Shout out to EVO2003 participants

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by sekaijin, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I would just like to thank everyone who came to the tourney, as even though the tournament organizers themselves were not exactly as accommodating as you'd expect someone who got a few thousand dollars and huge international exposure from us, the players themselves made the event worthwhile. It was awesome for me to see so many guys outside of Japan as enthusiastic and dedicated to VF as I saw this weekend.

    The Japanese guys said that they had fun as well, and said that the VF players over here are much more friendly and fun than many of the players in Japan. They felt very welcome and were happy to see so many people excited about meeting and playing them. Before Sawatari (Arcadia editor) and Yamagishi (Beat Tribe co-owner and manager) left, they said as long as there is a demand for Japanese VF players in big US events, they will do their best to get their guys over here.

    Also, Sean (spelling??), you fuckin rule man. Thanks for having so many people over two nights in a row. Hope you dont get evicted /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

    A final word of advice: Donkey/mule/flop cock kick EATS low P /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Penis breath!! Hey man, it was great meeting you (and everyone else too of course) and thank you so much for your help throughout the event, especially with liasing with the Japanese guys on our behalf! You should be the official VFDC Japanese translator! Our tournament match was pretty intense, and our casual matches were always hilarious with your colourful commentary!

    The VFing, the eating (In'n'out!) and boozing we all shared was a great experience to be remembered for a long time. It was definitely a blast man, and here's hoping we can do it again.

    p.s. I've never seen a Shun eat so many LPs with a mule kick before! Hot stuff!
  3. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Although I didn't enter the tournament itself, I'm glad I stuck around anyway. It's a very rare opportunity to be able to sit down and play evo with some of japan's best players in a casual environment. I had a lot of fun and got to meet some cool people.

    P.S. To the participants who went over to Sean's place... I hope you all realize that you bastards owe me a steak dinner for what you put me through! You know what I mean!!!

    P.S.S. Does anyone else feel the need to kill when you get pat on the head?
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Miss Kemps I assume.
  5. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    meep! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Dont be mean to Zero, thats my job.
    And believe me its a JOB.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Yeah Evo was amazing, the VF finals along with TTT were hands down the most spectacular of all the games there.(well atleat of all the 3d fighting games)
    Mad Props to Myke and his Kage : totally owned me and held his own against all the japanese players.

    The thing I truly didn't appreciate was the way the tournament announcer was imitading the japanese announcer to get the crowd laughing. Very disrespectful, I wonder if the japanese players got offended by this ?
  8. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    They asked me how the reaction was and I said it was like everything else: the crowd loved it, but the organizers treated us like the third wheel. None of the guys who came are fluent enough in English--thanfully so--to have heard his rude ass comments.
  9. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    good, now come to the UK next..... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

  10. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    I cant say anything about the japanese guys, but ill be in paris from september. i do have a japanese friend coming to paris for a few weeks in sept. who is best friends with itabashi zangi (elite shun player) who has started learning the game from some very tough players. when i left japan a month ago he had only played two weeks but could get evade-guard throw escape. ill see if we cant get some kinda session either on the continent or up there.
  11. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    ok, sorry... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif i should have really said where about i (and most people) are, england / london's the place where most of the heads hang out (i assume you have already met ryan hart). well there's more to come here!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    btw, yeah, itabashi is one heck of a shun!!! i enjoy watching him perform.
  12. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Sorry for posting so late, but I just wanted to say that I had a great time playing everyone. It was nice meeting new faces (VF4akira, Andy, Modest, Junosynth, the Baton Rouge crew, the West Coast VFers), renewing old aquaintances (Myke, Shou, Srider, Mike90210), and finally seeing people I had "talked" to or seen online (Phoenix, LF, Sanjuro, Yakiniku, Zero, Spotlite). It was truly inspiring to play against the Japanese. I learned a lot, and I have a higher level of respect for their gameplay.

    Thanks to Shaun(sp?) for hosting the gathering both nights.

    Thanks to Phoenix_Death for the hospitality.

    Congrats to Myke for his placing in the tourney. You played some really intense games.

    And thanks to the Japanese players for the games.

    Again, I enjoyed meeting and playing everyone. I look forward to seeing you people again. Off I go to sleep.
  13. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    I just got back yesterday from the 24 hour Greyhound bus ride! Whew... Anyway this was definitely the best event I've been too. I'm glad I finally got to meet everyone this time. (At TiT5 I couldn’t find a ride to the after tourney gatherings) Everyone from Cali, Baton Rogue, STL, Ghost Dog from FL, Strider, Will from NY, Myke, Zero Chan and everyone else I forgot to mention.. And of course the Japanese players. I will definitely try to make it again next year!!

