
Discussion in 'General' started by tonyfamilia, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Disclaimer: This thread is for those who like discussing politics or for those who just don't mind talking politics.
    Let's try to exercise our freedom of speech in a civilized and mature manner (or funny :D) but let's also keep personal attacks to a minimum, please. End disclaimer

    So who do you guys think should represent the Dems?

    Does anybody else get the feeling that somebody is paying Jeremiah Wright to speak up now and act like a complete fool?

    Anybody here for McCain? Hillary? Obama?

    For the record: I am not a Dem or a Rep, I'm for whoever is going to change this country around.
  2. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Hillary is, and has always been, unelectable. America may be too stupid and racist to elect Obama.

    Too many Americans may listen to the talking heads on tv and think: "McCain supported the Iraq War which was launched for no good reason and has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and will cost us TRILLIONS of dollars, but Obama's preacher don't love 'Merica so I 'm voting for McCain."
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Man I'm not even sure how the preacher is even an issue...
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    yknow if obama loses i'll vote mccain
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    What's wrong with bullet dodgin, pants suit wearin, whiskey
    drinky Hillary?

    I don't think we'll have to worry about a sex scandal /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  6. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Although I'm not American, I'd say Obama all the way... however we all know that majority of people (not only in U.S.) can be easily manipulated into voting for whoever does less harm to the present government...

    Clinton is not a bad candidate IMO, however, to put it in simple words... she doesn't know when to shut up, and when to keep talking. That makes ppl wonder... can she really handle being the president?
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    For most that don't like Obama, his ex-pastor isn't as big of an issue as the fact that his middle name is, Hussein. That middle name is the main reason why most ignorant voters will not even hear him out.

    I'm not saying that not voting for Obama is ignorant, but if the main reason that anybody would dismiss him is that his middle name is Hussein, that is just plain ignorant.
    His pastor is just icing on the cake for those that were ready to dismiss him solely on the basis of his ethnic background.

    Barack Obama has a lot of White supporters and there are so many people ready for a change that I personally feel a lot of people are ready to put aside any racist, prejudice or sexist views they might have and give the candidate that's most likely to bring change a try.

    My personal take on Obama: if he can bring the country together I'm all for him. It makes sense to me that a half-Black-half-White candidate with a Muslim father and a Christian mother who also grew up in Hawaii (one of the most culturally-mixed states in America) is more likely to succeed in bringing this country together.
    The million dollar question is: does he have what it takes to be president and move this country forward financially?

    Sadly, I don't even bother with Hillary anymore. I was more than willing to give her a chance and I was really hoping that she would bring something different to the race but it's like all she does now is mudsling.
    What about the issues? I WANT to hear what she has to say, but lately, she's just been talking trash.

    McCain pissed me off with his "... we will stay in war for a 100 years if we have to..." remark but I'm not ready to completely dismiss him yet though.
    I want to hear what kind of ideas he has to bring this country around.
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Reverend Wright just won't go away. I can see why he makes people shy further away from Obama because Obama was a member of his church for 20 years and had Reverend Wright MC his wedding, which is not something you ask a person you aren't very close to to do for you.

    However, Wright, on more than one occasion at this point, has stated that he believes the US government created AIDS to kill colored people. When asked about his thoughts on Obama's denunciation of his comments Wright said that he felt that that opinion was only political posturing on Obama's part and that Obama did, in fact, agree that the US government invented AIDS to kill blacks.

    For Obama to claim that he was totally unaware of his reverend's hate speech after a 20 year relationship is really not believable. For Obama to portray himself as a candidate who wishes to unite Americans, only for it to be revealed that his pastor of 20 years is actually a racist hate-monger (who also claims that Obama is well aware of his views and always has been) makes Obama look terrible and is something I think the public needs to get to the bottom of before casting their vote for him.

    Regardless, I feel that Reverend Wright has brought Obama back down to earth and shown that he may not be who he claims and that REALLY bothers me. I just don't know who to trust anymore, I don't think Obama can navigate the general election at all and I see Hillary as a REAL fighter and a hyper-competent candidate who has already been vetted and has a stronger chance of beating war-monger McCain.
  9. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Yeah dude, I was was really rooting for Obama but this whole reverand thing makes me think, I mean having a person like that as a close confident is not really the typical "small time" scandals that come up.

    I'm pretty sure the next president will be democrat--- from what I hear a good portion of republicans are getting tired of their own party.
  10. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Dennis Kucinich. Other than him I can't stomach the Democrats, or any party in the pockets of big business.

    Hmmm, I dunno. I heard what he said, and I agree. He's the first person of faith I can agree with on social issues. People blasting him for telling history from a perspective glanced over in history books are no different than holocaust deniers.

    Change, legitimate change, is impossible in America. There are structures in place that some don't want removed. If only...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/E_hci9vrvfw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/E_hci9vrvfw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    -your local socialist
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to say that Jeremiah Wright is not a fool but,
    his conspiracy theories come from paranoia about documented
    facts about the government or big companies screwing black
    people over. I'm not going to go into it but it's not completely

    I personally like Obamas message and really want to see a change
    in the white house. I don't want the Clintons back in office
    because while on the surface it looked like we thrived with Bill.
    It's his policies and Georges lack of foresight that have helped
    us slip into this recession. Can Obama do the job? I'll say when it boils down to it, how do you know any President will do the job?

