Sarah's Punishment Quick Guide

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by BeastEG, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Hey, I thought it might be a good idea to come up with an easy to reference guide regarding punishing certain strings with Sarah. I think it will help rookies since then they will be better able to practice punishment and it never hurts to have a quick guide regarding what can be punished by what with Sarah. I put my first entry in for Lau if anyone wants to see an example. I made a tab for each character and feel free to add whatever you think is best. Most of the information to fill in can be directly copied from the Command List Repository graciously provided by the fine people of VFDC

    Command List Repository

    Sarah Punishment Quick Guide

    I think if we all donate stuff, it should fill up pretty quickly. Hope this helps! I know I need my lab time to get better at punishment!
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Not sure about specifics, but as a general punishment guide:


    [P][K] or [3][P][K] for +12 to +13.

    [6][P][+][K][P][K] for +14 to +15.

    [2][P][+][K][K] for +16.

    [1][K] for +17 and above.


    [6][P][K] or [7][K] for +14 to +15.

    [2][P][+][K][K] for +16 to +17.

    [2_][5][1][K] for +18 and above, I think.
    PurpGuy, steelbaz and Electro_Jacky like this.
  3. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    Don't forget [4][P],[K][K],[K][+][G] when punishing -16 near a wall. I know it's unlikely, but that one time it could be the difference.
    PurpGuy likes this.
  4. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Also [P][P][P][7][K] against Taka from +13 to +16.
    PurpGuy and Libertine like this.
  5. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    If more people post some more punishment combos, i'll sticky this thread. This will be a big help to everyone.
  6. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Once I'm done with classes this semester, I'd be happy to start filling out this stuff. It kinda fell by the wayside when I got bum rushed by school.
  7. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I'll be looking at the frame data of these combos so i can help make sure that they don't leave us unsafe.
  8. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    All of the combos in there so far and the ones I would consider adding have to be a guaranteed punish. Not sure what you mean?
  9. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I kinda meant the spacing of each move not the frame or where you should be after it happens because sometimes if you end a punish, sometimes you can get punished yourself because of positioning.
  10. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what you mean Devilstar. Maybe you have an example of what you mean? If we're talking about punishing moves that are punishable on block the list Libertine posted is the way to go, (Electro Lex posted a nice situational alternative, but I'm talking about in general :)).

    Btw, I took a look at the document and found this suggestion to punish Jeff's [1][P][P]: 4K (Stagger) -> FL K+G -> 1K+G,K -> FL6K,K. This is not guaranteed, it can (and most likely will) be shaken out of. Since the move is -20 on block you should do [1][K] into combo. As for writing out what specific combo to use from the launchers I'm not sure that's a good idea. Are we talking about max damage combos? In that case it's usually gonna require stance checking and a lot of character specific combos, which wouldn't be the best help for new players I think. An alternative would be to use the highest damage combo that works in either stance against each character, but I think maybe it's better for people to check out the combo section for that. Oki considerations could also be taken into account making it kinda hard to name the "best" combo in each situation anyway.

    I'd be happy to contribute more to this, and I'll try to but my computer is really on the verge of dying. I can barely even log in on VFDC anymore. :(
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  11. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    I checked it it with stagger recover on fastest and it can be shaken out of. I had the wrong setting when I checked over that counter, I'll look into a new combo for it when I get the chance. Sorry about that

    After thinking it over, probably wasn't the best idea to being with, that little guide at the top covers just about everything anyways. Mods, feel free to delete the thread
  12. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Hey man, I don't think the basic idea for this thread is bad at all. Having a list of the punishable moves for all the characters is gonna help anyone who's learning to punish. Even though looking through the move lists and writing down the moves doesn't take much time compared to actually practicing and learning to punish the moves consistently in matches, it's still a bit of work we can spare new players from. The way I see it, it's just a more general thing maybe not for the Sarah forum in particular, just a list of each characters punishable moves. I'm still doing exactly this myself, no need for everyone to reinvent the wheel right? :)

    Also, if someone is simply looking through the move lists for punishable moves using filters they may miss the fact that some of them have follow ups which complicates things...
    Electro_Jacky likes this.
  13. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    Can't you use after FL [4][K] stagger - FL[3][K] or FL[6][K][+][G]? After testing it seem the CPU can't shake out of it. FL[K][+][G] and FL[6][K][+][G] are both 19 frames though.
  14. Devilstar22

    Devilstar22 Well-Known Member

    I wonder i can link this to the wiki.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I've been messing around in the lab, and after testing, a [8][K] crouch stagger into FL [3][K] is more difficult to escape from than a [4][K] stagger. [8][K] is 17f like [4][K] but it also does more damage. The range to land [8][K] into FL [3][K] has to be pretty close for it to work.

    [8][K] stagger -> FL [3][K] -> [6_][P] -> [6][K][+][G] -> [6_][P] -> [6][6][K][+][G] does over 100 on the lightweights in closed stance.

    It should be noted that if you start the same combo with [4][K] from open stance, the same combo will work, since [8][K] switches foot position.

    Another note about [8][K]. If you're hella good, its possible to [8][K] against moves like Akira's [3][P][+][K] on reaction. The airborne frames aren't instant like [8][K][+][G] but its still good enough, and the reward is there too. Also [8][K] will give a combo regardless of how early or late it hits, unlike [8][K][+][G].
    PurpGuy and ToyDingo like this.
  16. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Just to piggy back on Cozby's post above:

    [8][K] works from up to -3 disadvantage. So you can be relatively unsafe and try to bait the opponent if you know they are [2][P] happy. It's also +4 on block, so once in FL you can start mixing up immediately.

    Also, as well as having FL [3][K] as a starter after connecting with this, you can also do FL [6][K][+][G].
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    44KK is a 13 frame high punisher that knocks down, btw.

    ps. the 4-direction icon is not working. It shows ok in preview but when I actually post it has changed to 4..
  18. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Also 44P works as a 10f punisher, but it requires very good timing.
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


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