PS3 Vs. X360 - Why do PS3 FGs have input lag compared to X360 versions?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Junsuina Chikara, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    Hi all. I have a number of FGs for both systems and some games, I would have both PS3 and X360 versions. It's always puzzled me why PS3 versions have slight input lag or delay compared to the X360 versions. I can definitely notice a slight delay in FS between the two versions and it's been noted that Capcom fighters also have a small degree of delay compared to virtually lagless X360 Capcom games. I'm not trying to start a flame war between the two consoles but I'm just more interested in knowing the technical reasons for this problem, is it just a case of PS3 hardware inferior to X360? Or complexity to program applications on PS3 compared to simplicity to program for X360?
  2. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Hard to think of any fighting game, including the Namco stuff, that works better on PS3. Their priority seems to have been offline RPGs. Astonishing really, when you think of the gems PS2 had.
    I think people only stomach the situation, because the network is free, or they have some sort of weird anti-Ms agenda.
  3. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    You get what you paid for.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  4. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    The idea that Xbox's network is better is false. The reason why you see/perceive more lady via PSN is that all systems come with wireless capabilities out of the box. A vast majority of xbox players are forced to play wired and that makes for much better connections. Just playing on a wireless connection at all can jack your ping way up not to mention the reduced bandwidth. Mike Z confirmed this theory on stream as he mentioned how he programmed Skullgirls for both systems and stated there was no difference in the method they use to connect players for games. In fact, Xbox has an extra security layer for authentication.

    If every player wired directly to they're router it would make a world of difference.
    JaLoHa21 likes this.
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Then why are only the psn players bitching
  6. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    I think GGXXAC has less input lag on PS3, and I recall that Tekken 6 did too. AFAIK, the only Capcom game that has more input lag on PS3 is SF4. MvC3 has slowdown on PS3, but I've never heard of it having more input lag.

    Long story short, the developer is what matters. If you want to blame somebody for differences between the consoles, blame them. Clearly there isn't some inherent property of PS3 that makes it always have more input lag.
  7. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    lol, I can't believe what I just read. Most serious VF fans who want to play and enjoy the game online have the best internet connection they can afford, and wire the line in, on both systems. That's the basics.
    But because PSN is free, and was never really invested into by Sony, the whole network is well known to lag, regardless of your home settings. But anyhow, the OP is asking about offline I think. I heard PS3 even has longer load times on some games (TTT2?), eww. Some game controllers cause input lag, and a big thing these days which screws up fighters, is refresh rates on flat-screens. You want the lowest ms number possible (sub 3 really).

    Yep, it can be an expensive hobby, if you take it seriously, and don't want to intentionally or accidently troll other fans looking to enjoy the best experience on these games.
  8. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    And this is the second reason PSN is like it is. The whole source code was hacked wide open early on.

    Unpleasant facts are just that. Fanboyism doesn't even come into it. This could of course all change next gen, nobody knows.
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Like I said. You get what you paid for. Now enjoy your blue ray player.
    UroboroSx and Pai~Chun like this.
  10. soke

    soke Well-Known Member

    Ive heard this before, is there actually proof?
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It really is not. In VF5FS, MW2, KOF13 BL2 and SC5, the difference has been noticeable for myself and others i play with. I'm sure there are exceptions where the netcode is better on PSN but for the most part things seem to run better on the 360 netcode wise.

    Which is the reason i rarely bother with FS on PSN. On PSN a 3 bar feels closer to what a 2 bar connection feels like on 360. Matches also randomly drop for no reason o_O
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    He's saying it's false because PSN gamers are too elitist/moronic/still live with parents/whatever, to actually plug an ethernet cable into the back of the machine. Plus the conspiracy of Ms not putting wireless cards on early models also means we're "forced" on 360 to, uh, enjoy a "world of difference" playing online fighters.


  13. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    BlueLink and soke like this.
  14. soke

    soke Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. Thanks for posting that.
  15. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I have been playing VF:FS online with a wireless connection and have only had problems with lag once or twice when I've rarely played someone with no bars/one bar. I used to play Tekken 5 online and that was typically lagging all over the show. It was so hit and miss whether the connection was going to be decent or lag. But VF I have not had this problem. I am very sensitive to lag and I'm actually really impressed with VF online. To say Sony has not invested in PSN is patently false.
  16. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    OK. They haven't invested in it as much as Ms, hence why over the last six years, all over the net, across most fighters, people have been moaning about PSN. This thread is the tip of the iceberg really. Take a look around.
  17. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Actually i believe more in the "not wired", or bad connection to internet in general-idea, more then the network-system itself trough VF differing.

    Another thing might be how it connects, i do not know if VF has servers (segas or sonys) in several regions for the game - or if it connects on p2p basis (each player connecting to eachother directly).

    I do not suffer lag from people with, what i assume to be, good internet connections in the whole. I have 24 Mbit from my provider though, and i have a custom-setup router-system which server both for my Arch Linux webserver, minecraft-server and the ps3 - and it is as stable as i can have it on my side atleast (no old adsl tech).
    I believe sweden to be quite progressed as to broadband/ISP options and speed, but i do not know how it is in other countries.

    It would be interesting to make some sort of research among us, what sort of internet connection we have, which region we are in, and how we have it all hooked up.

    My setup is this:

    24Mbit down/up.
    Static IP from router, PS3's IP is reserved and DMZ (all ports opened).

    I run both wired and wireless from time to time - and the wireless connection to the router is at around 96%, and has around 10Mbit instead of 24.
    I get no real difference on PSN wether i go wireless or wired with this setup.

    Another note is that i do not correlate low bars with lag all the time, there is actually stable 1 bar with people (aswell as the full ones).
    I think stability is another thing, some people seems to flux betweeen 1 or 2 and none (or staying 0), which is less good sometimes.
  18. soke

    soke Well-Known Member

    Right. I've also noticed though, that while I noticed lag in a match the other player has told me that they didn't feel it. Also, even though you're playing a match that has say no bar or one bar that is playing smoothly there is still a considerable amount of frame loss to where a situation where you should be able to get guaranteed damage doesn't happen because of this loss. At least, this has been my experience.
  19. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    Too late. :p

    I've never played on XBLA so I cannot claim any one console over the other. But, I can vouch for the fact that majority of PSN players play wireless. I've done it before, and the difference in online performance is huge. Hell, I know someone who won't wire their PS3, even when their router/modem is less than a foot away from it. They don't know how badly it messes up their online play, and they don't care.
  20. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    It's not a case of online lag that I'm talking about. I'm talking about offline play. There is a defined delay in the PS3 version but responses feel perfect on X360. That is what I'm referring to, not online lag. I know the reasons for online lag are directly linked to a player's ping and connection speed.
    BlackGeneral likes this.

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