Practices and Tournaments

Discussion in 'Lei' started by phanatik, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    Hey, All:
    I want to get a Team Shaolin tourney going for fun and to share knowledge. What is a good day & time for everyone? Also, can anyone stream for us; does anyone know anyone who can stream so we can share with the greater community?
    Leis represent!

  2. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

  3. GodofCookery

    GodofCookery New Member

    I am down, weekends are good, just need to set up a time. Also, I would have to figure out what it takes to stream/ equipment needed, but I might be able to help out there too.

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