Rate the AI in VF5FS

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    For Advanced players is the AI too predicatable, too boring, not varied enough, not realistic enough?

    For new players is the AI to hard, too unrealistic? Do it play to perfect?

    For intermediate players. Is the AI challenging, not challenging?

    If you had to give the AI an honorary rank, what would it be? Dan, Hunter, Warrior, Raider, Destroyer,etc?

    In the past a lot of the advanced players have dogged the VF AI, and contend that its not the same as playing against human players. Has that changed in VF5FS?

    IMO While the AI does not play like every player, it does play like some players.

    After playing sparring sessions on very hard, and arcade on very hard, I find that the AI plays better than a whole bunch of ppl I've played in ranked mode. Although I personally find the very hard mode challenging and the AI takes more than its fair share of rounds, I find playing the AI more enjoyable than most of the ppl I've played online in ranked.

    How should the AI be improved? Can it be improved? Should it be improved?

    Based on my personal experiences on the PSN rank mode, the AI on hard plays at the skill level of the average Raider or Barbarian ranks, and the AI on very hard plays like its at the skill level of Shatterer, or Destroyer?

    Any thoughts?
  2. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Arcade Mode seems to be about right. Easy to start, difficult at the very end. My only issue is that unlike vanilla 5, the difficulty doesn't feel like it rises progressively, instead spiking at Akira and Dural, everything preceding a bit too easy. That's whatever. The Special Sparring teams, however, are completely retarded.
  3. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    There are ways to exploit the SSP's on Very Hard using the same move over and over with certain characters. If you avoid doing this then the can pose a good challenge or just be a good way to build up reaction and get some moderate practice in. Overall I find it to be above average and I'm really glad its there. But a mix between SSP and online matches despite a bit of lag can give most people a well rounded training regimen. Still nothing in the world beats offline against capable opponents so...
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    How does the AI compare to Version C in vanilla?

    If a new player trains with AI on hard in arcade and special sparring sessions, will that prepare them to handle rank mode?
  5. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    To some extent...I think it will give you some headway against newer to immediate players online.

    Some of the higher ranked people online are too many levels beyond the CPU at Very hard. I think the AI in ver C was too robotic compared to what we got in FS. But in some cases that could be a good thing.
  6. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    It seems pretty good (though I agree that the difficulty spike when you hit Akira in arcade is weird). Something I've noticed in doing the license trials and special sparring is that there seems to be a little more variety in how specific characters play than there was in vanilla. Arcade seems to play pretty by-the-book, but there's a lot of weird stuff happening elsewhere. Some of the AIs do everything possible to throw you, some of them spam the hell out of a single mixup, etc.
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I agree with Po about AI being more enjoyable than some players,

    However: players get better eventually, and teaching them not to spam/ defend is something that everyone here that want to expand the community should put up with. I know its boring, and some players seem only interested in winning and not learning, but there are plenty of examples here of people who started from scratch and got better. So I say: AI when you feel selfish, ranked when you dont mind schooling the newbies, friends when you are in a serious mood.
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    AI in special sparring on very hard is the best I have ever seen. No BS guarding shuns 1kk on reaction and each AI plays with its own style and habits allowing you to train for popular tactics.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I also like that along with the styles, some of the AIs have moves they over-favor on purpose. This lets you sometimes work on hard-countering or baiting those pet moves.

    I'm honestly really happy with the Special Sparring AI on Very Hard.

    That said, I have to admit that most of my time with the game is actually in Training Mode, and I'm using that training mode in so many ways--it's divine!
  10. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Ah, see, that'd be my own fault for judging only after playing on Normal. Very Hard provides a nice challenge.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    is playing the AI on very hard similar to some Intermediate human players, or some advanced human players?
  12. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    I have way more trouble with the A.I. than I do actual people...
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It's because you can't condition a CPU opponent. The CPU can only emulate single tracked, non learning, non adapting human opposition. In some regards the CPU can be better than the best players in the world due to flawless execution and 1frame reaction speeds but because it beer changes it's ultimately poorer than even a journeyman vf player like myself.

    Add to that that the AI actively pursues loss and it can seem largely redundant. You ever played against the CPU and just not done anything then jabbed and got a CH? That's because the computer wanted to be counter hit.

    It's useful to practice your defensive techniques, hit checking and execution against the CPU but not your mixups or ability to read an opponent which are arguably the most important skills in VF.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    One thing the CPU can teach you.................................................. Never to forget your TE's. I played the cpu on its hardest setting and was thoroughly challenged. It sped up the process of learning FS's nuances.

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