Possible EC "major"

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Icege, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. Icege

    Icege Member

    I've been toying with the idea for awhile to throw a major tourney in Charleston, SC. The biggest one we've had here we had 40+ people attend, which was a lot of fun but nowhere near big so to say.

    I've been getting requests from the Tekken community mainly to throw another decent sized tournament, however, I'd like to kill two birds with one stone and possibly host a major so that the EC can have a major tourney that isn't Capcom/Namco/Random game company exlusive.

    The big question is, would YOU come?

    Games would be all the Evo games (MvC2, CvS2, 3S, ST, T4, TTT, VF4: Evo, and SC2). It'd be console as well with your typical $5 registration, then $10 per game.

    If interested, go ahead and post what games you'd come for along with your handle and home town/state. Real names aren't necessary since this isn't yet a pre-registration deal.

    This post has been put up in the Tournament and/or Matchfinder sections of Shoryuken, Tekken Zaibatsu, Gamecombos, and VirtuaFighterDotCom. I'll be compiling a list of all who are willing to come before deciding whether or not to start arranging a venue, date, etc.
  2. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Well, FSB is Oct 11th. As long as you don't try to do this too close to FSB, Hydra can come.
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Josh, it's a shame that the previous vf tourney had such a low turnout and I would love to make it to this tenative event in the making, but the fall season is peak time for VF tourneys (FSB, NYG) so it'd be hard to get attendance during these times when VF exclusive tourneys are underway. If the timing is right I can assure you that VF folks will be interested. Good Luck.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if anything josh, you should be thinking about attending one of these vf events if you are interested. I'm of course talking about NYG and FSB.
  5. Icege

    Icege Member

    Here's the current list of people who said they'd attend... (A3 is something being decided on still)

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Chi Kaufmann- "ilikebeingalive" - Charleston, SC
    3. Stevie Kaufmann- Charleston, SC
    4. Kevin Hutchins - "evilgouki" - Anderson, SC
    5. Chris Trahan - "STR8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    6. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    7. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    8. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    9. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    10. Mark Rafael - "Motoki" - Fayetteville, NC
    11. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    12. Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
    13. Ben Acosta - "BshidoHEAT" - Orlando Fl
    14. Dwayne Schultz - "Enkindu" - Orlando, FL
    15. Rosh Ellison - "Ajil" - Birmingham, AL
    16. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    17. Phill Burnell - "DSP" - Bridgeport, CT
    18. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    19. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    20. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    21. AJ Fields - "farseer01" - Charleston, SC
    22. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    23. Michael Williams - "-=Infinite=-" - New York City, NY
    24. Desmond Pinkney - "Xecutioner" - Queens, NY
    25. Mike Mixon - "mixup" - Gainsville, FL [Empire Arcadia]
    26. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    27. Keith Daniels - "CHILI DOG" - Greenville, SC
    28. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD
    29. Rodolfo Camarena - "RoTeNdO" - Cherry Point, NC
    30. Pete Luong - Baltimore, Maryland
    31. Jason Harding - Baltimore, Maryland
    32. Isaac Graham - "tyranidman" - Baltimore, Maryland
    33. Jimmy Francis - "First Attack" - Orlando, FL
    34. Craig Dufour - "MAXIMUS" - Jacksonville, FL

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Chi Kaufmann - "ilikebeingalive" - Charleston, SC
    3. Stevie Kaufmann - Charleston, SC
    4. Matt Keene - "roll attack" - Charleston, SC
    5. Kevin Hutchins - "evilgouki" - Anderson, SC
    6. Chris Trahan - "STR8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    7. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    8. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    9. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    10. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    11. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    12. Nick Temme - "PokesYou" - Staten Island, NY [Empire Arcadia]
    13. Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
    14. Dwayne Schultz - "Enkindu" - Orlando, FL
    15. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    16. Elliott Craven - "Lion SiRki" - Greenville, NC
    17. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    18. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    19. Desmond Pinkney - "Xecutioner" - Queens, NY
    20. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    21. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    22. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    23. Dave Dumas - "deadreckoning" - Charleston, SC
    24. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    25. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD
    26. Anthony Wright - "Adam*Warlock" - Orlando, FL
    27. Pete Luong - Baltimore, Maryland
    28. Jason Harding - Baltimore, Maryland
    29. Blake Mansour - "Beast of Fire" - Durham, NC
    30. Anthony Gilbert - "gimpy" - "city", MD
    31. Ryan Cowley - "thahungrywolf" - Charleston, SC
    32. Kenny Boyke - "thaboynkster" - Charleston, SC
    33. Jeff Williams - "tigerstile" - Durham, NC

