Sarah technique

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by LordVoid, Dec 27, 2002.

  1. LordVoid

    LordVoid New Member

    I am not one of those fortunates who are actually able to play EVO. I have recently begun to play VF4 on the PS2 again, however. My character of choice has always been Sarah. So if anyone cares, these are some of the things I have found out recently.

    I hear that this move is still in EVO, so I will have lots of fun with it next year when I am finally able to play the freaking game.

    The most recent thing I have discovered about her is the power of her okizeme game. I had a friend who was trying to learn Lei Fei, and so I was trying out new things with her. Now some of these things are very very basic, I know, but I'll mention them anyway. You have my permission to shoot me if I'm annoying you. Anyway, her step round kick or round kick if they rising sweep or early [3][K]+[G] it they do a high rising attack I suppose are two options, however I have found another.

    Her dashing knee is actually my favorite option now. If you do it on reaction to their character animating, it can have one of any number of effects. If done early it will go through them. If done a little later it will stuff EITHER rising attack. I was messing around with this a lot and its effectiveness amuses me. My friend was actually quite annoyed by it.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    So f,f+KG will eat up rising attacks high or low?
    Reliably or just from some positions/situations? (i.e. if they roll first does it still work, or does it need weird timing)
    Most knees hop over low rising attacks, which is useful if you have a low throw.
  3. LordVoid

    LordVoid New Member

    Sorry if my terminology is a bit shaky, it will take me a while to catch back on.

    The opponent can always try to roll or delay their rising to psych you out. Given these options and the ability to recover instantly(pkg) it's certainly not indomitable. However to some extent, you can account for any delays. It does not matter their position because you can stuff any rising attack (that I have found. have not tried it on shun's rising k).

    It looks like what is happening is that the knee is moving her through the opponent so that when they rising attack, your character is deeply overlapping the opponent (If not all the way through them).
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty cool find, it sounds like it works as long as your reflexes are pretty well trained. Too bad the knee doesn't float like a normal knee.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Another move if you don't know is her [8][K] attack. It's relatively easy to time, and it hits both mid and low rising attacks. You can even combo from it, very nice. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

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