Rank Bar Changed Colour to Yellow?

Discussion in 'Console' started by JamesPuta, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. JamesPuta

    JamesPuta New Member

    Since you guys were so much help with my last question, I thought I'd see if you could help me with this.

    I was playing quest mode, and after a fight, my rank/experience bar changed colour from green to yellow. It stayed yellow until I gained my next rank up(a few fights later) then changed back to green.

    What causes this, and what are it's effects?

    If it's any help, it happened during a fight where I won because my opponent gave herself a ring-out after a certain throw.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The yellow colour indicates that if you win that match, then you'll get promoted to the next rank.

    Similarly, if you let it drop too low and it goes red, then if you lose the match you'll get demoted to the previous rank.
  3. JamesPuta

    JamesPuta New Member

    Thanks, but I'm sure it's not that.

    This happened about 3-6 matches before a level up, and it was the actual bar that turned yellow. When I'm about to level up, it's the box surrounding the bar that turns yellow. Any otehr thoughts?
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I forgot to add that when the exp. bar kinda glows yellow, it means that the result of this match will count towards your experience in a positive or negative way, depending on whether you win or lose, respectively. If it's not glowing, then the outcome of the match does not affect your rank exp.

    So couple this with my previous explanation. If the bar is yellow or red, it simply means that you're almost full or empty. But the bar needs to be glowing for the result of the match to affect your exp.
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    also, regardless of how high or low your ranking bar is, if you win or lose 5 in a row vs your same rank (5th dan vs 5th dan, or 8th vs 8th) it will automatically promote/demote you.

    so say you have the tiniest sliver of ranking bar left, b/c you've been losing a lot to ranks at or near yours. then you go on a streak, and beat someone of identical rank 4 times in a row, your rank bar will change colors and next time you face a person of your rank it will be a promotion match no matter how small you're bar!!!! (or demotion, if you lost 4 in a row.)

    so if you are 5th dan you could:

    win vs a 5th dan four times in a row
    --your bar will change colors to indicate you are one 5th dan away from ranking up, i dn't remember what color it changes to--

    lose to a bunch of 4th dans and 6th dans (lowering your rank bar)

    And next time you play a 5th dan IT IS STILL A PROMOTION MATCH. WOOHOO. as long as you weren't demoted in the meantime, lol.

    and same thing but vice versa with losses and demotion. lol, so you can have a full red bar [​IMG] or at least i think it was red. been a long time since i played in the ranked circuit. i think yellow means 1 more win is promotion, and red is demotion. but not 100% sure about it.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Is that right?

    Knowing that would make ranking up for items so much faster.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I once got a yellow bar after deranking a opponent and it was in the middle glowing. Afterward mynext battle would've been a auto rank up.

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