Rocket Discharge : Final Showdown

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by nou, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Rocket Discharge:

    What is it? El Blaze's loveable run. His options from this have been increased immensely and is an awesome setup to scare the opponent as it has answers for everything, and is really one of the scarier things to encounter. I put in defensive measures for those that just want to know how to defend it's attacks since they are hard to deal with and can be quite scary for newcomers and vets to deal with. I'll include the strings that can lead into RD in another post.

    You will see that only a couple of attacks have frames when they are blocked and that's because most of the attacks from RD leave Blaze on the ground. El Blaze can tech-roll the landing to avoid ground hits and ground pounces.

    How do you do it?

    [6] [+] [G] [P] [K]

    [6_] [+] [G] [P] [K] - You only have to hold forward when doing this one. This one lets you run longer distances and past the opponent.

    Defensive Measures : He can be hit out of the run, preferably by moves with long reach since you don't want him getting close to you.

    You can also use [4] / [4_] if you want to runway or bounce of wall and come at them.

    Attacks from RD:

    [P] - hits high and mid. Good when the opponent expects you to do one of his other attacks with longer start-ups. You can tech-roll the landing or stay on the ground after hit or block.

    Defensive Measures: High Guard, Side-Step.

    [9] [+] [K] - This is his old [K] from RD. It's a drop-kick that hits mid and you can go into RD AGAIN if you hit the opponent. On Block causes stagger.

    Defensive Measures : Sidestep

    [K] [+] [G] - This is his High Unblockable attack. Good to mix-up between [9] [+] [K] , since I find a lot of people are unable to tell the difference unless 1.) They know El Blaze or 2.) you have to show them repeatedly, and even then during battle you don't really wanna guess if it's the one that hits mid or the one you can duck/crouch dash under. You can tech-roll the landing if you miss the opponent.

    Defensive Measures : Sidestep, crouch, crouch dash.

    [P] [+] [G] - This his throw.

    Defensive Measures : Can only be crouched under,2p'ed, crouch dash and CD'ed into a WR move.

    Note : I've been thrown out of this before but only in super close distances, usually after [4] [P] [K] string that wasn't on counter-hit or hit-confirmed.

    [K] - mid-level knee that can hit a grounded opponent once after hitting [P] [P] [P] [K] into RD and you can also hit the opponent after they are in the air, after said string into RD.

    Defensive Measures : Sidestep, Block

    Note : I've crumpled opponents and have been stomach crumpled opponents but I'm not sure how to achieve hit. I'm guessing it's when it hits the opponent's attack during the their active frames?

    [2] [K] - Low drop kick that's super punishable on block because it's -15. Gives you a hard knockdown which can followed up with a ground-throw or nice little combo such as [2] [P], [6] [P] [K] .

    Defensive Measures : Low Guard, Jump, Sidestep.

    [9] [K] [+] [G] - This is his new Cartwheel-esque attack that hits TWICE AT MID-LEVEL. It causes stagger ON HIT. It stands up crouching opponents even when they are blocking. On block it's -5. He lands facing the opponent. However Blaze can go into....

    Defensive Measures : Sidestep. You only need to SS once as it only hits twice on hit or block.

    [P] - hits mid and can tack on few extra hits for a nice little combo. When blocked leaves you at -13.

    Defensive Measures : High Block, Side Step.

    Note : When the initial Cartwheel is SS the opponent DOES NOT have to SS again as the attack is linear.

    [K] - Okay this one is to watch out for. Hits High and is a Full Circular. Can go into RD AGAIN on hit or block. Can be ducked as long as the intial [9] [K] [+] [G] doesn't hit. On hit it causes stagger.

    Defensive Measures : Crouch, Crouch-Dash. El Blaze can be hit out of this by moves such as Lion's [1] [K] .

    [2] [P] [+] [G] - Crouch Throw. Because you can never have enough options from RD [​IMG]

    Defensive Measures : Stand, DO NOT CROUCH.
    Modelah and Chanchai like this.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The RD K causes crumple on a staggered opponent. Dyer moves like 46K you can actually run until blaze goes past his opponent and he turns around and get a back crumple which is pretty nifty.

    Same kind of combos you get from CH 46P+K if you do get the stomach crumple.
  3. GrooveA

    GrooveA Member

    Great topic, as a young El Blaze player I have no idea how to use his RD in matches.

    What are some situations to use his RD? Should I only use it in combos like the RD+k after p,p,p,k? After moves? Can I go into RD from neutral? Does it depend on how close I am to my opponent?

    Sorry, new to El Blaze and I'm just not sure about when to look for or try using his RD. Thanks
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Now this will be a general overview of the attacks that lead into Rocket Discharge. Let's start with the strings and hits that can lead into RD, whether they hit or are guarded.