    BTW, I know a few people asked me this so here is the link to the cartoons I used for the underlays I made for ModestMouse and Me. You have to search a little but they should be around there somewhere.
  14. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the whole trip was awesome. Thanks everyone for being so friendly. CA guys you rock! So does St. Louis! And Tragic, good job with everthing bro. Tim, nice to meet you. Maybe I will actually play you next time. And mukatsuku_shun, thats one hell of a Shun you got there. I wished I played you also, maybe next time. And Myke it was a pleasure to meet the man behind this board, and to see one awesome Kage as well. Good job making it to the finals. Will, I know you don't read this board often but it was nice meeting up with you as well. And nice to meet you Ghostdog. Way to make it from FL.

    Thanks Sean for having everyone over. And thanks to the Japanese for showing us what we have to look forward to if we all practice really hard, and don't give up. Maybe someday (5 - 10 years perhaps) we can play like you guys. I'm still in shock on how great these guys played.

    Sorry if I left out anyone but I suck with names. I know all your faces though so don't think i don't remember ya'll.

    later, hopefully next year if not sooner

  15. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    mukatsuku_shun said:

    I would just like to thank everyone who came to the tourney, as even though the tournament organizers themselves were not exactly as accommodating as you'd expect someone who got a few thousand dollars and huge international exposure from us, the players themselves made the event worthwhile.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How were we (the tournament organizers) not accomodating? VF had big screen all of thursday night for casual. If the community has brought more discs (re: if Myke had organized more players to bring discs), I would have set up 2 or 3 more casual stations.

    VF had the bigscreen for all of the pool play.

    VF had special guest announcer (which, despite what phoenixdt will tell you), I organized weeks in advance.

    Also, I don't really think its fair to say the players gave EVO huge international exposure. We had MORE Japanese players at last years EVO. The only difference this year, is that we had a more diverse group of players from Japan (but less overall).

    The amount of organizing that goes into EVO200X tournaments is ridiculous. We plan it months in advance, and we have our Japanese liason (Kuni) talking to Arcadia, Beat Tribe, Aqua Rogue, and individual players... in order to get the very best representation possible. Many more players actually wanted to come... but couldn't get the time off work.

    If you really want to give VF more international exposure, do what tomhilfiger did for the TK community... and hold qualifiers in Japan, and fly the winners over with your own money.

    Aside from that... what else could we have done?


    REAL_JEFF_FREE Well-Known Member

    Evo 2003 was an experience that would be hard to top, I'll never forget . Surreal.
    'Camp Virtua'
    Along my adventures there I did meet many cool people who
    are now sources of inspiration for me on many levels.
    Shouts to Modestmouse,and Junosyth, for the hospitality and sparring. Kanimari Oyaji for jumping off the supersession in
    your room. Sean, for keeping the superrsessions alive(for two days in a row.)

    Bigboi,Sanjuro_Off Brand Ninja , Phoenix th ,Ghostdog,Spotlite,Srider, Zero Chan,Catherine,Brisal, Brian,Willie,Myke,Plague.
    and a special shout to Oshu and Kofu Megane,Neo Tower,Chibita for the battles in Sean's living room.

    Above and beyond a fantasy.
    Thank You.
  17. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    It really was a great experience. Great to meet everyone that I've seen or talked to on here. As for the Japanese players, I'd love for them to come back and play again. They were all great fun and had a great attitude about everything... well, except for that butchery displayed by Ohsu Akira at the finals. Everyone knows what I'm talking about.

    I thought VF did get some good representation, we did have a big screen most of the time, after all. There was a large amount of disrespect for VF displayed by players of other games, but it wasn't any more than we give out to their game of choice. The only difference is that we're right and they're wrong. Honestly, what truly makes VF shine is the community. Two thumbs up to everyone who was there, especially Sean for hosting. Those four days are not an experience that is easily matched.
  18. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Hello all,
    I just wanted to take this time out and thank everyone who helped organize this tournament as well as all who came out and joined in the fun. Being able to play against different styles helps build strength and I hope we don't have to wait until next year to do so again. I know everyone has busy schedules, but let's try to get together more often, so our asses don't look red from being spanked so hard next time, lmao.

    I like to personally thank sean for hosting the party after I almost got taken to jail, l.a. style, ouch! It would of been a good party if it wasn't for my neighbors, but that's the past and thanks again sean for bailing us out.

