Reversal percentage

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by kno1really, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. kno1really

    kno1really Member

    Im new to vf5 (especially online). its been a few weeks now and i've been pretty silly about skipping the dojo before jumping into online matches - i just go straight there. i mean...ive done the command training. Im even ranked at 8 minutes on the time attack. But when i get into the arena i dont know anymore. My mind like...flex's up and i forget all my combo's and go into pppk, ppp(down)k...block...
    in spite of that i also compulsively reverse people's attacks back on them. i was wondering if there are any Aoi Vf's that reverse alot. and if so, how often do you get a success in a match? after a few weeks i get at least 3 reversals a match
  2. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Ive played you, and I can tell you that they arent worth the trouble. You need to first work on guarding opp strings and set ups and understand what going on. Then emplement your offense, use reversals when someone is repetitvie.
  3. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Attempting reversals without an adequate understanding of the system and your opponent is only going to get you killed...repeatedly. Where are you located and what is your gamertag? I would be willing to spar with you!
  4. kno1really

    kno1really Member

    King Of CARNAGE! HEY!!! LMAO.

    um. Gamertage: "Kno1Really"
    where am i? ... im not sure anymore...
    LOL nah, im in the states.
  5. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    You'll learn not to rely on reversals too much unless your opponent is being predictable with a move type. I have played you before with my Vanessa. Maining Aoi myself, you don't want to over do it with reversals out of no where or else your oppenent will see it coming and punish you. Its usually best for if they are being predictable or you have an idea what they are going to do.
  6. BrenBed

    BrenBed Active Member

    Usually (almost always, even at high level play) an Opponent will have an attacking pattern. This means that they will favor certain attacks. The good thing about Aoi is that she can reverse all attack types, which isn't the case with any other fighter in the game.

    With that being said, let me give you a few pointers on how to use her reversals.

    1.) They should never be spammed!! - I can't stress this enough. No matter how predictable your opponent is, if you start spamming them, then you become even more predictable and at that point they will start expecting you to reverse their attacks and when you do, they may either begin to delay their attacks or go for throws. And remember, if you are hit while performing a reversal, it counts as a counter hit.

    2.) Spacing is important!! - Let's face it, reversals are risky and the closer you are to your opponent, the more risk you take. Usually when an opponent is out of throw range, striking becomes their best option. This is when Aoi's reversals begin to shine. Because if you have good timing and a good idea of which attacks they usually use when they are advancing, then you can reverse their attacks when they attempt to close the distance and attack you at the same time.

    But always try to minimize your use of reversals when your opponent is close enough to throw you. Unless they have become very predictable and you know for certain, that they will counter strike you after they have blocked your attack.
    But if you are uncertain and do not know whether or not they will strike or throw, then it's best to save using her reversals when outside of throw range.

    3.) Improve your overall defense!! - Reversals are a great way to use your opponent's aggressive actions against them, BUT, they are not a 'say all, end all'. Improving defensive skills in other areas will give you more options, which will allow you to mix things up and not become too predictable. Reversals should be used to catch your opponent unaware, and if you have mastered other skills that allow you to defend with Aoi then you won't always rely on reversals to get you out of tight situations. So when you do finally decide to use them, your opponent will be caught off guard at that moment.

    4.) Offense is Key!! - I know at first glance, having a decent offense would seem to have nothing to do with reversals, but again, it is all about the mix up game. When you sit back and only defend, you don't put your opponent under any pressure. It makes it easy for them to sit back and find openings to attack, because since you are not attacking all that much, that's all your opponent will have time to think about.

    But when they are under pressure you can cause them to make more mistakes...sometimes pressure can even cause your opponent to act recklessly. If you learn to put them under pressure then you give their mind more to think about, which can make them act quicker without having time to think about other mundane things such as your surprise reversals ;-)

    Let me say that I live by the reversal. I have ended plenty of matches using reversals against people who I know were better at VF5 than I am. But they have also been my downfall at times when I have used them in excess. So I speak from both sides when I say that being good at reversals is a rare talent and you will not see many fighters who have mastered the art of using them at high level play....but the few that have....are powerful forces to be reckoned with....

    In fact some of Aoi's reversals can set up her ground grapples for even more damage, which can sometimes end the round before an opponent can even recover...

    They take tons of practice. Timing is very strict when it comes to a competitive battle. It also takes knowing the individual fighters because They all have different moves that are performed at different speeds which can throw you off.

    So I'll end it with this...THE DOJO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND...You will need to spend a lot of time sparring with different fighters to learn the timing of their moves...

    Do that and apply the lessons above and even the best players will think twice before attacking you

  7. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    My two coins. ^^

    I think it's quite established that VF reversals overall are more effective on the mind level than on the game level. Noobie & mindless abare players may limit THEIR options subconsciously. The basic mid/nitaku game offers more favorable risk/benefit-ratio in most situations.

    That said, Aoi is nowhere near as easy to play as in Evo, so reversals seem to be a better option in some situations.

    Reversing full circ rising attacks and punishing them with 4,6+P & hit throw was super fun. ^^

    There have been several Aoi's in R who seem to get tons of reversals in. Does this has to do with rev windows or somethig else ?
  8. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    I'm not too sure about reversal concerning online play but in Quest or Arcade mid reversals are your best friends. But as Bren said, best not spam them. Those counter hits add up quick X(

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