I just played a match earlier today on XBL. I'll not mark their name but it was one of those FPS type names... Anyway, My kids were ready for lunch just as the match started. Person was mashing Jacky. Hp combo reversed, knee, low kick, rising low kick, i was just trying to speed it up and they were mashing and easy to read. Later i check my profile rep and see i got marred on Unsporting. Even though this is for team killing or racing backwards on a track, i was wondering if i should be concerned about this as far as XBL is concerned... am i ruined? Also is it really all that unsporting? Later i played my son and he said i was spamming reversals. I explained to him that it's difficult to do because of timing and direction, also knowing the opponents moves. Needless to say he stomped me with Eileen. So i guess i'm just looking for opinions and things like that.
All forms of reverse nikatu are unsporting. But yea. I say do whatever you want to win. But don't get mad if you can't win and the stuff you do stops working. That's when it's time to do something else.
Lol relax, one bad rep is going to have exactly zero effect on your gaming experience. 100 bad reps would also have no effect. You must not play online much if this is the first time it's happened to you - everyone gets them from time to time for no apparent reason. Don't worry about it. And no it's not unsporting to use lots of reversals - it's awesome. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
ok, thanks. No, i haven't been on XBL very long, since the first week of Feb. I didn't know if it would lessen my ability to play other people or not. I feel better about that now. Also, Reversals are only awesome when they actually work. I got a few notes from a player once about how i'd be really good if i actually blocked. *sigh*
LOL....Don't worry pal, this isn't DOA4 - This is VF5 Online. Nothing wrong with spamming reversals when a guy wants to be THAT predictable (take it from a guy who ALSO reverses a lot). Just remember to use other moves and a little defense Damn...I miss VF -_-
It's funny, I did get DOA4, played very little of it. Just doesn't compare to VF imo. Took it back to get a second controller so my son and i could play together.
Yup. Reversal can be a way to counter an otherwise uncounterable, safe, attack that you are having problems with. If you are playing Aoi, a good example of a reversal opportunity is in okizeme, ie. When opponent pressures you when you rise from ground. Buffering reversal-throw escape can be nice in this situation and make opponent think twice about attacking.
Reversal is the shit! Especially rising kick reversal, OMG nothing feels more satisfying then reversing a rising kick on reaction.... it's like "OMG I JUST CAME IN MY PANTS EAT 33P+K YOU DOUCHE" It makes RTSD with Aoi so much more enjoyable.
reversals are HARD to pull of usually and there risky so you don't see them often. If you manage to successfully do it often enough pat your self on the back! If the other guy is being so predictable that you can consistently reversal him, understand that hes just plain old sucks. If he gives you a bad rep because he got his ass kicked, hes probably 10 years old or very immature, and ya I don't think rep matters at all. reversals take alot of skill IMO, and are the oppisite of unsportsman.
Reversals are so rewarding when they go off right that timing them right is a great skill to learn if your character has that option.
Reversals are rewarding from the sense that you did something difficult like predicted opponent. Not so much from the ingame sense, they dont do much damage.
Aoi has the most number of reversals, right? More than Pai. She also have ground reversals. She's the best bone snapper!!!
Reversals aren't exactly the 'key' way of winning a match, but they are a good thing to consider if you notice your opponent's pattern. Especially with Aoi, since certain reversals allow for a ground throw or a down attack.
The true use of reversals is an art form. I use them most with the complete element of surprise. I refrain from using it, when it is obvious that it could be used. I refrain, refrain, refrain, and then when things are most tense, I'll pull the reversal to change my opponent's momentum and his game plan. Because of when and where I use it, my opponent will be a lot slower and careful for the remainder of the match. Make your opponent believe that you do not know how or when to reverse, and then at the precise moment, (when your opponent expects the reversal the least)[/size] use the element of surprise pull a reversal and then change your attack style at that point. Lei Fei only has one reversal, and typically I only need to use it once