Saraman Vid

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by DarkGift, May 31, 2007.

  1. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    This match is so crazy I just had to share it for the people who don't go youtubing
    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" "></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. Chinny

    Chinny Well-Known Member

    I like how he uses K~G cancels directly into Giant Swings.

    That's priceless.

    And his Wolf is a beast.
  3. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I've played against him a few times. He can pressure with the best of them. There's a guy named "iichan" who has the most solid defense of anyone I've played in Osaka.

    Unfortunately I don't have a account to upload videos, but it would be awesome to do at some point.
  4. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    i saw tha match a while ago before VF was out here. its a shame he beat that aoi player so brutally. its not like he didn't know he was going to rape him like that. if i was the aoi player i would not have gone to a tourny on tv not knowing how to break grabs.
  5. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know that Aoi player? is he high/mid/low level player? If he was a high level player, I think he just didn't expect to get owned so bad with the same move lol. After a first round of all giant swings, i think most people wouldn't anticipate another 2 rounds of it lol
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    The aoi player is A-Tan and yes it would logically seem that he should be strong to get as far as he did before getting in this tournament. Do you have experience breaking 0 frame perfect GS in vf5? If you don't then I feel sorry for you when you experience it. The move is very humbling as you watch half of your health leak out of the health bar. For me gs in general feels like the break window is alot smaller in vf5. I really feel sorry for A-Tan making it that far and getting owned by gs, but that's vf and what the heavy weights power tradeoff vs a light weight punch. Oh that's right, they took that away from aoi, fuckers!

    2 cents for you...

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I've seen this match it's pretty brutal! It would seem strange to not break from a few of the throws. Another thing that seems strange is that he didn't use that many different types of throws maybe that's what threw the opponent off.
  8. 33

    33 Active Member


    1. linear movement
    2. no ability to defend
    3. no ability to escape
    4. no ability to reverse

    still . . . if you chose Aoi for ANY tournament you have a lot of balls.
  9. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Is Aoi really that bad in high level play? I've had a bit of trouble playing against her, but mainly because I am no tused to seeing her in action. Are there any glaring disadvantages I should be capitalizing on?
  10. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    If you watch the Aoi player evades a couple of times, and you can even hear her "eh" but saraman cancels the kick and goes gs. not much attacks to reverse since saraman was gs'ing 2/3 of the fight... and the rest of the time aoi was in the air. How many attacks vs high ranking players do you reverse 33?
  11. 33

    33 Active Member

    no disrespect intended, but a couple of evade attempts amounts to nothing, especially from an Aoi player. moreover, why even choose Aoi if you haven't mastered escaping (especially when it pertains to the one throw that you know is coming), or worse yet, if being thrown by your opponent is going to cause you to stop moving? seriously, if you are going to choose the most demanding character in the game . . .

    as far as my skill goes . . . trust me i'm working on it.
  12. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Don't know how A-Tan got in there if he really doesn't know that stuff. Saraman switches up the timings on his GS's nicely though.

    Personally I think I'd attack like a madman in the third round. Sabaki's + Abare till you drop.

    Edit: Still I'd lose horribly anyway...
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Gentlemen, gentlemen... we are aware of a certain term called yomi right? A-Tan is an excellent Aoi and VF player - the guy can throw escape for christ's sake. He just had a bad match and got nervous.

    It's ok folks, really. Don't disparage the guy's ability just because someone had a good match against him.
  14. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    But getting pwned with the same throw all throughout the match though is really a hard-sell for having a bad match. He should have at least been able to catch ONE of them, I mean really!
  15. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I'll just re-phrase what I said: You can't escape what you don't see coming. It was a complete mind fuck. It happens to the best of them. There's no need to analyze a person's complete VF career on one match.
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Atan is also in the Black Book DVD and performed better then any other Aoi player in there, including Nuki. Case closed.
  17. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    *cough* *cough*

    What does this say about you, then?
  18. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    You haven't seen me in a Japan tournament either. I would hope if I got to the point where people were actually recognizing me in a tournament that it would take more than walking up to me and doing the throw to get me. At least in our match it was set up. Evades and throw escapes are basically what keep me from even trying to go to those tournaments with the intent of winning.

    No, I haven't forgotten that, Andy, but thanks. I'm still higher rank than you. =P
  19. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Um, a throw set up is easier to escape than a point blank Giant Swing, is it not? There's a good second to escape the low throw after the f+P compared to the X amount of frames you have to break a GS, not to mention there's also the ability to struggle out of the chop that's being blocked to avoid the set up altogether. To me, it's pretty easy to see that eating that setup the first time in a match is acceptable, but to see it three times in a match, executed in the exact same way and still not able to do anything? That's pretty weak dude. Let's not forget that you also ate it in several other matches before and afterwards.

    The point is, let's not criticize people and their abilities based on the observations of one match. You wouldn't want people to judge you on that match, would you?
  20. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    That may be so, but MY point was, I'm not a tournament caliber player by any stretch of the imagination so saying I suck too or whatever doesn't really have much bearing on me. For someone who's basically learned the game by fighting people, 90% of which don't speak my language or really attempt to communicate with me, I do pretty well.

    Note also, I didn't say the guy sucked, I just said it's hard to walk that off as a bad match when you take it like that, because you can't help but feel stupid from it. Should I take that back now?

    Is a set-up easier to get out of? I don't know, cause remember, I DIDNT ESCAPE. I tried to, but I didn't. The frame should be the same aside from the window where I have to be sure my escape attempt doesn't register until after you've started throwing me. I can't just put in the input once I'm staggered and hang back until you decide to do the throw, so in that sense it's the same.

    Let's also remember I got you in some pretty nice setups in the matches before and after, and over the course of the night, we were pretty even with our wins, if I wasn't up by a few.

    Yeah, because nobody judges my ability on the two matches of mine you put up that make me look retarded, not even you, right? Sure they don't.

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