Shun Analysis

Discussion in 'Shun' started by Mackfactor, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I been taking some notes on Shun of late. I wanted to find out some setups, combos ( please dont give me combos thats on the combo listing thnks, etc. I thought maybe i share, it may not make any sense. But i started to take notes on VIDEOS i been watching. Maybe after i finish the notes I can find out correlation with some info. its a long crackfactor post, so i hope some ppl may find it useful some prob not. But at least for me, i can always come back to this link and add to it and get some ideas ( so maybe when i know shun more i can analyze my notes better). Maybe others can find correlations/frequencies/ tendancies. neways here's my notes so far on high level SHUN. Starting from ITAZAN.

    VF5 ver.A Fuudo(LI) vs Itazan(SH)
    -OPN:MULE KICK, P (WHIFF), P, KK. HOLDS K and does P+K, K (pushback)
    -K+G NH 3k
    -SOU 2k NH into K+G
    -after the throw where Shun can roll away BT after throw escape (lion escaped the throw), BT SOU SABAKI
    -1kk NH into oki: 3P+K (not charged) : prob works better after ppl tech/sideroll to get a side crumple?

    VF5 ver.B SHU(SH) vs Itazan(SH)
    -round starters:
    Shu starts off with 1p, Itazan does 1P+K+G to evade.
    -mule kick (face down), 6P+K+G P
    -1p nh into 26P CH kkp BT SOU 2k. ( check whether this setup works at disadv -6 NH )
    -3p CH +5 crouch dash, mule kick 0dp: MULE KICK OPEN: 3P+K+G to back 2p, 6pk ( missed wall, but maybe the best damage if he was able to connect the wall )
    -2dp: mid distance 46p whiff into BT SOU SABAKI KKP ( always uses light dwn atk after )
    -u can sabaki dm P+K from BT SOU P+K
    -Close to wall, 4P into BT SOU K
    -3pp NH into MULE. MULE hit in the air (shu went for K+G), 2p 2k combo (2k whiffed, maybe stance specific
    -1P+K+G P+K CH into 3P
    -3pp Nh into K+G
    -K+G hit in the AIR INTO HOLD. p p.
    -3P+G into PP2KK, OKI: after sideroll/tech 3P+K
    -2k NH into K+G
    -6pp P+K (WALL HIT ), 3pp, 3p+K (not charged), light dwn atk
    -after side roll 3P+K, is used often
    -64P,P NH backdash 66P+K
    -WR 2k NH, into 4k+g
    -3ppk (lie down) was punished by shun 1kk
    -oki: 64p, whiff then FOE DOES SIDEROLL, oki: 6k (if that whiffs try SIDESTEPPING FROM STANCE, because after sideroll maybe linear WR

    VF5 ver.B Itazan(SH) vs Kamaage(AK)
    -K+G grd, but had push back. 3p.. prob will duck highs.
    -1kk OKI: foe siderolls, 3P+K (WALL HIT/HALF FENCE), 46P+K,P,P (if this hits wall from side wall stag maybe try another 3P+K)
    -AKIRA siderolls and does WR K, SHUN crushes it with K+G
    -AKIRA does PK, SHUN DOES 1/8 P+K+G P: beats akiras elbow
    -DP9: OPN:43P+G, hcfp, kk2p (kk2PK at 16DP)
    -ending round. p then 6P+K (dp4), BT SOU DRINK (DP2).. 6DP altogether
    -was trying to OM P on wake up, but whiffed. AKira does Sideroll, shun does 4K+G
    -OPN:HCF PP, kk2pK
    -1KK, akira didnt tech 3ppk
    -sou pp k (stag) 46 PPP P+K (close to wall).. but since the 46PP created wall splat instead of the P+K he went BT SOU SABAKI instead

    VF5 ver.B Puchiansa-to-ka-(LA) vs Itazan(SH)
    -open: 2k beat lau 6P elbow after lau block wr K
    -pppk blocked into 2p due to pushback
    -2K+G times 3. after evading lau. ppp ( ducked the highs )
    -46P+K vs failed evades
    -lau 6p, p, u can duck the 2nd P ( crouch fuzzy into pk or throw or mule etc )
    -cls(sidewallhit), 1kk, wall hit, 6K (oki 46P)
    -CHOU PP (CLS: from backdash 2p)kk (hold) into OKI roll..(foe siderolls). 4K+G to crush wr

