Quest Mode Tournaments

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I have several questions about the AI Characters and the difficulty levels in the Tournaments in Quest mode?

    1) Does anybody know if the fighters that are in the tournaments exactly the same ones that are found in the arcades in quest mode? I know for sure there is so overlap, I'm just wondering whether there are fighters that are in the arcades that don't show up in the tournaments and vice versa?

    2) Does anybody know if difficulty level for the fighters in the quest mode tournaments is the same as it would be if you met them in the arcades? I fought a Pai (apple-pie) in both
    last night, maybe it was me, for her agressiveness seemed more in the tournament.

    3) Are the Fighting styles for each AI found in the tournaments
    and in Quest mode arcades Unique? That is, if I face three different Kages will they all focus on a different approach to the Kage character, or is it just duplication with a different ring name?

    If there is a different AI approach for every character in the quest mode tournaments/arcades, that's alot of variety. Or is there just a lot of AI duplication with different ring names?

    I couldn't find much documentation on the quest mode tournaments, for example do the tournaments get progessively more difficult, or is the difficulty the same for the last 3 or 4 tournaments and you just have more fighters?
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I am pretty sure there are no characters that only appear in tournaments but not in arcades. They may have different propability for showing up though.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Are we talking Ps3 quest mode here? Cos i heard it was all messed up.

    Talking 360, i think the difficultly increases a bit in tournaments and item matches, but that may just be me as the match is higher pressure.

    The characters in the tournaments are from the arcade. You get higher ranked opponents in later tournaments, so better AI.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Whoa! I thought the only real difference between VF5 version B (PS3) and VF5 Versin C on (Xbox) was online capability. Now your tellin me there are difference in quest mode too [​IMG]

    I'm talking about VF5 version B for PS3.

    I think there are about 70-72 fighters that are in the status list with stars next to their names, and little over 300 fighters in the Quest mode arcades combined. Again I'm not sure whether there is overlap in the quest mode arcades.

    Out of the +70 fighters from the status list, do they each have unique AI? That is, will each fighter's AI in the status list bring a different game during a match and the quest mode tournaments?

    And from the 300+ fighters in quest mode arcades, I know the difference in rank causes them to bring a different amount of pressure or combo success, but if I face say 10 different Akiras will they bring 10 different attack and defense styles, or is the only difference the success of evades, and length of combo success based on rank?

    It also seems during the quest mode tournaments that the probability of more fighters showing up is higher than in the quest mode arcades. I'm not sure, does anybody know how the probabilities were set up for the quest mode tournaments and the quest mode arcades?

    If all the fighters in Quest mode truly represent different fighting tactics and skill levels, then there is more diversity
    than I realized in Quest mode.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Version C has character tweaks not found in Version B.

    And in addition to these tweaks, the 360 version is different than the PS3 version in that it has better AI in Quest Mode, the Dojo Mode is slightly improved (you can control the sparring partner manually and can choose the default foot position), there is online capability, and I believe there are more items.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I heard the PS3 AI was broken and does Evo combos, rather than VF5 ones.

    Does the PS3 quest mode have expert mode? The AI set to expert on the 360 will give you a good fight.

    I had typed this and left it, so didn't see Tengu's post above. Forgot about that thread (2nd link). LOL
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Thanx Tengu, I apologize for offending you cats. Can a brother be redeemed? [​IMG] I haven't read from TAO TEH CHING in about 6 months, and now its obvious, I need a daily dose in order to keep my temper under control.

    I followed your links, good information, but different from what I'm seeing. So now I'm really confused [​IMG] I got my numbers as far as quest mode arcade competition from the Brady Guide. Is the Brady Guide correct for version B? It only lists about 311 competitors, which is even less than the 600+ from the link and there are 72 rivals in the status list, which is also different. Which is right? I manually counted the rivals in my status list (the ones with the yellow star next to them) So 72 is the number I'm looking at for rivals.

    @MarlyJay Combos from VF4EVO WTF (your kidding right?)

    No expert mode in PS3 version B,

    Now looking back on the PS3 vs XBox 360 SEGA really F$#@ed the PS3 fanbase.
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    1) MarlyJay is correct.

    2) You are correct

    3) Not really.

    The game was not misrepresented and it continues to function as it did when purchased. The 360 version is an improvement (just the same as when car companies improve cars year after year). In this case, you likely F$#@ed yourself when you signed your "I will never use a..." document.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well, now that you put it that way... [​IMG]

    You really feel Sega Treated the PS3 fanbase properly, or are you just yanking my chain?
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    From they impression i get, it's more like microsoft did everyone a favour and got sega to pull their thumbs out and make a non broken game. One thing i'm sure of is that there are significantly more rivals in the 360 version.

    Just seems the 360 version is a better game all around. You know what i'm suggesting you do Po, right? [​IMG]
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    VF5 for PS3 was ported and released within 6 months of the initial arcade release of VF5 right? I say they did a damn fine job if that's the case.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Go ahead., hit a monk when he's down. Sega could've at least released a patch in all of this time. VF5 version B is still better than the competition so I've got no beef there.

    So does the Brady Guide represent Version B or Version C?

    as far as switching to the XBox

    Ahem.... I'll patiently wait for VF6 on the PS3 [​IMG]

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