Sarah wallgame

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by NGKrush, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Trying to get into sarah, any tips for moves to use near the wall?
    setups? guaranteed splats? etc. would be cool!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    You know, my wall game kinda sucks still, and is my weakness right now. But I'll try and give tips.


    Making a long story short, there are several kinds of properties that can happen to your opponent when you hit them with an attack and force them to make contact with a wall:

    wall hit -- (Example: hit your opponent that is next to a wall with P) your opponent bounces off of the wall, while still standing. Aside from extending juggles, there is little that you can do with this property, unless they are positioned a certain way near the wall. See the youtube vid for an example of how Wall Hit can actually be useful (though it's a pretty high-level technique that doesn't come up often).

    wall bounce -- (example: hit opponent standing next to a wall with 4PK4K) Your opponent bounces off the wall, while falling down into knockdown. Again, little use outside of combo extension.

    Wall Stagger -- (example: hit opponent standing next to a wall with 66K). I believe this property is caused by moves that do over 20 damage that doesn't knockdown your opponent. These also work when a counter-hit version of an attack does over 20 damage (example: elbow/6P). This property forces your opponent into a stagger situation, which often gives you enough frame advantage to hit them with a launcher.

    Wall Splat -- (example: hit opponent standing next to a wall with 1K). I believe this is a special property reserved for launcher-class moves only. It functions like wall bounce, except that your opponent sticks onto the wall for a long time -- allowing you the time to perform an entire combo for guaranteed damage. This is the TRUE beginning of a wall combo. There are also two types of wall splat: a short version, i.e. wall slump (example: hit opponent into a wall with 9K) and a long version, the normal version (example: 1k)

    your main goal is to bait your opponent into getting hit by a move that has a Wall Stagger or Wall Splat property. Here's a (messy) personal list of moves that I made for myself listing attacks with Wall Stagger/Splat properties:

    (WALL STAGGER== K, 44K, 66K, FL 4K, F.SLIDE K, any CH WALL HIT >=20 DMG)​
    *NOTE: CANNOT stagger after any other wall hit type​
    **CH>20 DMG (that W.STAGs) == 6P,9P,3PK,44P,3K,4K,6K,6KK,8K,44K,K+GK,9K+G,P+K,FL 1K,​
    ,FL 2K,FL 4K,FL 6K,FL K+G,KK,3KK)​
    (WALL SPLAT[short])==WALL STAGGERx2, WR K, 9GK/Jump K, 9K, 6P+KPK/6P+K3PK, 66K+G, BT 3K)​
    (WALL SPLAT[long])==4PKK+G, 1K, 7K, 9K+GKK, FL 6K+G, B.SLIDE K+G, BT K, 6PK(CH),​
    ,Storm Combination(CH),RisingUpper(CH))​

    Wanna know some wall combos? Check out my Sarah FS vers. A combo chart:
  3. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Sarah's wall game is actually quite strong....if you can get your opponent to screw up.

    Sarah's wall game comes down to "Prevent your opponent from sidestepping" then "Rape with wall combo"...

    From normal stance she can use her half circulars like [3][P] and [4][P] to keep them in place. However it requires a bit of Yomi on your part (most people tend to favor stepping in one direction when panicking).

    From Flamingo she can use FL[3][P] as well as FL[4][K] as well for half circulars. The beauty of this is with FL[3][P] you can stay in FL with the following [K], and FL[4][K] crushes lows ( [2][P]) AND wall splats for a 120 point combo!

    You can also use [6][6][K] from normal stance to put them on the wall as well...

    With her wall game, use your opponent's fear of Flamingo to make them suffer...
  4. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    thanks for the replies! these were my dojo findings:
    (i call blackstars wallslump wallsit, because it looks like the opponent is sitting against the wall)

    nh and ch results
    1k = splat (nh+ch)
    66k = stagger (nh+ch)
    9k = sit/slump (nh) splat (ch)
    ws k = sit(nh) splat (ch)
    7k = splat (nh+ch)
    k = stagger (nh) splat (ch)
    6p+kpk = sit (nh+ch)
    66k+g = sit (nh) splat (ch)
    fla 4k = stagger (nh)
    fla 6k+g = splat (nh+ch) -- does anyone ever hit this move?

    ch results only
    k+gk = stagger
    6p = stagger
    3k = stagger
    6k = stagger
    4k = stagger
    p+k = stagger
    44k = stagger (opp very close to wall, bt k seems guaranteed for slam)
    3p+k = wall bounce (what blackstar calls it) you actually recover fast enough to bounce them with 4k+g for a good combo
    8k+g = slam

    so, these jump out for me:
    8k+g = combo if opponent does 2p or ss back
    k = combo vs abare & ss back
    4k = stagger vs crouch, pressure vs guard
    fla 4k = stagger vs crouch (nothing? vs abare?)
    6p = stagger vs abare & crouch
    3p+k = combo vs abare
    k+gk = stagger vs ss
    also punishing with 6p+kpk if the opponent is close to the wall gives a nice wallsit (1k+gk, fla 8k guaranteed)
    Electro_Jacky, ToyDingo and BLACKSTAR like this.
  5. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Messing around in dojo again:

    It seems
    4k, 6p dont stagger vs crouching on nh next to wall.
    8k+g only gives knockdown. Nothing but downattack guar.
    4k doesnt give wallstagger, but it does keep the stagger vs crouch after which fla 8k is guaranteed for wallsplat. I did an easy combo: 4k, fla 8k, 7k, light down attack for 75dmg.

    Fla 4k
    P+k (ch)
    4k (ch)
    All have a stun large enough for guaranteed fla 3k and followups.

    Could more experienced sarah players give their thoughts on what they are looking for when applying wall pressure? Is it all about fla 3k and countering possible evades or are there some very strong options that jump out from the list?
  6. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    Try after FL[8][K], [P][P], [4][K][+][G], [7][K], or [6][P][+][K][P][K] (don't work on heavy weights)
  7. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    This is kinda cool. Off of wall combos or [4][2][6][P][+][G], if you end with [4][K] and the opponent tech rolls, you can force them into a unseeable 50/50 with FL [3][K] or FL [2][K].

    Both attacks are the same speed, and can't be evaded in this situation. Any wall combo over 100 dmg ending with FL [3][K] will leave the opponent with only around 30-40 life left. Pretty cheap imo.
  8. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Against most of the cast as well, you can tack on 25 more damage with [1][K] at the end of [4][2][6][P][+][G] against a wall
  9. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I wanted to talk a bit more about [4][2][6][P][+][G] on the wall. Sarah can go for
    • [1][K] with the throw will do 85 damage total. If the opponent techs your can still pressure, and if not you get a down attack.
    • [3][K][K][G] will to 80 damage and potentially set up good flamingo pressure.
    • [4][K] will do 75 damage and if the opponent techs Sarah can go for the 50/50 shown in one of the posts above.
    • [4][P][+][K] is really interesting. The first kick will combo and do 77 damage. If the opponent misses the tech after the first kick, Sarah can do [4][P][+][K] > FL [8][K] for a whopping 106 dmg.
    ToyDingo, BeastEG and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thanks for writing this up, because I never really knew the details about this setup

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