Sarah Stances

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by BeastEG, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to figure out how to use Sarah's stances most effectively and would love some advice! It seems like FL is used to pressure your opponent when you use all of here + on block moves (I generally assume my opponent will block my first attacks). So far my main approaches are:

    4K (+4-6)
    8K (+2)
    P+K (+2)
    4P+K (+4)
    3PK (+3)
    K+GK (+3)

    My main mixup from FL is :
    2K into P+G Hit Throw (works wonders against 2P if you go into it from 4K)
    4K to make space
    3K for crumble
    P+K for 2P Parry
    6P+K+G to escape
    KK to make someone calm down if the get P or P+G happy

    Anyone have tips for dealing with side-steppers when you go into FL stance? That's the only thing I haven't found a good thing for yet.

    As far as I can tell, there really isn't any effective way to use her Switch Step from FL, but do you guys and gals have a means of incorporating it into your game plans? I miss having those FL throws from VF4... Also, what are some of your FL mixups?

    I find her forward step (FS) really good for combos and actually mixups when the opponent is getting up. I generally try to get the opponent to either block or side step (I try to do it from max range so it's pretty safe) my 66K so they expect it every time they are in range. Once the are conditioned to it, you basically can do what you want:

    1)66K for fast mid-poke (to condition them to block)and punish rising attacks
    2)FS~K as well for this purpose although it is a bit slower
    3)FS~2K for a low sweep that catches sidesteps
    4)2K+G to do a safe (spaced properly) low poke
    5)3K+G to sweep them again
    6)FS 2KK ~ P+G to the unblockable hit throw if you've conditioned them to block
    7)You can even run up and throw if you are feeling gutsy
    8)Simply attack with another attack to go into FL pressure

    Granted I'm not sure if it is a viable tactic at higher and higher levels, but currently as a 9th Dan, it's helped me really open up people higher levels than me since it messes with their heads and everyone seems to hate playing the spacing game.

    Her FS~BS (6P+K+G ~ 4) is great for baiting out attacks (especially rising attacks). Just slide in and then out of range of a rising attack and if you see them attack, simple hit K and enjoy your crumple combo.

    Would totally love to hear how other people have been using Sarah's tools to win!

    Hope that helps!
  2. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Active Member

    When I go into FL from 4K, 8k, P+K, etc. I like to sometimes fish for evades with 6K delayed K from FL stance. If you see that they evaded, the second K is full circular. If they block it then it's just -5 frames and you can opt not to do the second K or do it if you think they'll press a button.

    Learn how to do her P-2K K K. It leads to massive damage and keeps them on their toes when you go into flamingo. I just use a universal followup after it connects, 1KK>6KK, for all characters that weigh less than Akira. For Akira and up it's 1KK>8K. Taka doesn't collapse [​IMG].

    After a succesful hit with 4K from FL, I've been working on forward dash cancel while in FL and keeping pressure with either 3K, 2K-P+G, 6KK shenanigans, K shenanigans, or using 8/2P+K for that huge damage off of a CH or an evade since its full circular. I use a universal combo of 8/2P+K>6K+G>2P>3KK. Works on all characters except Taka. I just spam K on him.

    On opponents wakeup I like to backdash out of their rising attack range and do 4K+G-G so I can get into flamingo. from there you can do either 4K, 3K, 4P+K+G, G, or 8/2P+K depending on the situation.

    Step is really tricky. I usually use it as a hail mary from a whiffed 4K or 4K+GG.

    4P, 44P, 3P, 8K+G, K, both hits of 44KK, and FL 4K are all half circular. K+G and FL K+G are full circular (just realized this, I thought they were useless). Just to keep that in mind.
  3. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Thanks Man! I'll definitely try that out!
  4. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    fla k+g,k is full circle and launches on ch and it launches. luckily in FS hitting someone out of sidestep is now a ch [​IMG]

    4k is great to get into fla vs crouchers as it staggers.
  5. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    what do good sarah players follow up with after 4k hits(back-turned stance)? i can only come up with a ground attack afterwards,because there is too much push back after 4k hits.:(
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    She can followup with [4][K][+][G] near a wall. Some of her strongest wall combos can start from a [4][4][P] wall stagger, via ST hit or CH.
  7. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    thanks for telling me about 44p. good stuff! i managed to get 4k+g to land even away from wall. with good hit checking it can be done consistently.

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