    After the strings and/or attacks El Blaze can be at Neutral, Advantage or Disadvantage when going into RD, so both players should know what's what. Side-turned, Counter-Hit and Side-Turned Counter-Hitwill also be noted.

    Hopefully this can guide you into what attacks you should look for as a follow up. Likewise for those scouting for defensive tips, this can give them an idea of what defensive measure you can use (if any) to protect yourself.

    For all the attacks listed you press [6] after the last attack touches the opponent to go into RD. You can also [6_] to run past the opponent and time it right to hit them from behind. Thanks to Seidon for the last tid-bit.

    On Hit and Guard

    [P][P][P][K] - After the kick Blaze can go into RD.

    Hit: Knocks them into air and causes opponent to bounce once IF they don't tech the landing. Can hit them in the Air with [K] from RD either in air or after the first bounce.

    Air is recommended.

    Guarded Front: Neutral

    Guarded Side: +6

    Note: The third [P] is a half-circular and the [K] is a full-circular. So if the last [P] is evaded you can still catch the opponent with the last [K] since full-circular attacks beat evade.

    [4][P],[K] - Again after the kick, into RD.

    Hit: +7

    Side: +10

    Guard: +2

    Side-Guard: +5

    [3][K][+][G] - Hits high. Half-Circular.

    Hit: Knocks opponent in the air. [K] or [2][K] from RD if they don't tech the landing.

    Guard: -7

    Side-Guard: -1

    [K][K][K] - String that goes, High, Mid, High. Last [K] can go into RD.

    Hit: Knocks opponent in the air. Again, can follow-up with [K] or [2][K] if landing is not teched.

    Guard: -5

    Side-Guard: -2

    [4][K][P][K] - on the last hit can go into RD on hit or guard. Hits M,H,H. Half-Circular.

    Hit: Stagger.

    Guard: -2

    Side-Guard: +4

    [8][K]- On hit and guard go into RD.

    Hit: Knocks opponent into the air. Follow-up with aforementioned attacks.

    Guard: Stagger.

    Side-Guard: Stagger.

    [7][K]/[K][+][G] - Backwards Cartwheel. Hits Mid.

    Hit: -11

    Note: When Guarded there is no frame data on the RD from the attack, only the move itself. You can go into RD after this attack even if it whiffs and never touches the opponent.

    [9][P][+][K],[K] - The [K] from this attack hits mid.

    Hit: Stagger

    Guard: +3


    Pretty self-explanatory. Only when the move hits can you go into RD.


    Hit: +6

    Counter-Hit: +12

    Side-Hit: +9

    Counter Side-Hit: +15

    [2][K][P][K] - String that hits Low, High, Medium.

    Hit: +7

    Counter-Hit: +10

    Side-Hit: +10

    Side Counter-Hit: +13

    [9][K] - hits Mid.

    Hit: Knocks Opponent down.

    Note: Can go into another RD after the hit connects.

    [9][K][+][G] - hits Mid.

    Hit: Stagger.

    Special Case

    El Blaze's [4][6][K] is peculiar in the sense that you can go into RD on Hit or Guard. However, unlike the other moves where you press [6] after the last attack to go into RD, the direction you need to press depends on the whether [4][6][K] hits or is guarded.

    ON HIT

    [4][6][K] - Press [6] after the [K] HITS to go into RD.

    Hit: Stagger


    Press [4] if the [K] is blocked by the opponent, to go into RD.

    Guard: +8
  5. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Awesome stuff, man!

    I have a neat litle note on RD. From low dropkick knockdown you can do [2][P] then [3][K]+[G] into RD for a nice wakeup mixup if they tech.
  6. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    Just as a random aside, there's no need to hit-check [4][6][K] if you want to go to RD. You can option select the end result by entering [4][6]. Timing isn't specific either.
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yup, I posted that up the other day in the face spitting thread
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    You can go into RD from neutral and but it's really a bad idea since there is A LOT of start-up before he runs.

    It's always best to start from strings, like [K][K][K], [4][P][K] and [2][K][P][K] because these are high,low, mid type strings.

    [4][P][K] is awesome because, as mentioned before, you can go into RD whether it hit or is guarded. It's best to do it, when the [K] hits on Counter-Hit, meaning the opponent flased yellow. The [K] in this string is also a full-circular mid so it can't be evaded, jumped over, crouched. Just blocked. When you get them blocking they are usually afraid to throw out anything so you can go into RD and choose any of the attacks from there.