    -mule kick 3/9 P+K+G 2p 46ppP+K at 4dp AOI:OPEN
    -mule kick WALL kkp 46ppp P+K:AOI
    -46ppP+K CH on OKI. whiff the others
    -3P+K, wall stag, 46P+K, P, P and he went for 3P+K again ( try holding 3P+K): AKIRA HALF FENCE
    -1KK, akira didnt tech. 3ppk
    -3P+G, CHOU P, ChouPP,2p,3P+K (side stagager) OKIZEME: KAGE

    -vf5shu vs jeffrey 06
    *f P+K+G (p) whiff into DM P+K. right after does 3P cancel, BT P which switches him to Sou Koku Kyuu , then used K+G to hop over his WR low kick.
    *SABAKI into KK P, if they dont recover finish with hold foward K, into ground atk
    *2p blocked (closed) 1P+K+G, avoid jeff's 2p
    *oki: after 6 P+K+G hit, he does 3p cancel into BT P, gets blocked, but that BT P move moves him back to safety. does the drink 6P+K+G which turn hims the other way.. and then setups for sabaki P+K, P
    *4K+G whiff, stay in stance go into backturn.. and then do a BT throw < crouch dash backwards for more distance >
    *6K+G on block into 4K+G beat jeff's mid..slower than elbow mid

    -vf5shu vs jeffrey 05
    *shun always starts with 3p.. does it beat highs in the beginning round?? test
    *pp or 46PP blocked into K+G
    *2k blocked into 6k+G
    *2K blocked and does 6K+G, does the FOOTSTAND ( the one where he rolls back from ground )
    *BT SABAKI P+K, stop on block then K+G (beat 2p)or 4K+G
    *kkp, into SOU BT P <OKI>, (BLOCKED),4P+K+G drinks and backs away to safety.
    *6k CHAK, CH , p, 43P
    *66 K, P, 43 P

    -SHU VS JEFFREy 04
    *2p hit into hcbP+K ( footstance )
    *FRONT SOU K blocked into CHA, abare P
    *2p CH into 6p+K+G killed failed evade
    *k+G hold, blocked, into backdash into roll throw
    *46pp, P+K wall splat 46pp, P+K
    * 331K, on wake up (face down, feetaway)
    *2k KO, then goes into OU, drinks 3 total.. for show??
    *4K+G, backdash, G cancel into BT K+G, then for oki he does BT P+K+G twice ( u can also do it from PK BT CH, P+K+G times 3 )
    *K+G hold on hit. G cancel into BT.P+K+G twice(BLOCKED twice), into BT THROW
    *sou 2k Nh (+4), into 4K+G, looks like it will beat 2p

    -Vf5 Shu vs Jacky 14 commentary
    *1p blocked into MULE into 6P+K+G beginning round
    ( oki he did 6K NH into P+K blocked ( 1P+K+G which evaded 2p -6)
    * does ppp, cancel into K (stay in CHOU) NH but stag, then P+K off a stagger
    *after jacky does 4p,2p NH low backfist, shun does 1P+K+G, P, NH, does backdash ( to kill frame ) and does hcf P
    *K+G on block HOLD.. and went for a throw, but jacky backdashed away. Also K+G on block into stance, backdash, evade jacky's midkick ( K+G plus on block after going into stance? ).
    * at 11 drinks after mule kick does 3ppk
    * near edge of ring he does this setup twice. 43P+G, hcfP, HCFPP,46p p+K cancel into To Sou Koku Kyuu (FRONT due to the fact that JACKY techrolld chnged to FRONT SOU??, hold K to go into Chou Ka Rou P+K ( probably makes him plus on block ), K K(low attack) CH, into While rising 2k
    * K+G nh sideturned into CHOU P ( BACK JACKY WAS ABLE TO DUCK the high full circular), but keep going intoBT SOU 2k NH, OKI goes into OU. OU KP gets blocked, and he does k+G to beat jacky's 2p.
    *K+G hold. must be plus on block, because he dashes back each time it gets blocked.