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Chi Kaufmann - "ilikebeingalive" - Charleston, SC
    3. Stevie Kaufmann - Charleston, SC
    4. Matt Keene - "roll attack" - Charleston, SC
    5. Kevin Hutchins - "evilgouki" - Anderson, SC
    6. Chris Trahan - "STR8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    7. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    8. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    9. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    10. Rob Masten - "kafuin_gaira" - Durham, NC
    11. Elliott Craven - "Lion SiRki" - Greenville, NC
    12. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    13. Neidel Crisan - "Haunts" - Atlanta, Georgia
    14. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    15. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    16. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    17. Flash Gordon - "flashg" - Brooklyn, NY [Empire Arcadia]
    18. Mike Mixon - "mixup" - Gainsville, FL [Empire Arcadia]
    19. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    20. Raphael Bendy - "SSJ George Bush" - Augusta, GA
    21. Michael Williams - "-=Infinite=-" - New York City, NY
    22. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    23. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD
    24. Anthony Wright - "Adam*Warlock" - Orlando, FL
    25. Khang Trinh - "exodus" - Silver Spring, MD
    26. Rodolfo Camarena - "RoTeNdO" - Cherry Point, NC
    27. CJ Yi - "DJ Trunks" - Jacksonville, FL
    28. Craig Dufour - "MAXIMUS" - Jacksonville, FL
    29. Anthony Gilbert - "gimpy" - MD
    30. Ryan Cowley - "thahungrywolf" - Charleston, SC
    31. Kenny Boyke - "thaboynkster" - Charleston, SC
    32. Jeff Williams - "tigerstile" - Durham, NC

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Chi Kaufmann - "ilikebeingalive" - Charleston, SC
    3. Stevie Kaufmann - Charleston, SC
    4. Matt Keene - "roll attack" - Charleston, SC
    5. Kevin Hutchins - "evilgouki" - Anderson, SC
    6. Chris Trahan - "ST8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    7. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    8. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    9. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    10. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    11. Nick Temme - "PokesYou" - Empire Arcadia, NY
    12. Ben Acosta - BshidoHEAT - Orlando Fl
    13. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    14. Justin Denning - "SonGohanX" - Myrtle Beach, SC
    15. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    16. Phill Burnell - "DSP" - Bridgeport, CT
    17. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    18. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    19. Flash Gordon - "flashg" - Brooklyn, NY [Empire Arcadia]
    20. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    21. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    22. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD
    23. Blake Mansour - "Beast of Fire" - Durham, NC
    24. Rene Hurtado - Los Angeles, CA

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Chi Kaufmann - "ilikebeingalive" - Charleston, SC
    3. Stevie Kaufmann - Charleston, SC
    4. Chris Trahan - "ST8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    5. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    6. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    7. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    8. Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
    9. Rosh Ellison - "Ajil" - Birmingham, AL
    10. Justin Denning - "SonGohanX" - Myrtle Beach, SC
    11. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    12. James Mock - Myrtle Beach, SC
    13. Danny Talbert - Greenville, NC
    14. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    15. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    16. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    17. Raphael Bendy - "SSJ George Bush" - Augusta, GA
    18. Michael Williams - "-=Infinite=-" - New York City, NY
    19. Dave Dumas - "deadreckoning" - Charleston, SC
    20. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    21. Keith Daniels - "CHILI DOG" - Greenville, SC
    22. Jeffrey Tessar - "Heidern98" - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    23. Rodolfo Camarena - "RoTeNdO" - Cherry Point, NC
    24. Blake Mansour - "Beast of Fire" - Durham, NC
    25. CJ Yi - "DJ Trunks" - Jacksonville, FL
    26. Rene Hurtado - Los Angeles, CA

