Sarah Vs Lau. I need help!

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Mista_tee, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    I've been having problems Vs Lau. I feel like he over powers Sarah In every aspect of the game. I figured out some solutions vs him, but nothing that I can say is very solid. Any suggestions on how to control him??
  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    He's a pain for me too... I don't have any advice that would help you consistently... well, it's not working for me... =)
  3. Shiznittles

    Shiznittles Well-Known Member

    It's weird to see the forums where there are posts about Lau's deadliness. As a Lau player I can attest to the fact he is very beatable by just about every character. I'm by no means good and I can assure you I use some of the 'cheap' or 'unbeatable' Lau moves which get me stuffed continuously by better players.

    Check out this post I did in the Jeffry Dojo. It has a lot of general Lau information which may help.

    ***How to deal with Lau***

    Look me up online (GT Dark Timmy) and we can spar.

  4. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    Well I thank you for your help. I think I've played you before not too sure. But next time I'm on I'll see if I can fight you.
    But my real problem is with the really smart Lau players that don't abuse his p strings to death. Sarah and Lau are both good poke characters but to me it feels like Lau has better/faster options then Sarah when it comes to anti evade. Plus his range seems better too. Sarah’s mids have no reach. At least the faster ones. So it requires you to be at a range that I feel Lau is just better at.
    What I resorted to is trying to let him do the work. evade punish. Hit and run. I was just wondering if there was anything else that SARAH could do that would help??
  5. Shiznittles

    Shiznittles Well-Known Member

    Well, Unsafe Dan is a MASTER at dealing an assload of damage with Sarah. I think what you are seeing is what might be called the “Lau-phenomenon†. Some characters (Jeffry, Akira, Sarah, Goh, and a few others) are best when you know a lot of their combos and can use them to deal massive damage.

    Guys like Lau can deal lots of damage from simple poke strings and throws. It makes their entry points for new players easier and it makes then really frustrating to fight (Lei Fei falls in this category too). I applaud your character choice since I played Sarah for a while but found it difficult to be effective until I started learning all her combos *and* using them. In my really super humble opinion she has to work harder to get the kind of damage Lau gets. She’s got a great guessing game with her Hook Leg attack (/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif???) and the combos which come from that. Knowing when to use Flamingo (and when to not use it) is paramount to being an effective Sarah.

    I’m sure some of the Sarah players here can drop some Lau specific tips but hit me up for some sparring if you see me.

  6. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    It depends on what Lau wants to do. If he's wanting to charge in, Sarah eats him for lunch. Up against a Sarah player, I usually end up just trying to keep outside her range (beats trying to outguess flamingo) and punish overzealous knee attempts, shut down her step attempts as well as any attempts to move in with a combo or other attack /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f_.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif etc
  7. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    Well I know how to punish with Sarah and do all her combo's. I've been using her since 4 ( not trying to sound cocky). But I was really hoping for some advanced tactics vs lau. Like what range is he best at, not good at. Moves that he has problems with. Moves I should be more cautious with. Set ups that can be harmful for me if I'm not aware of them etc.
    But yeah sure I'll play you when I have a chance. I’d really like to. I usually play late on Saturday’s. I've been really busy lately with work/holiday's and such.
  8. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    I block a lot. A lot. And wait for him to make a mistake or start getting throw happy.
  9. nikolasbelmont

    nikolasbelmont Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I'm still a bit of a novice with VF in general, but Sarah's my character of choice nonetheless.

    I've noticed that keeping Lau at a distance works pretty well at least in low to midlevel matches. You'd be surprised how many LAU-players are put off by the careful use of Sarah's D K K /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Sorry if the commands aren't displayed correctly - not sure how to implement them yet...

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