Sarah's laid back hair

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Kn1ghtmare, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    I've been trying to get that 7th orb lately. I've got 6 so far. Where do you get the 7th one??
  2. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Guess it depends on what colors you already have. If you're trying to get the black one, you need to look for Chibita and Heruru.
  3. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Yup and usually orb guys are in the W.M.A.C tournament. I've collected many orbs from there.
    Tell us what colour you don't have and then it is easier to help or am I too late. Have you already got the last orb or are you playing VF4 not EVO?
    High Kings only have orbs. For example 9 La has the black orb and very-hard-to-get Chibita has green orb.
  4. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    haha i'm pretty sure he's talking about evo. if you're missing the black orb, your best option is to go the sega world north [the second last arcade] and wait for heruru or chibita, OR another good option is to go play W.M.A.C.II chibita usually makes it to the finals easily
  5. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    Here are the orbs I have

  6. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    haha that was kind of pointless don't you think? -_- we've already given you all the advice you can ask for on black orbs [the one you're missing]. good luck with that.
  7. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    ryadus asked me wat orbs I had. i'm jus responding...
  8. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Yeah and I thank you for doing such a thing. Well, have you already got your missing orb?
  9. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    Not yet, I went through the WMAC tournament and the fighter with the black orb didn't make it all the way. Kinda of a bummer... oh well i'll keep on playing. is the wmac the best place to fight this guy with the black orb? If I end up fighting him, will it say that there's a prize to be won which will be the black orb i don't have??
  10. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    No. In the end of the match orbs will only combinate (You might already know this).
    I've faced Chibita also in normal arcade. Last two arcades are good places to face both of the orb characters Heruru and Chibita.
  11. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    i got the black orb in the wmac tournament. much thanx to the ppl who gave me tips...
  12. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    That's fun to hear. Are you playing with Sarah seriously? I've played my Sarah in Champion-rank but then my interest in her fell.
  13. Kn1ghtmare

    Kn1ghtmare Member

    Yeah, she's my fighter for now. She ain't bad at all. Her moves are simple and pretty effective in my opinion. Prolly she wasn't a challenge for you to use at all.

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