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    3. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    4. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    5. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    6. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    7. Elliott Craven - "Lion SiRki" - Greenville, NC
    8. Nick Temme - "PokesYou" - Staten Island, NY [Empire Arcadia]
    9. Danny Talbert - Greenville, NC
    10. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    11. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    12. Dave Dumas - "deadreckoning" - Charleston, SC
    13. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    3. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    4. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    5. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    6. Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
    7. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    8. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    9. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    10. Dave Dumas - "deadreckoning" - Charleston, SC
    11. Rodolfo Camarena - "RoTeNdO" - Cherry Point, NC
    12. CJ Yi - "DJ Trunks" - Jacksonville, FL

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    3. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    4. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    5. Michael Stinemire - Durham, NC
    6. JJ Ritenour - Charleston, SC
    7. Dwayne Schultz - "Enkindu" - Orlando, FL
    8. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    9. Justin Denning - "SonGohanX" - Myrtle Beach, SC
    10. James Mock - Myrtle Beach, SC
    11. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    12. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    13. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    14. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    15. Bear Powell - "replicant" - Thomasville, NC - VF4evo
    16. Joey Kaufmann - "NoTalentCombo" - Colorado Springs, CO
    17. Anthony Wright - "Adam*Warlock" - Orlando, FL
    18. Jeffrey Tessar - "Heidern98" - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    19. Blake Mansour - "Beast of Fire" - Durham, NC
    20. Jeff Williams - "tigerstile" - Durham, NC

    VF4: Evo
    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Jason Leverant - ""Krayzee JL" - Greenville, SC
    3. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    4. Dwayne Schultz - "Enkindu" - Orlando, FL
    5. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    6. Justin Denning - "SonGohanX" - Myrtle Beach, SC
    7. Danny Talbert - Greenville, NC
    8. David Zau - "srider" - Knoxville, TN
    9. Eric Beck - "imf" - Mt Dora, FL
    10. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    11. Bear Powell - "replicant" - Thomasville, NC - VF4evo
    12. Dave Dumas - "deadreckoning" - Charleston, SC
    13. Anthony Wright - "Adam*Warlock" - Orlando, FL
    14. Matt "Jones" - "creed" - Front Royal, VA

    1. Josh McWhorter - "icege" - Charleston, SC
    2. Matt Keene - "roll attack" - Charleston, SC
    3. Kevin Hutchins - "evilgouki" - Anderson, SC
    4. Chris Trahan - "ST8EDGE" - Charleston, SC
    5. Isaac Arellano - "TheOnlyOne" - Tampa, FL
    6. Jerome Venable - "romevjr" - Charleston, SC
    7. Paul Shaw - "The Greatesttt" - Charleston, SC
    8. Kenneth Jefferson - "codegreen84" - Daytona Beach, FL
    9. Chris Johnson - "FighterX" - Charleston, SC
    10. Rob Masten - "kafuin_gaira" - Durham, NC
    11. Colin Caldwell - "halcyonryu" - Birmingham, AL
    12. Isaac Nicholson - "Raekwon187" - Birmingham, AL [Empire Arcadia]
    13. Darick Perez - "Tekniqality" - Arlington, VA
    14. Isaac Green - "cyber_akuma2002" - Athens, GA
    15. Flash Gordon - "flashg" - Brooklyn, NY [Empire Arcadia]
    16. Vincent Christensen - "Political Anarc" - Oak Ridge, TN
    17. Eric Lee - "shinshay" - Suitland, MD

    Strong support. I'm going to have to do some numbers calculating and look at a time frame for this so ya'll can be ready. It won't be close to the Florida tourney.

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