Sideturned Gimmicks

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Cozby, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I'm calling these gimmicks cause for because I haven't really tested Sarah's sideturned stuff enough for me to claim the follow tech as legit "setups."

    1. As the system stands, in certain cases there's moves that won't combo, but will be "unblockable" from side turned, since it takes longer to actually guard attacks.

    An easy example is Sarah's [K][+][G][K] sequence. If [K][+][G] normal hits, the following [K] is unblockable, and unevadable and Sarah is left in a favorable position in FL. Although, the opponent can use moves that high crush i.e. [2][P] to avoid the kick.

    This is just an example, most of the time if [K][+][G] hits, it will be counterhit, and in that case, she has a half a century to confirm the next [K] if she chooses to followup with it.

    To take full advantage of [K][+][G][K], on the wall if she hits the whole [K][+][G][K] sequence, it will cause a wall stagger (any move that hits a sideturned opponent next to a wall will cause a wall stagger), and she can followup with FL [6][K][+][G] for a full wall combo.

    2. If you can somehow someway get [4][K] to normal hit a sideturned opponent, FL [P][K] is unevadable/unblockable, but avoidable via high crushes.

    If the [4][K] CHs then FL [6][K][K] is unblockable/unavoidable, and since its a mid, the opponent can't get away from it.
    PurpGuy, Sozos and Chanchai like this.
  2. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    FL[K][K] leaves you at +8 on side turn NH so in you can press FL[K][K],FL[K][K],FL[K][K] till they're pushed out of range or they dodge or they do a low.
  3. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby

    I guess I should mention that the FL [K][K]'s are unevadable too on ST since they're 11f and +8 NH. [3][P][K] on sideturn hit is +8 too.

    If you think the opponent is gonna crouch, FL [6][K] is very easy to confirm on ST and crouching. If they evade it, it's safe from punishment too (at least from 12f jabs from my testing).
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I posted this in another thread, but since we now have a thread dedicated to Sarah's ST stuff, I'll repost it here. Please feel free to correct my mistakes or add your own opinions. I'm sure better Sarah's than me could poke holes in my post. (some of my frames may be off, but I'm too tired to proof read...sorry)

    [K][+][G] - One of her rare full circular moves. It's high and 21 frames. However on both NH and CH it forces side-turned position. She has some options stemming from this one move.

    - Finish the canned combo with [K] - on normal hit you'll end up at +4 in FL, on CH you'll be at +10. Add 3 frames for side-turned and you have a +7 or +13 advantage while standing in FL to your opponent's side. On CH her [P][2][K][K][K] combo is free for 80 damage.

    - Do not finish the canned combo - [K][+][G] on CH is +9. Add 3 frames for side-turned and you're at +12 advantage. Now all of her [P] string combos and setups are free. [P][K] for easy damage. Or [P][P][P] to open up her other options such as the various [K] endings or move into her FS/BS game. Or you can [3][P][K] into FL.
    FS [P][+][K] - Half circular high at a respectable 16 frames. Opponents will have to evade to her front to escape. On normal hit you are at +7 and on CH a crazy +12. That gives you a +10 and +15 situation to play with. The only problem here is finding a safe way to go into FS.

    - On +10 all you can really do is throw. Unless you're feeling confident and want to go into some BT shenanigans. If you do go into BT, remember your opponent will still be side-turned.

    - On +15, so many options...throw (10f), [P] strings (12f), [7][K] (14f), various [6][P][+][K] strings (14f) which, depending on which one you use, can lead into FL play or FS/BS play.

    All of this can be high crushed, so proceed with caution...:(
  5. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    To add to the side turn tech (albeit a little specific and not fully developed), here is something I noticed going on in the dojo last night. Hopefully myself or someone else may be able to test it out fully and there maybe some hidden tech in there.

    If you're in closed stance, do a very close [3][K]+[G], and your opponent techs to the side (I was testing sideroll/back, you can then input [4][K] within the buffer period of Sarah finishing her sweep animation (right about when she is getting up). If all goes to plan, you get either a great meaty that leads to deep stagger, or if they block, +9 ST while in FL.

    My assumption is that it is catching them perfectly during the 3-4 frame windows when the are rolling up and therefore get caught sideturned. I noticed the Execution count was 19 for the [4][K] if that matters.

    You have to do the sweep close to them however because if you do away from them, they will roll too far away from you. If you do it close enough, the have to roll around you, which keeps them at the perfect distance for the [4][K]

    I'm trying to compile the attacks you would need to do (and ways of getting the timing down) so you can maximize the possibility of catching someone in a side turned situation on tech, but it will probably have to wait until finals are done.

    Edit: Timing is for Heavies (not Taka) and mids. Haven' tested on pixies or ligher weight yet...
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
    PurpGuy likes this.

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