. Like surviving and reservist training to name a few.

    It would be really fabulous though. A local gamers association representing us.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Lau Abuser, I was in Singapore over the winter break--did I ever get a chance to play against you?
  11. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    did Jeff post any comaprison between Singaporeans and Japanese??? I missed the posts... /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    anyway I think the standard of VF4 is still pretty bad in Singapore. My personal opinon. I guess there is not enough dedicated players around. There used to be much more VF3 players.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Young Jump!

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Myke was featured in a Jap magazine we found out a few years later. (Myke if you're reading this have you seen Kaz's mag?)


    hehe, yeah I saw the magazine. If I remember correctly, it was an issue of <a target="_blank" href=>Young Jump</a> /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  13. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    I guess there is not enough dedicated players around. There used to be much more VF3 players.

    Nowadays everybody play LAN, what to do? Sianz...
  14. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    anyway I think the standard of VF4 is still pretty bad in Singapore. My personal opinon. I guess there is not enough dedicated players around. There used to be much more VF3 players.

    I believe the 'Craze' here is currently KOF 2001...Actually, i can be quite accurate to state that VF has always been in the shadow of KOF. Reasons being...

    1. KOF offers 2D fighting which is easier to play (for young and old)

    2. KOF has so many many many machines...

    3. KOF offers a wider range of characters to choose from.

    4. KOF even has its own Comic.

    Last but not least, the combo in KOF is so much easier and look at Special effects for all their 'Super moves' ain't them cool?
  15. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    another thing is Singapore used to get VF earlier than the western countries but this time round for VF4, it is not the case huh.
  16. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    I once made the same remarks about KOF series to a KOF player. He simply said "Try beating me at it then".
    I hope you can play KOF 2001 pretty well to say that.

    Any way where have you been at those times when you said you were coming to AMK? So far we have read quite a few times about you going down to AMK but we have yet to see you around.
  17. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and the release of a home version 4-5 months right after the arcade release doesn't exactly help much. I mean, sure, Sega is going make more $$$ and more people will get to play VF4, but most of these "home system people" probably won't be playing VF4 at a very high level, unless of course, he/she is able to hold regular gatherings with many decent players.

    When you think about it, it doesn't make much sense to spend so much $$$ at the arcades when you can play a "relatively similar" arcade conversion comfortably at home.
    If we had, I might consider spending more time and $$$ at the arcades, but well...

    Interest in VF has been declining since VF3tb, we had so many good players back in the VF3OB days, now its just...*sigh* sianz...
  18. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Sorry i couldn't make it... i was actually at Bugis coz frienz 'Jiao' me...

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