Returning to VF.. relic stick advice needed

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Drift, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Hello, again VFDC. It's been many years since I was here last. I'm happy to see that at least a few familiar faces remain.

    My interest in fighting games has resurfaced and the release of some high-quality production console sticks in recent years has finally convinced me to make the switch from pad.

    I have a new Mad Catz TE which is quite spiffy, of course, so no help needed deciding there. However, I own a PS3 Slim, so no BC (even if it had BC, the TE doesn't just yet.) This wouldn't be terrible, except that VF5's Dojo -is- terrible. Since it's been over 5 years since I've played VF, I'm terrible too and -need- Evo's training.[​IMG]

    Thus, I need an actual (and worthwhile) PS2 stick. I'd like a full-featured (ie 6 button) stick so that I can play other PS2 fighters as well. Research (read: google) has lead me to 3 options: HRAP2/SA, PS2 Virtua Stick, or modding a Mayflash. I suppose that technically a 4th option would be to locate/buy an older BC PS3 and get a HRAP3 (or wait until the TE is BC) but that's a last resort IMO.

    The HRAP2/SA and Virtua Stick are out-of-stock everywhere that claims to sell them. No surprise really, as they're ancient relics now. I'd like to know if there are any sticks I've missed or a retailer that has either of the former two before I do my first mod ever on the Mayflash.

    Thanks for your time and I'll be seeing you.^^
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Get someone on SRK in the trading outlet to make you a custom PS2 stick or to put a PSX PCB into a stock case (like a used HRAP case).

    I've had people from SRK put PSX PCBs into VSHG and Madcatz sticks for me in the past. Now that the HRAP2-SA is sold out everywhere it's probably the best option.

    It's either that or buy an HRAP2-SA off of eBay or someone on SRK/VFDC...but those are not going cheap. I wouldn't sell my stock HRAP2-SA sticks for anything less than $300 which is twice as much as the best custom stick would cost.

    On a side note, Hori is the stupidest company on the planet (besides Sega of course). There is still a huge demand for PS2 sticks (Play-Asia gets more requests for HRAP2 sticks than any other stick still I think). Why they don't make the PS2 sticks more available is insane.
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    You could try a Multi-console Cthulhu PCB, check out and tech talk on SRK. The cool thing about it is you can have it work with PS2, PS3, and with the proper external PCB, Xbox 360 -- all in one stick
  4. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice. Haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning towards a Mayflash mod. Would cost the same overall as a SRK build, based on quotes I've seen there, and I'd get some experience without worrying about ruining a real stick.
  5. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    I finished my Mayflash. [​IMG]

    First Mayflash Mod

    Since I was a complete and utter rookie, I can't believe how well it turned out. I'm already planning my next stick. ^,^
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Nice! Mayflash sticks seems to be the new craze now. Great wiring btw.
  7. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Did you have trouble soldering on to the actual pad pcb? Since there are no pads to really go through. Your wiring is really clean though bro. Good shit.

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