Pms/H2O Virtua Fighter 5 Divison

Discussion in 'General' started by H2OLegend, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. H2OLegend

    H2OLegend New Member

    Ok Pms/H2O now has a Virtua Fighter 5 Divison for Xbox Live for more information and to sign up please check out our website at for further information that the site does not have you can contact me Via Xbox Live H2O Legend the O is a Zero!!

    We will be doing alot of fun things in this new Pms/H2O Divison so we hope to see you at practices!!!
  2. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Registered, but it's still not letting me read the linked thread.
  3. H2OLegend

    H2OLegend New Member

    K i will try and fix that
  4. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Wait, I think I just had some more hoops to jump through. I'm in now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Edit: Nope, still can't get to that thread. I posted in the intro forum though.
  5. hi I am CombatQueenPMS-fighting game commander for the PMS/H2O clan. Anyone interested in joining or checking us out,send me a Friends Request and or these cool guys /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    H2O Legend
    H2O Caffum
    H2O Izuna
    H2O Mideon
    Silent Legend(starting next mon) I am the only girl in the clan so far that is playing VF5. If any of you know a gal who would like to try out for it,let me know. My group is real friendly and we also play other game together.

    go to forums-regester,then go to "how do I become a PMS/H2O co-ed?" it will be both under the ps3 and 360 version. we have not yet worked out a practice plan for the ps3 version. :p
  6. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    I lol'd when I saw this thread.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    can I join ????

    or is this clan sexist /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  8. sure u can. H2O is the guy side. PMS is the girl side /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    that's hilarious! So what is this exactly? just a bunch of people to play regularly?
  10. NykkoMT

    NykkoMT Active Member

    Will you pay for my way to offline tournaments???
  11. Cigar

    Cigar Member

    In DoA they would pay to fly you out to certain tournaments if you had already placed well.
    Evil had some done for free, as well as KC Cools and Nessa I believe.
  12. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    no their an actual commercially sponsored clan, just like empire arcadia and the frag dolls.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So normally clans are synonymous with CS and those type of games that heavily online based but more specifically team based. VF isn't really like that so I'm curious to how they plan to structure it. What benefit do we get from joining them? What creds to they have. How do we even know their leaders are any good at the game? Why haven't I seen any of them post here before? I'm just very skeptical of the value and point of this vf clan. I've never herd of a fighting game clan before. Unless they're going to pay for my flight and stay at hotels for tournies.
  14. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    They are learning the game now, and unless they got someone to join he is strong at VF (which I doubt) then it will be a learning experience for all that joins and those already in the organization. They will pay for your trips and hotels but I think you have to be in the clan for a predetermined amount of time before doing so, so it's not a join and they pay for you type of thing.
  15. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    yeah they've been around awhile. h20/pms have their hands in many games ranging from fps to fighting.
  16. We just started a fighting game divison this year. We started with DOA4. I get a lot of people asking if we pay for things. People don't join just for trips (which is the wrong idea to join for).
    We are one of the largest communties for gaming. A lot of us are like family and we make a lot of friends in the clan too. We visit each other and gather at tourneys.

    It defently takes work to get sponored and you must be commited to practice hours and the clan itself. On adverage I do 4-5 hours a week computer work for the clan and around 30+ hours a week online with the clan. But I am a Commander,a reg member can do 4-7 hours a week. Competative will do 8+ hours.
    I do play VF5 a lot,just not online a ton. I am a offline tourney person-meaning I play a lot offline to practice. I do play online for a small amount of practice and as long as I can get the config on my 360 stick to work,I will play good online as well lol The clan just got into this game and will take a while to get into tournies itself,probally starting at the begining of next year. I am sure a few of my divison have been to VF tourneys already.I have been to a local one a while ago and won it(VF4 Evo).

    if there are not too many threads if interest,I don't post. I hate spaming /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  17. anyway,the clan will start going to more VF5 tourneys next year /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif defently EVO next year for sure.with the hours required its defently 4 hours(for regular members) with the clan members a week. If you are 8 hour competative,you can do 4 hours offline as long as any of the people running the divison can see you are playing it. I am mainly a offline player,so I can understand 4 of the hours offline for competative people. just to let people know that are interested.

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