Roll back NetCode experience

Discussion in 'General' started by Kidvid711, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone,
    The Future is near. Yesterday, I played my friend from Japan on Marvel Vs Capcom Collection that has Roll Back Netcode while I was playing in the East Coast of USA. It didn't work well at first. I had staggering/choppy connection that would stop and go. I decided to turn on my VPN connection and point it to Japan and adjust the Input delay from 2 to 4. It was amazing. When the input delay frames were at 2, The game was running smooth but skipping frames. I adjust the Input Delay to 4. I can see all the frames and its playable. On top of that. I reduce my internet speed to 300up & down. I think the VPN connection can help along with roll back netcode. Imaging for the future of Virtua Fighter, we will be able to play competitively with Japan players or anywhere in the world. We were both playing from the PC version of MVCc.
    VFhayato, 40i4 and akai like this.

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