Sarah's low kick, high kick FL move?

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by haste, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. haste

    haste Member

    Warning: Newbie.

    In this video,, at around 0:36, you see white Sarah MC with a Knee, then she follows up with a low kick, and a high kick that puts her in FL stance, where she then backflips out.

    Does anyone know what the commands are for the low kick and then high kick? Is it new to FT? I've been trying to find it on VF 4 for the PS2 with no luck.
  2. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    (Assuming P1 side)

    [1][K]+[G],[K] is the move your looking for I think.
  3. haste

    haste Member

    Thanks for the help, SlimAdey. It turns out that it's new to Evo and I have the plain VF4 for the PS2... so I wasted my time trying to find the move. LOL
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Sorry to sound like an ass, but... command training couldn't help you with this?
  5. haste

    haste Member

    Oh I looked there, too. You see, the problem was, I had the original version of VF4 and the move does not exist in that version. It's in VF4 Evolution.

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