Screenshots VF

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by WerderD, Nov 5, 2002.

  1. WerderD

    WerderD New Member

    hi everybody,
    my girlfriend is desperately looking for screenshots of vf4 that include the characters from vf1. best would be a character of vf4 fighting against the same character from vf1. she needs it for her degree dissertation. We would be very thankfull if anybody could help.
    Greetz WerderD
    VF4 Rulz!!!!!
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Oops, this probably should have gone in one of the other forums... but anyway.

    There are a few movies and shots but I have a hard time digging them up without more incentive /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif ... one movie I found has kage vs. kage, one of them is the VF1 model and the other is VF4. BUT the quality of a capture from this movie would be horrible. It's 20 minutes of footage crammed into 30 megs of .wmv format. I can't guess what your girlfriend is looking to do, but let's just say a capture of this movie would look so blocky and blurry and crappy that the VF1 model doesn't look much different from the VF4 version. Watching it in motion at fullscreen makes it a little more clear, but I'm guessing you need something that prints nicely.

    Maybe a better question at this point is if someone with a PS2 and a capture card is willing to capture a shot for ya. I asked a friend and will reply here if I get a screen you can print. If not, I'll wait a day or so and then move this to the general board.
  3. WerderD

    WerderD New Member

    hi thanx a lot for your reply,
    we already tried to capture it, because the intention was to ad a cd to the work with a fight sequenz. we tried to capture it with virtua dub, but it didn´t work, there was always a white block in the middle of the screen, so you could only see a stripe obove and below.

    if you have an idea, what the reason for this block was, that would be very helpfull, because the fight was shown perfectely ok on the screen, but the captured fight had that block.

    many thanx again and greets
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    hi... I'm good at virtualdub, but this problem sounds like the capture card you're using has a problem. I'm not much good with capture cards :/ ... if it allows for different settings or resolutions that might help... otherwise I'll ask some friends what might be causing this.
  5. WerderD

    WerderD New Member

    hi again,
    i just wanted to check back if you find something out about capturing the fight or a screenshot or something. now my girlfrind has to finish up her work and we even checked sega and didn´t succed. so if anyone has a quick-solution please don´t hesitate to contact us...
    thanxx to everyone
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    WerderD, I hope this didn't come too late.

    I finally found another movie with VF1 models. It's clearer than the other movie I mentioned, but the bad news it's sarah vs. pai, rather than pai vs. pai. You can download it at:

    Sorry I couldn't find this earlier, good luck.
  7. WerderD

    WerderD New Member

    hi CreeD, thank you so much!!! this just came in time.
    today my girlfriend burned her cd with the moviez for her degree dissertation. so it was just the perfect time for it. thank you so much. it was so kind of you to keep on searching, thanxxxx a million times. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
    maybe one time (even though we are in germany) we can do you a favour too...

    many thanx again, and best wishes
    WerderD and Emma
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif excellent, glad I was able to help - I hope to visit germany again sometime, but until then, see you online.
  9. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    Just get to 1kyu and at the character select menu select your character and hold[P][K] until game starts.You will have you character from VF1 fighting against VF4 characters.simple /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the tip!
    I wrote that six months ago /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    my gawd the creed lives

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