    You wanna stay in Mid-Range and Close-Range when using RD against people you know how to defend to keep them on their toes since there is less time to defend against. Doing it from long range is good againse scrubs, since they freeze up, but against better opponents it only serves as a bullseye for them.
  9. UgLee

    UgLee Member

    [3] [K] [+] [P], [G] [+] [P], [6] , [9] [G] [+] [K], [3] [G] [+] [P]

    Nets a nasty 120 damage if you can pull it all off. However I strongly suspect this won't work against strong players, at least not more than once!
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Just want to say that you can cancel out of rd with a jump. Forward, backward or straight up in the air.

    Have fun, I know I am.
  11. Shouta

    Shouta Active Member

    You can? Well shit, I'll have to use that tomorrow then!
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I come bearing Blaze tech. Going to expand a bit on Rocket discharge, this should be useful from a defensive and offensive point of view for people dealing with our favourite luchadore.

    I'm gonna start with [4][P][K]

    As we all know you can go into RD from the K here. On normal hit the K followup beats out attacks that don't have crazy evasive properties or moves which specifically sabaki knees. You CAN crouh dash fuzzy after normal hit to protect yourself against the hard catch throw/mid mixup.

    Things get tricky if that K counter hits you though. Blaze goes into RD at +10 meaning that he can scare the balls off you. At +10 you can't mash sout of the catch throw standing. 2P will work sure but any standibg attacks will get eaten by the throw. You can crouch dash fuzzy only to crouch the throw and block the knee. The timing is pretty tight though. Jumping attaxks will beat the throw but if you jump and get caught by that k ee enjoy your health while it lasts.

    Here's the coffin closer. A normal side hit acts like a head on counter hit. On a side counter hit you can no longer c/d fuzzy the knee. It becomes a straight up game of use a quick crouching or jumping attack to beat the low or use your guard to block the knee (which only leaves blaze at -1 on a side guarding opponent). If the knee happens to side counterhit the opponent blaze is at +12 which gives him a guarantees throw attempt or a free PK.

    If by some freak event you happen to net a ch with an opponent doing a move which leaves them baxkturned with the K the catch throw is guaranteed.

    6K is somewhat similar although not as awesome. On normal hit and CH c/D fuzzy beats the knee/throw mixup. You can't standing mash out of the throw on ch either. on SCH you can't crouch the throw or fuzzy the knee so it's 50/50 time once again.

    on block wih 4PK nothing slower than a P or 2P will beat out the K followup from RD. At first P/2P seems to be a good idea and generally it is but it's worth noting that Blaze can fuck up 2P with things like demon dance K and jumping stuff from RD. RD low dropkick is magical here as it goes under highs and over lows at the samr time. Your opponent would need to do a mid to beat it, which as I've already pointed out geta beat by RD knee.

    The situation above is the exact same with Blaze's 46K block followup. And demon dance K on block.

    After a bit of further testing it seems you can beat the low dropkick followup if you start mashing 2P like crazy after blocking one of these moves so use that and maybe some more demon dance or jumps from RD in this situation. It's even quote fun and effective to keep using demon dance K on some opponents as they seems to freeze up a lot in that situation. An empty demon dance to backturn is also pretty cute.

    Depending on stagger ability it's hard to say what to do vs folk after attacks that leave them staggered and blaze in rocket discharge. K is a solid followup though as it crumples on staggered opponents and it's very safe on block. Obvioisly if you expect them to escape quickly you can throw/low throw or go into demon dance on block nonsense or even his new flippy nonsense. Your call but pay attention to your opponent.

    Another thing worth checking out is the low throw on rising opponents. After a low dropkick CH or a low dropkick from jumping or RD you can combo with 2P, 2P then RD. If theh tech roll blaze can grab then with the low throw. Wprth it for cool points alone.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Just remembered taka takes longer to crouch. During the situations like 4PK on ch taka cannot cd fuzzy to defend against both options. He has to guess.
  14. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this is covered elsewhere, but i tested 46K -> block 4 -> rocket and it seems hotdog throw eats opponents moves up to 14 frames but loses to (at least) 13f punch (Blaze's tested). Obviously kills bds and evades too. From here it gets interesting - rocket knee (K) interrupts faster that 13f attacks for +8 - +9 frames but 12f P for +10! Seems to work very consistently too, not sure if the animation allows for connecting a throw. On the other hand 13f (46P) varies from +9 to +11. Most others are +9-

    I could fuzzy out of my K/throw setups though but K+G seems to eat lazy fuzzy. Obviously crouch rocket throw is an fuzzy killing option too.
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I went into that in detail 2 posts up! :) Bar the 13 frame thing but I do know that's the case.
  16. CorgiInSpace

    CorgiInSpace Member

    Holy crap I just accidentally did this during an round end dance. Welp, time to add to my game!

    Any other ways on cancelling RD?
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The only other ways are through fake roll (P+K+G) or demon dance (P+K). Simply not going into RD works wonders a lot of the time :)

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