Quest Order D...

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Call_me_crazy, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. Call_me_crazy

    Call_me_crazy Member

    I've nearly gotten all of the Items for Sarah. There is one thing that has been holding me back from getting on of the coolest assesorie though. I've been having a hard time with Quest Order D, or the order that gets you the demon wings. I,ve beaten the evading throw escape leason In the tutorial but when having to apply it in this Quest order the A.I. mixes too many striking attacks in to focus consistantly on the throws which they rarely put out. When I do get thrown it either results in me eating dirt for not typing in the right throw escape comand or, if I do happen to escape, It dosen't acknowlage that it was an evading throw escape but rather a just a normal throw escape. I'm fairly new to the Virtua Fighter Series so any tips would be great.
  2. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    dude same here....but i haven't work on that part yet i'm only one rank away from being a Champion with sarah hehe that's the only mission at that arcade i didn't do and all my other are 100% done well other then the last two.
  3. Call_me_crazy

    Call_me_crazy Member

    I'm glad that i'm not the only one with this problem. I just recently edited my picture to the demon wings if that helps anyone in helping me. At this point, any advice would be gleatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Ok, do any move that puts you at a small disadvantage, evade, and mash 3 throw escapes. you don't have to escape any throws to complete the quest order.
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Hi, do any throw counterable move, and the AI will usually throw you afterwards.

    Ex: I like to do [3][3] [K] with Jacky.
  6. Call_me_crazy

    Call_me_crazy Member

    Thank you very much! This will help greatly.
  7. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    now i need the help if it's ok,i've try every move i know to get a disadvantage and now that i'm out of ideas.

    [3][K] and [6][P][K] are the moves i was using to get the disadvantage...
  8. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    See, I have trouble mashing the 3 throw escapes. also, is Sarah's [3][3][K] a guaranteed throw move if blocked, or is it a different one?
  9. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    yes, 33K is a guaranteed throw move.
  10. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    okay and right when they grab you for a throw it 's
    [4] [K][P][G] or [8] [K][P][G] or even [2] [K][P][G] right?
    just making sure sinces it's really rare when that happens
  11. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    k, if you're facing anyone but akira or shun, hit your 33K, evade by tapping up or down, then hit [4][P]+[G], [P]+[G], then [6][P]+[G]. (Oh, not akira and shun because akira doesn't have a back throw and shun doesn't get a forward throw until 5 drinks - everyone else has a back, forward, and neutral, for shun and akira you can replace them with [3][P]+[G]

    It all needs to be completed in well under a second - but it's really not that difficult. You can practice in the trial mode with evading throw escapes - it's an essential tool to learn, and you should ALWAYS be doing them - not just because the quest order tells you to.

    (Although I'll admit I'm usually too lazy to go for triple throw escapes every time i evade... so this quest forces me to wake up a tiny bit /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    It drives me insane, because I do the multiple throw escape session in training and can only get off [P]+[G] and one other throw escape command. why is it so hard!? *cries*
  13. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    yeah i know the feeling i was able to do the harder stuff just not this one.....Whhy!*shot* anywho i'm gonna try it again with the 33k hit so wish me luck.
  14. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    i had no luck -_-
    i really tryed everything i could think of to pass the mission. does anyone know if their a any videos of this mission being pass in the media area? (sorry if i put this in the wrong area)
  15. hfblade

    hfblade Active Member

    I'm pretty frustrated with this quest order too. The AI just doesn't attempt a throw when I want them to. <.<
  16. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    same here.
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    hfblade said:

    I'm pretty frustrated with this quest order too. The AI just doesn't attempt a throw when I want them to. <.<

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You dont need someone to try to throw you for it to count. I believe you need a successful dodge to get started but I don't know for sure. If you perform a D-TTE, it will count on your overall total. After you perform 5 D-TTE during your matchs, you will finish the quest.

    The quest order is about the D-TTE defensive technique. D-TTE stands for Dodge- Triple Throw Escape. What it wants for you to accomplish is to dodge then QUICKLY do 3 unique throw inputs right afterward. You have a very small timeframe to get the throw inputs in.(17 frames) Your throw inputs have to be fast and precise.

    A proper D-TTE looks like this: [8], [6][P]+[G], [4][P]+[G], [2][P]+[G]

    It wont count if you do the same input twice like [2], [6][P]+[G],[6][P]+[G], [P]+[G]

    You can practice this technique by going to Trial--Challenge--Throw Escape Challenge--session C. It will be daunting at first, you'll tell yourself your doing the throw escapes right and in time. Just keep practicing; figure out a rhythm in which the throw escapes should go in order best for you and then try to do it faster and faster.

    If you can complete the challenge you should be able to do the quest order no prob.
  18. hfblade

    hfblade Active Member

    Thanks. I completed it now. Now I'm just having trouble with Quest Orders that ask for (insert number) of successful throw escapes. I'm pretty sure the opponent has to attempt a throw for that to work. And as stated earlier, it's a real pain in the ass because the AI won't attempt a throw when I want it to. <.<
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Do throw counterable moves, look in your movelist (on this site) which they are (-10 for you defended) and do TEG. It's that simple. Knowing which throws your opponent intends to use at you helps of course, probably if you don't play the game on normal setting aswell (if you don't already).

  20. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    ok. sounds cool. gonna try it again.

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