Portland - Console Tourney on 5/11/02 (and results for 4/27)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chanchai, Apr 28, 2002.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Given the very positive outcome of the Lloyd Center VF4b Tournament that took place today (4/27/02), there will certainly be a console tournament on May 11th (Saturday--two weeks from now).

    Where: Game Crazy (King City location)
    When: Saturday, May 11th (2002)
    Time: 1pm, be there before 12:30 for registration.
    Rules: TBA in another message in the near future

    Now, for those who are interested in the results for the Lloyd Center tournament on 4/27...

    Game Settings:
    -Version B (US Arcade)
    -1 Victory Finish in VS (Tournament mode) + Reduced Credits
    -3/5 Rounds, 60 seconds, 200 Life, Random Stage Select

    Rules: Common (SRK) Double Elimination

    Player Turnout: 16 players competing and a handful of spectators

    1st - RaybladeX (Jeffry, Lei Fei, Akira, Vanessa)
    2nd - Chanchai (Lion)
    3rd - Ryujin (Akira, Pai)
    4th - Ricardo (Pai, Shun, Vanessa)

    - P.Sack (Lion, Akira)
    - Jason D. (Akira, Wolf, Lei Fei)

    - Jari (Kage, Akira)
    - Winter Mute (Sarah)

    - Nick H. (Pai, ?)
    - Shaff (Lau)
    - Marcus (Lau)
    - Emil (Akira)

    - Nick K. (Akira)
    - George (Lau)
    - Instant Karma (Sarah)
    - Chingdude (Jacky)

    - The tournament turned out wonderful with a surprising turnout as well as the ability of so many of the players (much higher than remembered/expected). Some of the favorites for top 5 didn't quite get there, while some vaguely familiar faces put on the pressure. In general, it was surprising to see so many players in the tournament being in a similar range of skill and really having to fight it out. Many close matches, a few dominations, and a surprise novelty thrown in here and there. I was very pleased with the turnout of the tournament and a good number of the matches.
    * Personal note: the only thing I correctly predicted in this tournament was the top 3 placements.
    * Nearly at any given time during or before the tournament (or even after), there was almost no way I could tell who would get placed in order from 6th-16th. For the most part, the level of knowledge and understanding of the game among those players were virtually equal with various specializations or approaches.
    - Detailed analysis of the play may or may not be posted in future messages. Depends on demand, effort, and time. However, video recording of every match was made.
    - Character list for each player may be inaccurate, will be corrected later on.
    - Player names may be inaccurate, will correct when notified.
  2. Dcgod2000

    Dcgod2000 New Member

    just to let ya know, my other character besides pai was vanessa

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