    Vf5 Shu vs Jacky 13 commentary -6P+K+G drink evaded high, into mule kick to beat 2p
    -sabaki KKP
    -K+G side turned into 3p or 3p CANCEL sabaki from CH (K+G)
    -3p blocked into 2k, open ( stance beat 2p, mids??)
    -mule kick into 3ppk. STANCE, backdash, wait for whiff into catch throw
    -SOU 2k CH, 6kp. OKI BT SOU P
    -13 drinks 43P+G, 46ppp,p+K (maybe going for oki: BT SOU P <whiffed>, into front turned SOU 2k

    VF5 Shu vs jacky 12
    -6P+K while getting up to beat JACKY's throw attempt (ducks it)
    -BT SOU SABAKI which turned him into OPEN(STARTED FROM CL), blocked into K+G ( does it beat 2p or elbow from disadv? )
    -1p CH RO half fence ( was at 6dr, maybe doesnt require)
    -2p blocked, 1 or 7 P+K+G into HCF P+K; kp,2kk
    -K+G NH, into BT SOU 2k used twice this match into OKI BT SOU P

    VF5 Shu vs jacky 11
    -mule kick into 6p+K, start of round 1.BOTH full life
    -2k beat jacky's 33K in clsd
    -after successful evade: K+G, or mule is used often
    -1P+K+G p+K CH into 3ppk (missed, but test to see if it works)
    -pp on block into HCF p+K (which ducked high P after jacky fuzzy.. so test if u can duck highs at disadv), kp2kk,
    -1P+K+G P NH into K+G
    -1p, WALL STAG (FULL FENCE) 336p, hold 6k ( try 3p or ground atk after; he went for it but 3p came out )
    -pp2kk, wall, 3p. into 2P+K+G kp,2kk oki.. wall: 6k
    -K+G into CHOU 6P+K+G into 43P+G < 21DP >: HCFP, HCFPP, 43P

    VF5 - Shu vs Jacky 10
    -6P+K wr to beat throw clash highs
    -OPEN JAcky's 4P+K+G K (SLIDESHUFFLE K)was ducked under by shun 6P+K+G
    -6P+K+G has pushback. so try backdashing. he does this twice on block. also does 6P+K+G Blocked, backdash 6P+K+G again
    -whiffs 46p on purpose and does BT SOU SABAKI (mid range)<near wall> and does kkp. oki SOU BT p, k ( probably gets wall stag from this )
    -OPEN: K+G nh hold, into CATCH THROW FROM STANCE. didnt need to dash in for catch.
    -1kk nh, 3p when they dont tech.
    -DMP+K, 3ppk.
    -BT SOU SAB, blocked mule kick
    -1p CH=launch, 3ppk ( try )
    -1 or 7 P+K+G P+K, ducked under/evaded SLIDE SHUFFLE K
    -he goes for hcf P+K setup on wake up. ( position: face away, feet towards. Maybe these strings beat mid wr?? or low ?)
    -6k stag, STANCE p p+k. (8dp required)
    -try any Ka Sen Gyou In (ex. 46 pp (P+K) nh -1 ) into backdash CHOUWAN or BACKDASH INTO SOU BT SABAKI. CH=3ppk, GRD(-7)= 1/7 P+K+G p or P+K
    -1kk or HCF p+K kp2kk (WALL) 3p, light grd attk
    -ppp into HCF P+K kp2kk ( avoid high P )

    - VF5 - Shu vs Jacky 09
    -OPN: 3p (switch stance)beats p/2p OPENING RD
    -3p Nh into 3p ( does it beat p?at -2 ? = no only on CH < 2p will beat 3p open NH-2 >
    -ppp K CANCEL SOU K hold <STAGGER> into 6p+K+G P+G ( or do P, P+K .. maybe stricter timing, P may whiff )
    -46ppp blocked into 1/7 P+K+G p.
    -OPEN:jacky's low backfist 3p NH (negative) and does 2p: BUT SHUN 2P+K+G P to his back evaded his 2p. 2P+K+G P HIT (-6,0,+5) into K+G nh HOLD into 6P+K+G
    -OKI: after sideroll, SHun does 6k on block does P (JACKy's lowback fist beat this option)
    -BT SOU SABAKI blocked, into K+G NH <CLS> HOLD. G cancel into BT P which made jacky's 2p whiff into BT THROW
    -1p CH 43P
    -Ring out: BT SOU SABAKI in 46ppp P+K ( prob best distance )

    VF5 - Shu vs Jacky 08 just started 1:30
    -maybe mule kick beats jacky's pp6pK (evade the KICK..probably. jacky didnt finish string.. he attempts this twice during match)
    -CANCEL BT SOU DRINK.. he does a back or foward movement before drinking always.. maybe covers more distance for spacing.
    -6P+K+G P blocked into 1or7 P+K+G
    -DM P+K into oki: BT SOU P, K
    -66 P+K looks punishable on block on a perfect stagger recovery

    *CL(but prob works both):Close to wall(without wall hit) vs Van:MULE K, 3P+K+G to back 2p, p, 46p P+K, 43P
    - test whether TEN, move foward jumps over lows

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