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SEGA Cup Europe Wrap Up

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 4, 2013.

By akai on Aug 4, 2013 at 4:25 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    On August 3rd, 2013, VF players from around the world gathered at the Dugdale Centre in London to participate in SEGA Cup Europe organized by Unequalled Media. Check out the results, media from the event, and links to all the feedback and impressions from the event in this thread.

    The top 3 from Sega Cup Europe, from Left to Right: Choufu K·K Sarah, Itabashi Zangief, and Ash (Atsushi). Image adapted from photo taken by Mai Kawaguchi
    Results (for complete results - check the challonge bracket for the top 32)

    1. RZR|Itabashi Zangief
    2. Ash (Atsushi)
    3. Choufu K·K Sarah
    4. Kingo
    5. ChiefGutti (Sing-Rod)
    5. Ujinozanani
    7. Chibitox
    7. Maki Le Sushi

    Youtube Archive - Round Robin Group / Top 32 Portion / Top 8 Portion (Theatrical) / Winners' Final / Losers' Final / Grand Final (Same video as the twitch archive but have the missing portions recorded from the event)

    Twitch Archive - Round Robin Group / Top 16 Portion / Final Portion (There are still portions of the event that are missing. We will update this thread when the organizers upload recordings to their Youtube page)

    Unicorn Camcorder Recordings - Youtube Playlist (contains casual matches)

    Manjimaru Camcorder Recording - Offstream King vs Krye Tournament Match

    Feedback and Impressions
    Who better to report about the event than those that attended! Participants of the event comment on their experience in the original SEGA Cup Europe event thread. Here are some excerpts taken from those posts:

    "The event was awesome. The location was great, a big room in a museum/art centre about 30 minutes from Victoria bus station. Easy to find, relatively cheap to get there, nice friendly people at the reception/cafe, air conditioning, etc. really impressive." - MAtteoJHDY

    "As a first tourney experience, it was awesome playing VF offline with some seriously skilled players and they had plenty of consoles set up for casual play. Everyone seemed really chilled as well so it was a nice atmosphere. Here's hoping for a Sega Cup 2014." - Hyperion

    "Was great seeing old and new faces, putting voices and faces to guys I had only known by their avatars on VFDC and in game costumes is always great for me." - Seidon

    "There were moments of glory, despair, fear, arrogance, all power ... But mostly fun beyond all my expectations!" - Kaleendah
    Group picture at the conclusion of Sega Cup Europe. Photo sources: Mai Kawaguchi, Richard Denton, and Marlyjay

    SCE_crowd.jpg SCE_rr.jpg SCE_stage.jpg sce_group2.jpg sce_tobestrong.jpg

    We will continue to update this thread as more media and information are provided.
    MDSPrime, Craigbot, ZeroEx and 11 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 4, 2013.

    1. Sozos
      Congratulations to all!! It was great event. Great show from all guys. I wish more events like this get place in near future and with more players ( i wish to make it next time :) ).
      Congrats to the top 8 and everyone else.
    3. El_Twelve
      Congrats! Looks like it was a very nice event.
    4. Shinobi
      Congratulations to all players, SEGA and Unequalled Media. It was simply amazing. I hope that SEGA will support VF with events like this in the future.
    5. Modelah
      Congratulations to all, good job MakiLeSushi (the only one on the list I've played) for making the top 8!
      MakiLeSushi likes this.
    6. Tricky
      Yo that picture with Mei in it was the best! Everyone looked so Excited! omg that pic is so good I can't even put words to it. That pic is what VF Hype is.
    7. Ash_Kaiser
      I have two things to say about the event:

      1. It was awesome. Really awesome to see familiar faces and get to know new ones too. It was also a joy to play everyone that I played. Hopefully it'll happen again next year.
      2. I am the raffle king.
      Unicorn likes this.
    8. edrigo
      My first vf tournie and i had a great time. Thanks to the guys who let me use there fight stick and xbox contoller (i suck with both lol).
      I will definitely attend more events if there are more in london.
      Was really impressed with the community and event and really happy with the diverse character usage all the way to gf. I was supposed to duck out earlier to meet up with some friends i promised to see but ended up staying lol.
      @ash great lion play man!
    9. G0d3L
      a few things:

      1) it was not epic...it was more than that!
      2) what was really nice is the fact that the attendance was bigger than Cannes (almost all the guys from that tournament) hoping that the trend will continue for the future event (Rome? Paris? ;))
      3) the VF community is the best of the best!
      3)Ash Kaiser is a raffle cheater :mad:

      Dat pic is Da Pic!
      I really hope to hear back Sega about this event...
      Ash_Kaiser likes this.
    10. Mister
      I'm hella tired for the coming back trip but damn I still can't sleep. Awesome event, awesome community. I just want more now.
      MakiLeSushi likes this.
    11. Sudden_Death
      where did you get that shirt mister! its awsome!
    12. akai
      Unicorn and Tricky like this.
    13. erdraug
      I'm currently watching the archives. Thank you for taking the time to upload the matches, they are very educational and exciting.

      Although the excitement might have been too much for some of the commentators ;)

      MakiLeSushi likes this.

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