Question about PS3 A.I.

Discussion in 'Console' started by StoneColdSerb, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I am travelling at the moment and my Internet connection keeps screwing up, so using the Search is a bit difficult. I just wrote this text offline and copied it into this post.

    Anyways, my question is this:

    I understand that the A.I. on the PS3 (especially Quest) is not as improved as we all would have wished. But is it still good enough to allow you to improve your basic play while playing against the COM (akin to Evo's Quest).

    I am often travelling around and like to take a console with me, so could I still do that with PS3 VF and hope to improve my play outside of training mode?

    Please let me know as this will help me determine whether to buy a PS3 this weekend.

    Cheers in advance.
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The computer AI is better than having someone who either isn't any good at VF or doesn't really care to get good. Its better than having no one to spar against. It is useful in learning to deal with people whose styles are simular to what the AI's style is.

    On the other hand it will not help you much against seasoned, motivated VFers. If all you've sparred with is the computer, when you face live masters, you will most likely be in for
    somewhat of a surprise /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I only recently picked up my PS3 (at the Aus launch) and have only played around 300 matches so far against the AI.

    In playing it, I've noticed areas where the AI has been lacking, the same areas people have highlighted here time and again. But, is it still good enough to improve your basic play? My answer to that is a definite YES!

    Areas that playing the AI will help you in:
    <ul>[*]Combo practice (hit, stance and chara specific)[*]Guaranteed counter practice[*]Hit checking[*]Offensive patterns[*]Defensive techniques (fuzzy guarding, ETEGs, etc)[*]Movement practice[/list]Doing these things regularly will always help your game. Incidentally, these were the exact same benefits I saw in playing the AI in Evo.

    Areas that playing the AI won't help you in:
    <ul>[*]Character familiarity (the AI only sticks to a small subset of moves, not necessarily new ones either. When you play a human for the first time, prepare to be shocked) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif[*]Mind games (although, Evo's AI never helped here either)[/list]One could argue that the point about Character familiarity also applied to Evo's AI. While the AI did use newer moves, stances, etc, it would never be representative enough of how a real human played. What I'm saying is, in either Evo or VF5, there's the potential to pick up bad habits when you only play against the AI. By bad habits, I mean stuff that just fails against a human opponent. If you have no interest of ever playing versus mode with other people, then I'll just say that VF5's AI doesn't represent VF5 gameplay as well as Evo's did.

    For me, people choosing not to buy the game because of the "lacking AI" are missing out on a great game. Playing the AI still provides lots of opportunity for self improvement, and having some fun.

    But getting back to the original question, will it help you improve your own game? Yes!
  4. OAG3K

    OAG3K New Member

    Thats true, if you love VF5 you'll get the game no questions asked! I bought the game to practice combos,set ups etc. And it's good for when friends come over. If u don't buy the game it's ur loss. :p
  5. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Cheers for the feedback fellas. Much appreciated.

    In particular, thanks for the breakdown Myke. That's exactly what I was looking for. PS3 it is for me. Damn you Sony, you will steal another wad of cash from my wallet!

    Just to clarify, I was of course always going to get VF5, I was just wondering whether to get a PS3 for it or to wait for the 360 version, as I already own a 360 and VF5 was the only reason I initially wanted a PS3.

    And yes, I know that human comp is a different beast to merely playing the AI. I learned that lesson the hard way with Evo.

    Thanks again!

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