    Mad props go to willy for putting up with waiting on everyone hand over foot to get their asses in the car so he could transport us. Sorry you had to wait so long, but I tried my best herding up the cattle bro.

    Thanks go out to phoenix for picking me up at the airport and also dealing with many duties of daily life..getting food for us, driving us around etc..Looks like your game is getting much stronger! Can't wait until our next battle.^^

    A big thankyou goes out to dave the drunk shun heston for becoming a translator and not even recognizing it until it was too late. Sorry if we bogged you down with too many questions d.h. THANKS A MILLION! Just remember without him we probably would be communicating like cavemen.

    Colorado:Junosynth,Modestmouse. Although I didn't get much time to hang with you guys I still appreciated that fact that you showed and repped. Pretty solid play from both of you. Hopefully, nextime we can get alot more casual matches in. I did dig the catch sticks and thanks for the link to the website for those cute sd pics. I Look forward to our future meetings. If your free for labor day pm me.

    Baton Rouge:Bigboy,sanjuro,ice cold,off brand random ninja. You guys have to be the best crew in the vf world mainly because your about having a good time and I think most people forget how to do that, because of the competition. <--Mainly me,haha. Thanks for showing me a goodtime!! Good luck in school off brand, I know you can do it! Ganbare!

    Florida:Ghostdog. Your one funny guy, because you just sitback and let everything happen around you and seem to have the funniest expressions after something happens. Case in point, when your sushi didn't tech roll...shame shame! Is it me or does florida breed patient players? I thought I was going to have to get a wrench to take your akira apart, because I ran out of ideas ^^. I enjoyed meeting you and our matches and hopefully will see you soon at the fsb! Thanks for everything.

    Tenn:Srider. Sorry I couldn't get any matches with you, because it seemed somebody always too strong was on 1p and we could never get a chance to play. Hopefully, you can make it up this labor day for some games. I just have to say one thing to you, YOUR LUCKY! haha... You will always remember those words for a longtime. Just keep them inside, so the next time you play kofu and beat him again you can say, I know I'm lucky, so what...haha Had to add the wolf comment...nice meeting you and take care.

    N.C.& S.C.:plague,Catherine,Phoenixdth,Brisal,Goatcheese,Sean,Mike90210,Willy,Spotlite,joey,tragic, err hope I didn't miss anyone, sorry. I just like to give a big shout out to you guys for making us feel welcome in cali and for taking care of all our needs when the time came. If anyone of you wants to come out to st. louis for anything make sure to contact me and you have a free place to stay, no problem! I really had a great time hanging out with all of you and being able to play against your different styles and now recognizing my weaknesses, thankyou! I hope more of you will continue to play, so that next year will be even more interesting.

    Okinawa:vf4akira. It was fun hanging out and shooting the breeze with you. How good is chinese dumplings! Yummers! I hope we can meet up sometime in Japan next year! Take care!

    Australia:Myke: All I can say is wow! This guy is probably the suprise of the gathering. I thought he would be a medicore kage from some of the vids I watched, but myke is not one to be played with. Very Very strong kage and I'm being nice by saying only two very's, because I was gonna add a thrid very,hehe. Seriously though, I enjoyed watching his kage pull off some crazy stuff during casual and tournament matches, good shit! Thanks for repping for us myke and making it to finals. I will try my hardest to qualify for next year now that you've inspired me. Nice to meet you and hopefully we can see each other again! Outback steak house? Not like this myke..

    I know this is a longshot if you guys read this, but I just wanted to say thanks for coming out--14hour trip, ouch! Then being able to preform under jetlagged conditions! It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing some old friends. I will be in Japan next year and will definitely look you up, so watch out..hehe.. Anywyay, thanks again and we will all be practicing hard for your guys return next year. Save me some beer MaruY!!!!!^^

    Vulcan: It was a pleasure seeing you again and as always good times and good matches. I hope everything works out with getting new comp out there, I feel for you. Keep up the practicing and rep c.t. to the fullest. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Thanks for always reminding me! Much love..laters^^
    Well, that's it for me. I had a blast and I hope I didn't miss anyone, but if I did please tell me, because I'm getting old in my years and I don't mean to disrespect anyone.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Dude you fucking forgot zerochan, what the fuck is wrong with you bitch
  20. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Here you go.
    pat pat pat pat pat pat.......meep!
    Have a nice day...
    Oops, and a pat for the ashamed item blue bunny..small pat pat!
    You really need jeffery's reverse k-james brown special to be competitive!
    Willy don't burn the bunny!

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