    What I do know is that I don't like the war or the
    Clintons. By the way, this is a black republican talking.

    I personally believe the good reverend is hamming it up
    in an attempt to sell a book and make millions. Although
    it's not a necessary thing but I think it would do black
    people a world of good to see a black-ish President more
    than it would be too see his standup comedy routine. Why?
    Because it's good for young people to see prominent figures
    in office that resemble them. I think it may spun people
    to stop going woe is me and start doing somethin positive. The
    good reverent talks about how badly white people/the government is hurting black people?

    He needs to shut the fuck up or be shot in the head.
  12. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Actually the crazy Reverend says that black people can expect no help from the gov't or white America in general and so they must help themselves.

    He also says that jingoism is incompatible with Christianity and is somewhat idolatrous. I am not a religious person but many of the things he says make sense.

    Did he really say that the gov't invented AIDS? That is pretty crazy... I know Reagan did next to nothing to deal with the emergence of AIDS, but invented?

    Either way, he is hurting Obama and is pretty obviously a full-on narcissist who can't resist the attention he is getting now, consequences be God-damned!
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Obama is all about trying to pull our country together not rip it apart. Here's his video about rev wright if you care to watach.

    Thing is if you dig enough you'll find someone who all the candiates associate with to a bigot/racist, it dosen't mean the canidate is less elitable or even shares the same view. We all have people we know and have to associate with whose views we may not agree with. So tired of hearing people use obama's association with a person who does tremendous positive work for his community being used as a negative atribute somehow meaning that obama shares those same views. It really doesn't make much sense to me.

    Not attacking your comment just trying to shed light on the views of Rev. wright. What he said/says is nothing new to anyone who's black, we've herd/said similar things to eachother behind closed doors before, the only difference is now everybody else knows about it too. The more ignorant blacks make the arguments a little more implausible, but the more educated are still talking about the same points but they're using the actual facts of what happened. There are a lot of frustrated black people in USA who have similar sentiments as rev. wright (not saying it's right just how it is)

    There are a lot of social-economical reasons for the frustration stemming from Jim crow laws of the past. We forget it has not been all that long since people were hosed down for trying to get rights or that the avg salary of a minority for the same position is lower than that of a white American today. When I grew up telling a little black boy "you can even grow up to be president one day" was rediculus to even put in their heads cuz you knew it was probably not going to happen. But if my grandparents who had to endure second class citizenship can live to see a black president I think it'll help reduce a lot of the frustration in the black community and inspire a lot of young people to straighten up.
  14. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Overheard ignorant elderly white southerners:

    "That negro candidate sho do seem lak a nice young man, I lak wot he has to say"
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Might be different for others, but we went to the same church every sunday (when I was younger) for the same reason we went to the same grocery store; they were the closest to our house. For weddings dont' people try to get their usual religeous official? I hardly think that you need to be close to them.

    To me it's like not voting for someone because the butcher they usually go went to is a drug dealer.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    exactly Cuz, that's how I feel, if only you were in USA and not Canada lol
  17. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I just sounds implausible that Obama would be unaware of Wright's views. That's really not believable. You don't choose a person as your mentor and spiritual guide for 20 years and then turn around and say you didn't know their views. Wright is very adamant in his beliefs and it just sounds like a lie for Barak Obama to say he didn't know about them until now. That sounds very disingenuous period. I was really torn between the two dem. candidates but the whole Rev. Wright snafu was a huge turn-off for me toward Obama. Things of this nature strike fear into white voters because the thought of having a Farakahn-esque president is too scary.
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Obama shouldn't be judged over Wright's ideas.

    I have known my pastor for over 20 years and I can't honestly say I know what his thoughts are on any given subject.

    If my pastor was to act like Reverend Wright all of a sudden I wouldn't be as close to him either.

    My point is you never really no anybody. Take Eliott Spitzer for example. I thought he would be the last person caught up in a prostitution ring.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  19. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is, those guys may be among the more enlightened Southern Old White Guys. At least they weren't saying they couldn't believe a black man would dare to be so uppity as to run for President.

    I still think Edwards may have been the best candidate in the general election. I like Obama better, but his ethnicity makes it hard to gauge his electability. Clinton is, of course, doom for the Democrats. Her negatives are higher than her positives before the GOP has spent a dime attacking her. Her candidacy has always been Mission Impossible. Only the white lady vote keeps her afloat (Not really though. She has already lost.).

    What does Rev. Wright really have to do with what a President Obama would do about the economy, the war, health care, investigation of the crimes of the Bush era, etc.? I don't think Wright is his running mate...
  20. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that was kinda my point - if rednecks can recognize Obama as a serious worthwhile candidate, i dont think his race is as much of an issue as some would make it out to be.

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